Lin Beifan finally arrived, looked up at the huge corpse of the wild dragon, and said:"On the 7th floor of the Mirage, apart from the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, I'm afraid the most precious thing is this wild dragon." It is indeed too precious, the top level 9 The corpse of the great demon was covered in treasures.

Even if you dig out a piece of his scales, you can use it as an extraordinary weapon.

If these scales were used to depict a supernatural talisman, how powerful would it be?

And what kind of effect would it have if all the flesh and blood essence of this wild dragon were eaten into the stomach?

Didn’t you see that Bai Qingqing’s eyes were shining?

The effect must be extraordinary

"The biggest threat in the underground world has been removed. I think everyone can continue to rest here for a few days and strengthen their strength before moving forward. After all, the 7th floor is so difficult, the 8th floor must be even more difficult. We must be as prepared as possible."Lin Beifan's proposal was approved by everyone.

"Take out the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk quickly!"An Kexin said anxiously.

She called everyone here just for this thing, and now she finally got it, she couldn't help it anymore.

Today, she will drink ten thousand years of spiritual milk and change her life against the will of heaven.

Bai Qingqing waved, A pool of transparent milky white liquid appeared in front of everyone.

An Kexin's eyes were obsessed:"This is the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk. Even if you drink just one drop, it can change the body's cultivation qualifications. Now there are so many...I will definitely become a unique cultivation genius! Lin

Beifan scooped up a cup, looked at it closely, and said,"This thing looks no different from milk.""

As he was about to put it into his mouth, An Kexin immediately stopped him and said anxiously:"The effect of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk is very powerful, and one drop can have the power of heaven-shattering creation, so it is best to drink it drop by drop."

And she herself carefully took a small sip with a spoon and drank it into her stomach.

Then, a miracle happened. An Kexin's whole body was shining, crystal clear and pearl-like, as if it had lasted ten thousand years. The color of the spiritual talisman.

She unconsciously sat down with her legs crossed, digesting the ten thousand years of spiritual milk.

Lin Beifan's soul sensed that she had sublimated.

Both her body and soul were changing in a good direction.

"Everyone, please eat as much as you can."

A group of people immediately took action, scooping up a small mouthful with a small spoon and putting it into their mouths. Then it glowed brightly again, and a huge change occurred.

They closed their eyes, and their bodies were weak, digesting the ten thousand years of spiritual milk in the body..The most obvious one is the red tassel knight Blood Rose. The Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk seems to have catalyzed the awakening of her divine body, and the whole body bursts out with a violent red light, making the cave look red.

"This is a visionary awakening!"

This is a blazing force. Lin Beifan felt the light and heat of the sun, just like a small sun. It was so bright. There was no wind on Blood Rose's body, and its momentum was also increasing rapidly.

Extraordinary level two!

Extraordinary level three!

Extraordinary level four Level!

He finally stopped when he reached the extraordinary fourth level, but the momentum was too strong. With a bang, the clothes on his body exploded, and Lin Beifan saw it.

Blood Rose immediately changed her clothes and rushed out, her eyes spraying with anger, and the red tassel pointed at her gun. Looking at Lin Beifan, his heart was full of entanglements, and it was best to let it go unwillingly.

He pulled Lin Beifan to a corner and gritted his teeth and said:"This matter must not be known to others! Otherwise, even if you are slightly sad, I will kill you. Lin

Beifan felt a chill under his crotch and immediately swore an oath:"Don't worry, heroine, I will never talk nonsense!" I will definitely protect your innocence, trust me!"

When will I need you to protect my innocence?

Lin Beifan asked again in a desperate manner:"Don't you need me to be responsible for you?"

Blood Rose was ashamed and angry, and said to herself:"Who asked you to take responsibility? You little rascal!"

Then he pushed Lin Beifan hard and rushed out angrily.

Lin Beifan followed him out.

It seemed like nothing happened between the two of them, but their relationship still became subtle.

Blood Rose peeked at Lin Beifan from time to time. Her eyes flickered.

Lin Weiwei woke up for the second time. Her divine body has not changed much and is still in the awakening stage, but it has become stable in this state. Maybe if she drinks more Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, she can enter the next stage.

"Sister Qiangwei, wake up, your momentum is so strong now, you have reached the fourth level of extraordinary, even more powerful than me! Lin Weiwei said with envy.

Blood Rose smiled slightly:"Weiwei, you are more powerful. Once it breaks out, no one can be your opponent!""

The two divine bodies are slightly different.

Blood Rose only has a normal state. After the divine body awakens, it will be whatever strength it has. This is the same with ordinary divine bodies.

But Lin Weiwei is different. She has two forms, the normal form and the explosive form.

Normal form Let’s not mention it for the moment. Once in the explosive form, the strength will explode dozens of times. The only weakness is the short time.

But Lin Weiwei’s divine body is better.

When the two fight, Lin Weiwei can definitely suppress the other party.

"Brother Xiaofan, haven’t you taken the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Milk? Lin

Beifan fondly touched Lin Weiwei's little head and said,"I will protect you, and I will eat after you finish eating.""

Seeing this scene, Blood Rose suddenly felt envious.

The third person who was awake was Bai Qingqing.

Her digestive system is very fast, second only to the two gods.

Her body has not changed much, she still looks the same, but her strength But it has improved by one level.

She seems to be more interested in Manglong's meat.

Jin Buhuan is awake for the fourth time.

His body has not changed much, and his strength has also improved by one level. For a system owner like him, the system is only It is the biggest cheat. Spending money to become stronger is the way to go. Everything else is insignificant.

The last one to wake up is the reborn An Kexin.

She is a mortal with average cultivation talent. If there is no chance or opportunity, It would be great to be able to cultivate to the extraordinary level in this life.But now that I have taken Wannian Lingru, my physical qualifications have changed.

Her current cultivation talent is no less than that of Blood Rose before she awakened.

"Great, I finally got rid of the fate of ants!"An Ke cried with joy.

He has been planning for more than two months since his rebirth, just for today!

Now it's finally done!

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