On the second floor of the mirage, Lin Beifan threw in a few big monsters, torturing the dozens of talented people who had finally climbed up here to the point of ecstasy. They died and could die again.

As for the third level, unless the top level monster is released, it will be a meal for this group of people.

So Lin Beifan decided to take action personally.

In a flash, he appeared behind Fairy Baihua and others.


"who is it?"


Several people were very shocked.

He clenched his weapon and turned around, condensing his momentum and getting ready to attack.

Then, they saw the familiar black clothes. There was only one person in the world who could wear this kind of clothes.

"Are you a night demon? How did you get here?"

"what you up to?"


The six people were very cautious.

Although they have not seen Night Demon with their own eyes, they know that Night Demon has extraordinary seventh-level strength and can catch up with the masters of the older generation. Such strength is so extraordinary that no one present may be his opponent.

It was even more shocking to see that the other party could actually fly in this no-fly space and that the surrounding hurricanes could not harm it at all.

This is a powerful enemy, and the six of them united tacitly

"hehe……"Lin Beifan let out a hoarse laugh:"I heard that you are the most outstanding geniuses of our generation, so I will give you a try! See if your strength can match your fame!"

This tone is like a senior commenting on a junior, completely They looked down upon it.

Several people were ashamed and angry.

Duan Shanhe, the most violent fighting maniac, was the first to stand up:"Night Demon, I have long wanted to learn some clever tricks! Others say that you are the most talented person in the world, but I don't believe it! Today I will break your myth!"

"Jie Jie, Night Demon, I heard that you are still a god!"The black magician Roberta held a black jar in his hand and licked his lips. His evil eyes seemed to swallow Lin Beifan.

"Night Demon, you and I are not here today!"Command thousands of armies. Zhao Beiliu is a summoner who can summon thousands of monsters to fight, so he has this title.

Xiao Li Flying Sword Li Manqing didn't speak, and he had an extra flying knife in his hand.

Kendo He respected Luo Tianjun and pulled out his personal sword, which revealed the cold sword light.

Baihua Fairy Xu Yanran was not prepared, but her whole body momentum was at its highest.

Lin Beifan stood with his hands behind his back, full of the demeanor of an expert:"Don't talk about me I won’t give you a chance, so take action together! I'll give you three minutes to attack freely. Three minutes later, life and death will depend on their destiny!"

Let us work together to attack?

Three minutes of free attack time?

When were they so underestimated?

The six geniuses burst into anger.

"Night Stalker, die!"The fighting maniac Duan Shanhe couldn't help it at first. He stepped hard and turned into a meteor flying towards him. The whole cloud under his feet collapsed.

The hurricane around him blew over, but he broke it.

All the power was condensed into a punch.!

This is a punch that imbues him with 10% of his strength. It is a punch with 10% of the strength of a body refiner. It has the effect of breaking mountains and cracking rocks. Even if you are a monster of the fourth level, you would not dare to attack it.

He wants to use This came to teach Night Demon a profound lesson.

In the end, Lin Beifan didn't even look at him and swatted him away like a fly.


"How can it be?!"Duan Shanhe was inexplicably horrified.

His body flew out involuntarily, hitting several clouds in succession before finally stopping. He knelt on the clouds and panted, his whole body already soaked.

Looking at the night high above The devil felt a little more frightened.

The slap just now almost shattered his hard-tempered body.

The other five people were all startled. They secretly thought, just the punch that broke the mountains and rivers just now, even one of them present was shocked. I don’t have the ability to carry it hard. But in the hands of the Night Demon, it’s like a small insect that can be easily swatted. It’s so scary.

"The Night Demon is indeed a Night Demon. I, Zhao Beiliu, am here to meet you! Zhao Beiliu waved his hand:"My darlings, come on!""

Thousands of unclear monsters or other things flying around were flying towards Lin Beifan.

Zhao Beiliu, he is a summoner and a system carrier.

His system is called the Summoner System. As long as he has With enough sacrifices, creatures from all over the world can be summoned to fight.

Because of this, he developed thousands of creatures and was called the Summoner of Thousands of Armies.

In order to deal with the Night Demon, what he summoned this time was The Zerg that dominates a certain world. The Zerg are not very intelligent and not very strong, but their victory lies in their large numbers and their inexhaustible number of kills.

Just now, he spent a huge price to summon tens of thousands of Zerg with level 7 strength. Zerg, and there are several special Zerg that have reached extraordinary strength.

I am confident that even if the Night Demon is powerful, it will still have a headache facing my Zerg army.

"What I am least afraid of is the human sea tactic!"

Lin Beifan stretched out his right hand, and in his right hand he condensed a super spiritual talisman - the Burning Sky Talisman, which burned all the insects. Zhao Beiliu couldn't help but twitched and felt so distressed that he was bleeding. At this moment, Xiao

Beiliu couldn't help but twitch.

Li Feidao The flying knife in Li Manqing's hand disappeared.

Less than 5 centimeters in front of Lin Beifan's forehead, a flying knife appeared, which seemed to be able to pierce through.

Lin Beifan glanced at it, and a rune appeared in his eyes, which was the Star Movement Talisman. The attack can be transferred to any place.

So the flying knife disappeared again and appeared behind Li Manqing's butt.

Li Manqing was startled and his butt was almost pierced.

He said in horror:"How could you hit my Xiao Li?" Throwing knife?"

In fact, the way the flying knife appeared was the same as the one he used just now.

"You actually comprehended a hint of the secret of space. You are much stronger than the previous two. One only knows how to fight head-on, and the other only knows how to play with bugs, and has no technical content at all! Lin Beifan nodded in approval. This is the secret skill he wanted.

Duan Shanhe and Zhao Beiliu were ashamed and angry!

Duan Shanhe: Who knows how to fight head-on? Isn't this the fighting method of a body refiner?

Zhao Beiliu: Who knows how to fight? Playing with bugs? I am a summoner, not a bug player!

Three geniuses in a row fell into the sand and were defeated in one move. The three geniuses who had not yet made a move felt very scared.

Fairy Baihua's whole body was full of aura, and the world around her was... She also swayed, and her voice was cold:"Stop caring about face, let's go all out to defeat the Night Demon!"

Luo Tianjun and Roberta nodded cautiously.

"Luo Tian Sword Qi!"

"Shadow Strike!"

"Hundreds of flowers bloom, and hundreds of flowers wither away. After my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will die!"

The three of them took action at the same time. For a moment, the sword energy was everywhere, the sky and the earth were dark, and thousands of dream-like petals flew towards me.

Lin Beifan laughed:"It should have been like this a long time ago! Three minutes are up exactly!"

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