Seeing the table full of delicacies, Blood Rose also moved her index finger.

In the mirage, she had eaten Bai Qingqing's dishes, and the taste was still unforgettable, and it also had wonderful effects.

"Qingqing, please cook me a table of dishes like this, thank you!"Blood Rose smiled

"Ok, no problem!"Bai Qingqing also smiled.

The two of them have been fighting side by side in the mirage for more than two months, and they are considered ordinary friends.

"Blood Rose, look at the price first!" Lin Beifan pointed.

A bad premonition surged in Blood Rose's heart. She opened the vegetable price list and looked at it, her eyes almost popped out of her head:"Why is it so expensive?"

According to the configuration of Lin Beifan's table, he would have to pay at least three to four hundred thousand spiritual coins.

"These are new dishes, not only delicious, but also more effective, so they are more expensive!"Bai Qingqing explained

"That’s also very expensive!"Xue Rose smiled bitterly. She basically invested all her money in her mercenary team. She didn't have much money, only a few million spirit coins.

In the end, she ate three or four hundred thousand in one meal. She really Very reluctant to part with it.

The dishes in front of Lin Beifan turned out to be double portions.

In other words, he ate 6.8 million spirit coins in one meal. What a prodigal!

Jin Buhuan is the first prodigal, and Lin Beifan is the second. No wonder These two people are collaborating and colluding with each other.

"Forehead……"Lin Beifan burped:"There are too few dishes. I am not full, even if I have money. It would be great if there was no limit, so that I can eat to my heart's content."

Blood Rose:"……"

Blood Rose showed a smile that was uglier than crying:"Qingqing, just give me that soup.""

"OK, just a second!"Bai Qingqing retreated into the kitchen.

At this time, the reborn An Kexin rushed in panicked:"Help! Help……"

Blood Rose jumped up on the spot and said,"Sister, tell me what happened!"

Seeing two old acquaintances, Zhang Kexin was pleasantly surprised:"It's great to see you guys, please help me get rid of that guy behind, thank you so much." No thanks! Please, please!"

Then he immediately hid behind the two people.

At this moment, everyone only felt a dazzling golden light coming from outside the house.

Then, if an exciting BGM sounds.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a man covered in glittering gold and dressed in a very slutty outfit came in.

"The civilian hero Jin Shining?"Blood Rose blurted out.

Lin Beifan fixed his eyes and showed a funny expression. Unexpectedly, someone with a pretense system appeared.

In the past two months, while all the geniuses are busy competing for opportunities in the mirage, Jiangnan District has Two people have risen like satellites. One of them is the weapon-refining genius Zhou Ran. He helps the cultivators who defend Jiangnan repair their weapons for free and has accumulated huge reputation and connections. The other one is the owner of the show-off system in front of him.

In order to show off, He runs wherever there is danger, saves a large number of civilians like a hero, and has a great reputation among the people, just like Spider-Man, so he is known as a civilian hero. But his pretentiousness is still very immature. , it’s too superficial.

He’s all dressed in glittering gold, and there’s bGM. Every time he appears, it’s when others are in danger, and he mainly saves women, for fear that others won’t know that he’s just showing off.

Unexpectedly, He ran into the academy.

Don't you think it's enough to show off outside the academy, and now you come to show off in front of the practitioners?

An Kexin pointed out from behind:"It's this lunatic who has been chasing me for several streets. Help me get rid of him."!"

"Why do you call someone crazy? After all, Jin Shanshan is also a civilian hero and a role model for practitioners of our generation. Is there any misunderstanding between you?"Xue Rose looked at the two of them erratically and said.

An Kexin was angry in her heart. What misunderstanding could there be?

This Jin Shining is a big pervert!

A super invincible pervert who pretends to be stupid!

In the previous life, Jin Shining Shining Shining also rose up in this way. He has a cultivation talent that is not inferior to that of Jin Buhuan, Bai Qingqing and others. At the same time, he has become a civilian hero that people talk about.

But this guy loves to show off too much. He pretends all the time. She pretends to be cool every chance she gets, and she especially likes to show off in front of powerful women, regardless of occasion or opportunity, regardless of the consequences. In her previous life, Lin Weiwei, who was a witch of the lunar calendar, had just lost her lover and was grieving, but this man came over to show off and said: Wanting to give her happiness, she was hunted by Lin Weiwei for more than a week, and finally survived with her prestige.

Then, she pretended to be pretentious in front of Fairy Baihua to give her happiness. Fairy Baihua didn't say anything, but her Two powerful suitors, Duan Shanhe and Li Manqing, joined forces to pursue him for more than half a month.

There are also many stupid things that I won’t list one by one.

In An Kexin’s eyes, this is a disease, a serious disease. Mental illness!

In the end, he pretended to be a fool. Soon after, the demon king besieged the city. However, he rushed forward and pretended to defeat the demon king in front of everyone. This angered the demon king and was finally eaten by the demon king. , died young.

If the Hermit had not emerged, the whole Jiangnan would have been in danger. But after rebirth, this guy did not pursue Lin Weiwei and Baihua Fairy, but actually pursued her who was unknown. It was simply too terrifying. She could I didn’t want to stay with this pervert, not even for a second.

Jin Shining flashed into the innocent house, and his eyes lit up when he saw An Kexin first, and then his eyes brightened even more when he saw Blood Rose next to him. Bai Qingqing came out with shining eyes.

Finally, he saw Lin Beifan who had just finished eating. His eyes were almost bulging out.

There are so many lucky people here?

If I show off in front of them, I will gain a lot. Are you showing off?

You're going to get crazy...

Jin Shining feels like he's in heavenFavored him.

A few days ago, he pretended to be good enough, and the system rewarded him with a skill called Sky Eye.

This third eye has only one function, which is to allow him to see people's luck and strength. The more lucky and powerful a person is in showing off, the more points they will get in showing off.

This is simply exciting news!

From now on, you can choose to show off, reducing a lot of wasted effort.

His thinking is divergent. If he pursues a woman who is lucky and powerful, he can not only get a good wife, but also get a stable source of pretentiousness. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

So as soon as he saw the lucky An Kexin, he couldn't control his pretense and chased after her.

Unexpectedly, it led to a group of lucky people!

Especially the young man in the middle, his luck is the highest in the room, soaring into the sky without reaching the top. If you show off in front of him, won't the rewards come rolling in?

Jin Shining, can’t control the pretentious spirit in his heart!

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