After a busy day, Lin Beifan headed home.

On the road, I met the reborn An Kexin, so I said hello:"Hi~~"

"Lin Beifan, I heard that you have become the vice president of Fushi Academy!"An Kexin ran over excitedly.

Lin Beifan nodded solemnly and said as a role model:"So you call me Dean Lin respectfully, or at the worst, you call me teacher. This is basic etiquette, you know?"

"Get out! Stop pretending to me! An Kexin said angrily.

Lin Beifan still had a serious face and scolded loudly:"An Kexin, you are so rude. I will tell your teacher Zhang later and ask him to put on some shoes for you.""

Teacher Zhang is the teacher of An Kexin's alchemy academy.

However, An Kexin was not panicked at all, as if he was a little proud:"Then you can go ahead and sue. I have transferred to another academy now and have become a genius of the martial arts academy. All the teachers dote on me, even the dean does! What can you do to me?"

"Have you found a new supporter and your butt is sticking up to the sky? Lin

Beifan's expression remained unchanged:"Then I will tell your teacher and dean that you have a great talent, which can only be discovered through rigorous training. It is best to put it to death and survive. What do you think they will do?".

An Kexin's expression finally changed, and she said in a panic:"How could you do this?""

She knows the teachers at the martial arts academy too well. They are definitely a bunch of lunatics.

If she knew she had this characteristic, no matter whether what Lin Beifan said was true or not, as long as she couldn't practice to death, she would practice to death!

Although she also wanted to become stronger, But I don’t want to use this self-abuse method

"alright, you win. An Kexin was stunned and pouted in displeasure.

Lin Beifan said proudly:"Then what should you call me now?""

"Hello Teacher Lin, hum!"An Kexin shouted in displeasure.

"Um. Lin Beifan nodded seriously and said in a caring tone:"In the future, you must study hard and practice martial arts every day. The teacher is optimistic about you!""

An Kexin was about to explode with anger. This super villain can always take advantage of others!

After thinking about it, it's better not to offend Lin Beifan.

Otherwise, what if he doesn't take her to play in the future?

Although she is also a She is already a famous genius, but compared with those unparalleled geniuses in the future, she is still far behind. If there were no small group like Lin Beifan, then there would be no opportunity in front of her. Seeing that

Lin Beifan was about to leave, she immediately He caught up and asked,"How was the first day of class? How do you feel?"

"I was deeply touched. Seeing the eyes of the students eager for knowledge and studying seriously under my guidance, I realized the greatness of being a teacher!" Lin Beifan said with emotion.

There were so many ideas in the last day of class, why don't you just say that you are great? It's a good thing if the students don't get fooled by you!

"For example, I met a student who was over a hundred years old but was still studying hard. Although the learning time is short, he has already become a ninth-level Talisman Master." Lin Beifan gave an example.

100 years old?

Still studying hard?

An Kexin searched the memory of her previous life, remembered a person, and asked quickly:"What's his name? Lin

Beifan looked at her with strange eyes. Will this old man with a system really rise up in the future?

"His name is Xue Changkong, a particularly restless old man!"

An Kexin secretly said that it was true.

In the previous life, Xue Changkong was not ranked among the geniuses because he was too old, but his strength was not bad. He was only ranked below the first-tier geniuses of Xue Qiangwei and Jin Buhuan.

But the old man His reputation is not small, because he is really capable of tossing.

As an ordinary person, he is still not enjoying his old age at the age of 100, but he actually started to work hard and entered the academy to study. After finishing this subject, he learned another subject, but he learned pretty well. In the end, he became a figure like an encyclopedia.

In terms of strength, he was not the strongest, but in terms of the depth of knowledge, absolutely no one could match him.

In the end, he was specially appointed as the honorary dean of Jiangnan College, and managed the institute of the college. A lot of interesting gadgets were invented. They also researched and launched a stable teleportation array, shortening the distance between cities and improving human survivability. The reason why she remembers it so clearly is because Xue Changkong is Blood Rose. grandfather……

"You didn't do anything to him, right?"An Kexin asked cautiously

"He is already old, what can I do to him? What if something happens to him?"

"That's good!"An Kexin breathed a sigh of relief.

"But since he is so studious and talented, I also gave him some homework.……"Lin Beifan told what happened in class, full of schadenfreude.

"how could you do this? Everyone is already this age……"An Kexin exclaimed

"I'm doing this for his own good!"Lin Beifan was confident.

An Kexin didn't know what to say. Such a thing could happen.

The old man and Blood Rose were both easy to talk to. The key is that the old man's son and grandson are very protective of their shortcomings. It would be the worst if they knew that Lin Beifan bullied them like this. Dear old man, why don't you blow up the pot?

Forget it, why do I think so much? Let them solve the affairs of Lin Beifan and Blood Rose's family by themselves.

She is just a little shrimp and can't control so much.

"By the way, Jin Shining hasn’t come to provoke you recently, has he?

An Kexin smiled:"No, this guy has become much more at ease recently." I heard that he has been busy saving beauties recently and has no time to talk to me. If it weren't for the lack of strings in his head and being busy pretending to be cool all day long, he would still be a very good person."

Lin Beifan chuckled.

He was bound to the show-off system. He can become stronger by showing off. Do you think he will keep to himself?

Maybe at the moment of his death, he was thinking about how to show off, rather than how to survive.

The system has Time is a double-edged sword, it can make you quicklyIt lasts a long time, but it can also control your life. If you can't get rid of it, your achievements in this life will be limited.

But since the arrival of Jin Shining, Jiangnan has become more peaceful.

"You are a prophet. Have you dreamed of anything recently? I feel that the space is relatively weak recently, the spiritual energy is relatively violent, and there is a trace of blood evil in the air, as if something big is about to happen.……"Lin Beifan said solemnly.

He had been feeling uneasy lately, and he wanted to know something from this one who was born again.

An Kexin's expression became serious:"I did dream of something. Let's go to the innocent family to discuss this matter. It's best to call a few other people.……"

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