My Space Door

Text Chapter 137: The Prestige of the Fan

The Chaos Flying Pigs surrounded the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan', and Wu Fan, a little guy, was not taken seriously by these pigs at all.

Wu Fan was startled, they didn't come here for revenge, but to grab the magic weapon? These pigs are five to six thousand feet long, and their strength is half of that of an immortal, so a small Golden Core cultivator can handle them.

Looking at these pigs, Wu Fan couldn't help thinking of the space treasure pig he met in the space turbulence. That guy was huge in size, that is to say, the space treasure pig was at the level of a fairy. Fortunately, he didn't have any bad thoughts at that time. , otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

I don't know if these pigs can withstand the Chaos Thunder Punishment. The Lightning Induction Technique can release a Chaos Thunder Punishment. The attack power is terrifying, but there is only one shot, and these six can't be wiped out. What about the rest?

The Shangqing Hall cannot be returned. If they are led there, with their strength, the simplified defensive formation may not be able to withstand it, but they cannot be allowed to destroy the Shangqing Hall.

Some complained to Liu Xin in his heart, he actually said that Chaos Beasts are very rare, he hasn't encountered them more than ten times in hundreds of millions of years, how long has he been here? It happened twice.

'Lightning Attraction'

Wu Fan thought for a while, and decided to use the Lightning Induction Technique to destroy a Chaotic Flying Pig first. It would be best if he could scare away the rest. Although he can no longer use the lightning drawing technique, he should still have the strength to escape, and he can teleport with the free step, so he is not afraid that these pigs will catch up to him.

The six pigs who were watching the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan' discovered it the moment a thundercloud appeared above their heads. It is impossible not to find out, there is a terrifying coercion in this thundercloud, which makes them instinctively afraid. The instinctive obedience, the instinctive dare not move, can only obediently accept the coming punishment, this feeling is very uncomfortable, their countless, big eyes reveal endless fear.





What's going on, Wu Fan gathered the thunder cloud, and his mental power just penetrated into the thunder cloud. Before it was triggered, the Chaos Lightning Penalty began to strike downwards...

The six chaotic flying pigs huddled together in fright. The huge wings embraced the head, trembling.

Six... Why are there still six trembling? Could it be that these thunder and lightning that fell automatically were not chaotic thunder punishment, but ordinary sky thunder? Otherwise, how could these six pigs still live well?

The lightning struck too fast just now. Wu Fan hasn't seen it clearly yet. When he saw it clearly, his whole body is not good. Nima, he gathered the thunder cloud to attract the chaotic thunder to punish the six pigs. Why did they all hit the "chaos thunder fan" up?

"My baby!" Wu Fan couldn't care less about dealing with pigs at this time, his heart was bleeding, he had all the good materials to make such a baby, and he was struck by the lightning he summoned. What's the matter?


The rumbling sound of the thunder and lightning was uninterrupted, and nine lightning bolts fell in a row, all of which hit the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan'. Well, no more, only nine thunderbolts.

The thunder and lightning stopped, and the 'Chaotic Lightning Fire Fan' appeared in Wu Fan's hand instantly in its original size, sending joyful emotions.

The thunderclouds in the sky also dissipated automatically when the 'Chaos Thunderfire Fan' returned to Wu Fan's hands.

Wu Fan also instantly understood what was going on. It turned out that the little fan was sucking the chaotic thunder punishment just now, it sucked nine chaotic thunder punishments in total. However, only six chaotic lightning punishments were stored by it, and three other lightning punishments were digested by it.

Can chaos and thunder and punishment be digested? What kind of monster magic weapon did he refine? But these six chaotic lightning penalties, are they calculated? There are exactly six pigs here.

At this time, the six pigs also found that the terrifying thunder cloud above their heads had disappeared, their panic gradually subsided, and their greed rose again. They looked in Wu Fan's direction, but they didn't know that the thunder cloud was released by Wu Fan, and Wu Fan's breath was so strong. Weak, still so small, there is no threat to them.

They only know that Wu Fan has taken the treasure they fancy, and they are also wise. Treasures that can cause chaotic thunder and punishment are good treasures. Such treasures are also rare in chaos, at least they have not encountered them. One, I have to snatch it. With such a powerful treasure, I don't have to be afraid to fight other Chaos Beasts in the future, even with Chaos Beasts.

Wu Fan didn't want to deal with these six pigs at first. After all, there are too many of them. Seeing how huge they are, he also knew that they were very strong. If you can't kill them, it will be troublesome.

But since the six pigs came to him, Wu Fan wasn't afraid, he just tried a new magic weapon, and didn't say much, heck, there's nothing to say to the pigs, they don't understand either.

With the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan' in his hand, a powerful power came out from the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan'. It may not be as powerful as the Thunder Cloud Tianwei just now, but the effect is not much worse. Under this power, the six pigs knelt , and then only heard a light 'thunderbolt' sound, and the thunder and lightning pierced the void.

There was a loud bang, and the entire space shook.

The largest pig, more than 6,000 feet in size, was shattered, deserted, void, and returned to chaos in front of the pigs and Wu Fan...

This chaotic thunder punishment is much weaker and less powerful than the thunder punishment Wu Fan drew from the thunder cloud, but it is the same for these chaotic flying pigs. nothingness.

Uh, I didn't expect to release the chaotic thunder penalty in the "Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan" would require a strong spiritual force, but fortunately, it requires much less mental power than directly triggering the chaotic thunder penalty from the thunder cloud. It should be able to withstand the release of all six lightning penalties.

That being the case, there is no need to hold back any more.

'Boom' 'Boom'...

After five thunderclaps in a row, Wu Fan smiled happily. Not a single pig could resist, and all of them turned into nothingness and chaos. He happily picked up six chaos crystal cores. This battle was too easy.

In addition to being happy, Wu Fan summoned Thunder Cloud again. As long as he doesn't attract thunder punishment, it doesn't take much mental power to just summon Thunder Cloud.

Throwing the 'chaotic thunder and fire fan' in the direction of the thunder cloud, the fan will automatically fly out to absorb the thunder and punishment. Everything is fine, but the noise is a bit loud, and the thunder is deafening, but fortunately there are only six.

After the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan' returned to his hand, Wu Fan waved his hand to disperse the thunder cloud and returned to the Hall of Supreme Purity.

Looking at the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan' in his hand, Wu Fan couldn't judge what level of magic weapon it was, but he could be sure that it was a spiritual treasure. The fan, which was still fiery red just now, is now covered with purple thunder patterns, making the whole fan look purple. Wu Fan was a little surprised, this thunder pattern is a type of Dao pattern, and generally speaking, ordinary monks can't see it , Now this Thunder Lane can be seen with the naked eye. He has never heard of such a situation, but it is certain that it is unusual.

Originally, I thought this fan could only be used as a magic weapon to assist the lightning drawing technique, but I didn't want to become a magic weapon that could store chaotic lightning punishment. Needless to say, other functions, this one's function alone is equivalent to Wu Fan's attack Six times stronger, what a treasure.

With a thought, the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan' turned into a small one-inch fan, and the fringe on the head of the fan turned into a purple-gold silk bracelet wrapped around Wu Fan's wrist. The bracelet looks very beautiful, but it is a bit feminine, but it seems that there are quite a few men wearing this kind of bracelet now, so I don't think it's a big deal.

Wu Fan was afraid that the Chaos Beast would still have accomplices, so he stayed in the Shangqing Palace for a few more days. By the way, he made an alchemy furnace with the waste materials from the previous refinement. Maybe it was because the level of the refiner has improved, and he actually refined a first-grade spirit. He used the spirit weapon alchemy furnace to make some pills, and his space ring contained a lot of elixir, but he hadn't made alchemy all the time. Now that he has a spirit weapon grade alchemy furnace, how could he endure it? Can live.

During this time, he also learned from Liu Xin that it took Chaos three years to refine the 'Chaos Thunder and Fire Fan', that is to say, he has stayed here for more than six years.

After Liu Xin knew that the spiritual energy in the outside world was thin, she agreed with Wu Fan to use the materials stored by the Shang Qingzong to refine a spirit-gathering array and take it out, and agreed with him to take away 10,000 spiritual stones. Of course, these things were not for Wu Fan's own use. , but for the use of the Shangqing Sect outside. After all, the Shangqing Sect and the Shangqing Inheritance Hall are one. If no one came for another few hundred years, and no one helped him maintain the defensive formation, he would also be in trouble.

It's time to leave. I have been here for more than six years, and I have been out for more than six days. If I don't go out again, Mu Lin and the others will have to worry about whether something will happen to them.

There is a square outside the main hall of the Shangqing Palace, on which there is a teleportation array. Standing on the teleportation array, Wu Fan punched a spell into the array, the teleportation array was activated, and he disappeared in the square.

In fact, he should have been teleported to this teleportation array when he came here, but Qi Ling Liu Xin was too impatient at that time, so he directly took Wu Fan to the main hall of Shangqing Hall.

Outside the Tianshi Cave, a ray of light lit up, and after guarding here for more than six days, all the listless disciples immediately revived with full blood, and stood up suddenly, staring at the place where the ray of light was shining, a figure appeared in the light. revealed in.

"The nameless junior brother (uncle, uncle, uncle) is out!"

As soon as Wu Fan came out, he heard chaotic buzzing voices around him. Although it was chaotic, he could still hear the liking in their voices, as if they were all calling him by his title.

"Brother Wuming, what's the situation inside? Have you got the inheritance?" At this time, the first person who is qualified to ask questions is naturally the Suzerain Master Mu Lin of the Shangqing Sect.

Wu Fan smiled and nodded to Mu Lin, and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back, this is not the place to talk."

"Uh, yes, I was too anxious!" Mu Lin also blushed a little, thinking that he, a master of Taoism, could not hold his breath at this moment, but looking at the elder, he also stared at him curiously. Wu Fan was worse than himself, which made him feel less embarrassed. (to be continued)

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