My Space Door

Main Text Chapter 2 Camp Fright

It's so hot, it seems that this place is really tropical. After a while, before driving away, Wu Fan was sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to take off his camouflage uniform. Who knows if there are poisonous insects in the primeval forest.

It's okay, the compass works, just go in that direction? Go east, where the sun rises.

Just finding a reason for himself, Wu Fan walked towards the rising sun. Along the way, he heard countless insects and snakes scurrying away in the grass. Otherwise, I will encounter countless harassment from insects and snakes.

What is this place? After walking for an hour, I still haven't seen the edge of the forest.

Wielding a saber, chopping down the branches blocking the way, at a glance, the scenery seems to be the same as it was two hours ago, all the same huge trees? At this moment, Wu Fan no longer expects to get out of the forest, but only hopes to get out of this forest of sword leaves. The leaves of this giant tree are no different from Western thorn swords. They are very sharp and sharp, and they can be used directly as swords. A wound stabbed by a sword leaf.


Wu Fan realized that he had underestimated the difficulty of donkey walking, not to mention whether it was dangerous, but just walking in the forest almost made him kneel down when he had never experienced it. He was so tired that he refused to leave.

Donkey walking is really tiring. I have been walking for four hours. It started at nine o'clock in the morning and now it is one o'clock in the afternoon. The scenery around me has not changed at all. It is full of trees. Although I want to stop Come down and camp, but there is no place to camp here at all.

Although Wu Fan is a novice, he just watched countless wild survival videos, so he knows that it is best to have a water source for camping but not too close, because there may be wild animals, the best distance is three to five hundred meters, and the camp has to be leeward , anti-falling rocks, anti-lightning strikes, etc. Now the surrounding area is full of trees and weeds. Who knows if a beast will suddenly run out of the forest. Besides, such a dense forest does not dare to start a fire, otherwise This forest can be set on fire.

Stopped, ate some dry food, drank some water, took a short rest, and continued on the road...

It was really exhausting. After walking for so long with a load of tens of catties on his back, Wu Fan felt that his legs were almost not his own. Finally, he heard the sound of water and walked in the direction of the sound. Cheerful, finally it is no longer full of trees, the happiest thing is that a small stream appeared in front of him.

Hey, there are ashes here, and there are traces of camping. After searching around, I found a path that was stepped on. This discovery made Wu Fan very happy. This not only proves that this is the best place to camp, but also There should be little danger here.

Unloaded the backpack, put down the things, and set up a tent on the trace of the original camp, and sprinkled some realgar powder around it to prevent insects and snakes.

I found some leaves and dry firewood, lit a bonfire, and then took a towel and a marching pot to the stream. After walking for a day, I had to wash up and bring some water back.

The water in the creek is crystal clear, and there are countless schools of fish swimming in the water. It seems that there are too few people here, and too few people catch them. He actually caught a big fish more than a foot long, but the strength of this fish was a bit scary. When he was catching the fish, he was slapped by the tail of the fish. It was hot at that time, but now it was already swollen. , If the fish hadn't been thrown to the bank and out of the water, I'm afraid I really can't do anything about it.

Take a short knife to kill the fish, remove the scales, remove impurities, wash it, put it into the marching pot, fill some clean water, return to the camp with the pot and put it on the campfire, and then go to the stream again to wash it well take a bath.

By the time he finished washing and returned to the camp, it was already dark. In the quiet forest during the day, the roar of beasts came one after another, which made Wu Fan feel a little scared. Even so, Wu Fan still felt that his hands were trembling and his feet were flickering.

rustle... huh... huh...

Walking out of a group of wild boars from the forest, Wu Fan's heart almost jumped out. He quickly picked up the crossbow and loaded the arrows, but he didn't dare to shoot. There are more than a dozen wild boars in this group, big and small, and they are definitely not something he can deal with. , I can only let the crossbow arrows give myself a little comfort. Besides, I heard that these wild boars have thick skins, so I don’t know if my crossbow arrows can penetrate their skins. Even if they can penetrate the skins, they may not be able to kill them. I will definitely seek revenge on myself...

Wu Fan, who was holding a crossbow, was thinking wildly in his mind, thinking about what he should do when the wild boar rushed towards him, and finally came up with the answer, to shoot an arrow, and then run for his life, escape into the forest, climb up the tree, Wild boars don't seem to know how to climb trees, but they don't seem to know how to climb trees either!

As for fighting the wild boar with a saber, he never thought about it, there is no chance of winning at all!

The herd of wild boars looked in Wu Fan's direction, then left in disdain, gone?

Well! The direction they go is the creek, they come to drink water, not to look for food, it's okay!

Sitting on the ground with one buttocks, the body that just took a shower is also full of sweat at this time, and the clothes stick to the body, which is very uncomfortable, but somehow it feels like a narrow escape.

Wu Fan looked at the wild boar drinking water not far away, and wanted to escape, but where could he escape in this vast virgin forest? It's probably more dangerous in the jungle, but the gray line in the palm of the hand is only half charged, it's still too early to open the space door again, and it's impossible to go home.


Another herd of deer came out of the forest. I don't know what species it was. It looked as big as a horse, and the antlers were also very sharp. There was a cold light, like a sharpened sword. The herd of deer also stopped to take a look at Wu Fan, and then walked past his camp.

Wu Fan was a little strange, didn't he say that animals are afraid of fire? Why does it look like they don't care about the fire at all?

Both the wild boar and the deer were drinking water by the stream without interfering with each other. Seeing them drinking happily, Wu Fan also smelled the aroma of the fish soup he cooked, and his stomach rumbled.

The sky is big and the earth is the most courageous. Seeing that the two groups of beasts showed no malice towards him, Wu Fan felt relieved a little, put some salt in the fish soup, and then filled a box with a lunch box. The taste is really fresh, although lacking Seasoning, but the fish with only a little salt, without the miscellaneous flavor of the seasoning, is fresher and more delicious. Wu Fan thinks this fish is the best fish he has ever eaten, and the soup is also the best he has ever tasted Soup, I don’t know if the fish is wild, or it’s psychological.

I haven't eaten well for a day, and one fish is not enough. Wu Fan took out another pack of instant noodles and put them in the pot. It should be good to cook instant noodles with fish soup.

Just as he threw the instant noodle packaging bag into the fire, Wu Fan was startled, a pair of cold green eyes were staring at him, and when he looked up, there was really a pair of cold eyes in the dark. Haoxian, aimed at those cold eyes, through the scope, finally saw clearly that the owner of those terrifying eyes was a scorpion.

Zizi also saw Wu Fan's movements, and stood for a while, seeing that Wu Fan did not make any further movements, then came out from the darkness and walked towards the creek.

Wu Fan put down the crossbow when he saw the scorpion walking away. The instant noodles were already cooked, but seeing more and more beasts by the creek, Wu Fan lost his appetite at this time.

Then there were several waves of beasts, but none of them attacked Wu Fan. They all passed by the camp and went to drink water.

Wu Fan cursed inwardly, this creek is so long, no matter how much drinking water is crowded here, can’t you drink water in other places? Also, where are these wild beasts during the day, but I didn't meet any of them. Is it because my luck is very high, or are these wild beasts sleeping during the day and only coming out at night?


Here we go again, I don't know what kind of beast came out this time.

Hearing another rustling sound from the forest, Wu Fan just held the crossbow on alert, the fear just now was gone in his heart, he was used to being scared.

It's people!

What appeared from the path in the forest was not a wild beast, but five strangely dressed people. They were dressed in rough animal skin clothes, similar to wild men. These five people should be from different countries. One has the same black hair, black eyes and yellow skin as Wu Fan, one has blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin, one has red hair, and the other is green. These two people should have been dyed Bar?

Wu Fan had a bonfire, and these people naturally discovered him, but they were a little surprised when they saw Wu Fan was alone.

"%—*...%" The other party didn't come over immediately, but one of the men said something to Wu Fan, but, what language is this? I don't understand, maybe he went abroad.

"I don't understand!" Wu Fan replied helplessly, thinking they couldn't understand his own words, they should be happy to see the same kind, but they couldn't speak the language.

Hearing Wu Fan's words, a middle-aged man with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin, who was the leader among the visitors, walked over with a smile, took out a crystal ball emitting soft light from his backpack, and handed it to Wu Fan.

Wu Fan was taken aback, but the middle-aged man seemed to have no malicious intentions, and this crystal ball was not a bomb, maybe it was the same black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. Grabbing the ball, as soon as it touched the crystal ball, a wave of information entered Wu Fan's mind. Wu Fan was shocked, and withdrew his hand like an electric shock, and took several steps back to defend against possible attacks.

"What are you going to do?" Wu Fan shouted nervously, and pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Don't be nervous, we don't have any malicious intentions. This is a wisdom crystal, which stores the psychic secrets of the common language of the mainland. I used the secrets of this crystal to let you learn the common language of the mainland. Look, we have no problem communicating now! We It's the Green Forest Adventure Group, and I'm the leader, Tieshi, can we camp next to you?"

After the middle-aged man's voice sounded again, Wu Fan found that he could understand his words. They all looked at him when they saw him, and waited for his answer. He retracted his saber in embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Please do what you want, This is not my private place, you can camp as you please, just now...I'm really sorry...and thank you for your crystal of wisdom."

At the same time, Wu Fan was secretly surprised, what kind of world is this? A crystal ball secret technique can allow oneself to learn a language in an instant. If there is such a thing on the earth, it will not be so hard to learn English by yourself.

"Thank you." After Tie Shi thanked Wu Fan, he and the others set up camp next to Wu Fan.

Wu Fan was a little surprised, the open space is so big, why did they pitch their camp next to them instead of opposite? Do you like to be your neighbor?

Wu Fan beat the five of them carefully, and there were actually two women among them, and they brought a lot of prey, which made Wu Fan even more surprised. Could it be that they are not donkey friends, but poachers? What are you thinking, this place must not be the earth, what kind of poachers, my thinking has not yet adapted, and I still think this is the earth. Besides, there are poachers who use swords and bows. Isn't it said that all poachers use guns? And those two people with swords, their swords are still so big, the handle is two meters long, taller than both of them.

After looking at the weapons, Wu Fan found that they were not wearing animal skin clothes, but leather armors. The leather armors of the two men holding swords were several layers, which should be strong in defense. They were also wearing linen shirts inside. , looks too rough.

They set up camp quickly, and one of the women went to the creek with a pot. Wu Fan suddenly remembered that there were a large group of wild beasts over there, so he couldn't help but reminded loudly: "Beauty, there are many wild beasts by the creek."

The woman holding the pot smiled at Wu Fan and said, "Thank you for reminding me, it's okay, this is a safe place, those monsters won't attack me."

After finishing speaking, the woman continued to walk towards the stream, but Wu Fan froze, what did the woman say? World of Warcraft? Those animals are monsters?

"Crack!" A heavy hand slapped Wu Fan's shoulder, causing Wu Fan to sit directly on the ground, with a burning pain in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." A rough and embarrassing voice sounded in Wu Fan's ear, it was Tie Shi from just now.

Tie Shi didn't know when he came to Wu Fan's side. He wanted to say hello to Wu Fan, but he just patted him lightly, and Wu Fan actually sat down on the ground. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and apologized while helping Wu Fan up.

"It's okay!" Wu Fan is not a stingy person, he also saw that Tie Shi didn't do it on purpose, but he was secretly surprised that this guy was strong enough.

"Little brother, my name is Tie Shi, what's your name?"

"My name is Wu Fan."

"Wu Fan? Do you want to pursue Susan?"

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