My Space Door

Text Chapter Thirty-Three Emergency Recruitment Order

"Uncle Li, needless to say, can I give you another necklace? But your commission will be gone." Wu Fan was really afraid of Li Qing, so he started to talk about Xiaoling as soon as he came, saying that he had nothing to do with Xiaoling Similarly, during this period of time, Xiaoling and the others were training in the military, but they hadn't seen her.

"Whoever wants your commission! Get it quickly." Li Qing snatched the magic necklace from Wu Fan's hand unceremoniously, and said, "I will transfer 100 million to you in a moment. There is no rush to buy suet jade. Otherwise those guys will definitely raise the price."

"I'm not in a hurry, just take your time. When it's done, I'll give you something good." Wu Fan said with a smile. In order to let Li Qing help him with this, he also laid the bait. Of course, the main thing is The relationship between the two families is very good, otherwise Wu Fan would not be willing to give him this bait.

"What good thing is it? Give it to me now, please! I'll marry Xiaoling to you." Li Qing talked about his daughter again, and Wu Fan rolled his eyes.

"With a father like you, Xiao Ling is really not worth it!"

Li Qingbai glanced at Wu Fan, and said: "I did it for her own good, you have taken her heart away, if you don't marry, who will you marry?"

"Me! Uncle Li, don't talk nonsense, when will I...!"

"How dare you say that when you were nine years old, did you tell her that you would marry her as your bride? She still remembers it now. As soon as you came, she stared at you like a nymphomaniac, and called my dad I forgot to go to the sky..." Li Qing said that Wu Fan was not polite at all.

"Uncle Li, don't talk about how old you are, okay? Let's talk about buying suet jade." Under Li Qing's verbal attack, Wu Fan retreated all the way and had to change the subject.

"Okay, let's say... No, it should be you talking about good things."

Seeing that Li Qing never forgets good things, Wu Fan can only blame himself for talking too much, so he had to take out the crystal ball to test his talent, and let Li Qing test it, and it turned out that his talent was earth attribute.

"Uncle Li, your luck is really good. It is actually of the earth attribute. I just happen to have an earth attribute spiritual fruit. Wait a minute, and I will get it for you." Wu Fan is also more careful now, and takes it from the space ring. Things are no longer in front of other people. Although the "Sacred Fruit of Heaven and Earth" is not big, it has a crystal box, which cannot fit in his trouser pocket. If you pay attention, you will find something wrong.

Went around for a while, and then came back with the 'Sacred Fruit of Heaven and Earth'. Seeing the 'Sacred Fruit of Heaven and Earth' glowing yellow, Li Qing's eyes went straight. This fruit actually glows? seems a bit familiar...

Li Qing has been playing with antiques for many years, and has developed a bad habit, that is, he is reluctant to destroy beautiful things when he sees them. Here comes the problem. This "sacred fruit of heaven and earth" is only useful if you eat it. use.

Seeing Li Qing stroking the crystal box like a lover, Wu Fan couldn't help shivering, and reminded: "Uncle Li, this fruit is only useful if you eat it, and after eating, return this crystal box to me."

Although crystal boxes are not particularly expensive, there are not many of them. In the magic world, they are specially used to hold high-grade spiritual fruits.

"I confiscated the box. This spiritual fruit is similar to the one you sold to Yu's family, but the color is different. What's the point?" Li Qing looked shrewdly, as if seeing something.

There is nothing to hide, Wu Fan replied: "This kind of fruit can improve people's physique, but it can only be eaten with the same attribute. You are of the earth attribute, and I also happen to have a soul of the earth attribute." If so, you're in luck."

As for Li Qing's deduction of the crystal box, Wu Fan no longer expects to get it back. Li Qing wants to keep it for himself whenever he sees a beautiful thing. This habit is very bad.

After a few days, apart from going to school to get together with some classmates, Wu Fan practiced at home with peace of mind.

Not only has the magic of the fire system been cultivated to level four, but also the magic of the water system has been cultivated to level four, and the talents of these two systems have also grown to 99 points.

What troubled Wu Fan was that the mental power seemed to have entered a low-speed zone. It had been more than ten days since the last test, but the mental power was only 1112, which was 94 points more than the 1018 in the previous test, and the average of it was only 8 points a day. It turns out that the spiritual power needed to cultivate to the ninth level is astronomical, so how long will it take? Do you really have to practice until the white beard grows?

Li Qing had already bought a batch of mutton fat jade. After Wu Fan went to get the jade, he asked a master jade carver to carve a ring for him. It is thicker and more comfortable to wear. He plans to make this ring into a space ring.

With a more advanced comprehension of the laws of space, stronger spiritual power, and better suet jade, and with the refining experience last time, Wu Fan succeeded for the first time.

The space inside the newly refined space ring is 100*100*100 cubic meters. Not only is the space large, but also the space is stable. What's more, it is specially carved according to the size of his finger, so it is very comfortable to wear.

When Wu Fan was refining, he thought that with more than 1,000 spiritual powers, he could refine a space of 1,000 meters in length, width and height. Who knew that was not the case at all. When refining, the inner space was As he draws the runes, his mental power expands a little bit outward. When it reaches a certain level, the pressure in the space will also increase. Now Wu Fan's mental power of more than 1,000 points can only last up to this The extent is unbearable.

But now the space inside the ring of space is 100 meters long, wide and high, so it counts to one million cubic meters, which is enough for him.

The space is much larger, and of course the hidden function is also indispensable. He is still too weak now, and if people see the space ring, it may cause trouble.

In addition, he did not refine other defense and attack magic on the space ring, mainly because he was afraid of interfering with the law of space. His current alchemy is only a beginner, and he dare not engage in those difficult techniques.

Now that Wu Fan has money, he doesn't treat himself badly. He bought a lot of daily necessities and put them in his space ring. It didn't cost much money and didn't take up much space.

After getting ready, Wu Fan explained the situation to his family, and then went to the magic world. He planned to practice in the magic world for a period of time, and also went to explore in the boundless forest.

He said it was an adventure, but in fact he wanted to catch a pet, preferably a flying pet. He had been thinking about it for a long time.

In addition, he also went to practice some magic. He learned the four departments of magic, and he has learned the fourth level, but he has no actual combat experience at all. This situation is extremely abnormal in the magic world.

They only know magic, but they don't know how to use it flexibly, they can't transform it into combat power, and they can't improve their own strength faster. In the magic world, many people have achieved breakthroughs in actual combat.

Open the space door and travel to the magical world.

When he came out of the training room of the Magic Guild, he saw Jin Lie's anxious expression.

Before Wu Fan could speak, Jin Lie saw him and hurriedly said, "Wu Fan, your emergency call-up order!"

"'Emergency Recruitment Order'? What is it?" Wu Fan was confused.

"It's the orcs who came. Several cities to the north of Black Earth City have already fallen. Now the empire is urgently recruiting professionals from all walks of life to assist the Tiger Legion in defending the city. Your recruitment order requires you to go to the Magic Brigade of the Tiger Legion in Black Earth City."

"What's the situation?" Wu Fan didn't understand.

Jin Lie explained to him again, and he finally understood what happened.

It turns out that the north of the Tianyu Empire borders the Beast Empire, and Yanbei County, to which Black Earth City belongs, belongs to a county bordering the Beast Empire.

The location of Yanbei County is connected to the Beastman Empire in the north, the Boundless Forest in the west, Luoshen County which also belongs to the Tianyu Empire to the east, and Jinshan County which also belongs to the Tianyu Empire to the south.

Black Earth City is in the middle of Yanbei County, and Jinsen Town is in the southwest of Black Earth City.

Now all the cities in the north of Yanbei County have fallen, which is equivalent to losing half of the county.

Hearing this, Wu Fan couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Jinsen Township is in the southwest of Heitu City. If it was in the north, once he came out, he would be captured by orcs, or simply killed. Orcs would not Talk to you about human rights.

Holding the emergency call-up order in his hand, Wu Fan wanted to cry, but he had never served as a soldier on Earth, and had defended his country before, yet he would be called up to serve as a soldier to defend the country when he came to the magic world.

He still can't refuse. This is the consensus of the people on the mainland. Refusing is equivalent to the crime of desertion, or the crime of betraying humanity. Regardless of the crime, you don't want to stay in a human country in the future, and you will be hunted down by all humans in the magical world.

If humans are really defeated, they will not be considered as deserters if they flee at that time, and no one will think it is a betrayal of humans. When they are in danger, they will return to Earth. No matter how powerful those orcs are, they will It is impossible to chase the earth to kill oneself.

After accepting the call-up order, Wu Fan asked Jin Lie, "Where's Master Willie?"

"Master Willy received the call-up order and went to Black Earth City, and now I am the only one staying in the Magic Guild."

Hearing this news, Wu Fan felt relieved. If something happened, Master Willy would take care of him, but he didn't know if Master Willy's Soul Cultivation Card had been refined.

Just after changing into the magic robe at the Magic Guild and wearing the earth-type defense necklace 'Guardian of the Mother God', he regretted not choosing a defense necklace from Master Willy's treasures. It would be nice if there was a ninth-level defense necklace .

By the way, the weapon has to be taken, holding the seventh-level 'Goddess of Light' staff, I immediately feel a sense of security.

Saying goodbye to Jin Lie, leaving the Magic Guild, I found that there were no people setting up stalls in the bustling square at this time. There were a lot of people, and they were all forming a group to go to Black Earth City. It seemed that they had also received a call-up order.

When I came to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, I saw that the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce also gathered a lot of people. After asking, I found out that the giant winged birds of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce were also recruited to transport professionals to Black Earth City.

However, only fighters of level 5 and above and magicians of level 4 and above can ride the Giant Wing Bird. In addition, there is no need to pay money, and the empire will settle with the Universal Chamber of Commerce in the future.

Wu Fan happened to be able to take the ride, and it was free. After registering at the registration office, a special staff told him that he would have to wait for a while until all the people gathered before he could set off.

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