My Space Door

Text Chapter Thirty-ninth Extinguishing Fire Realm

Looking outside the city, Wu Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath, how many orcs are there? At least he didn't see the edge, it was full of dark orcs.

The height of human beings is relatively average, ranging from 1.7 to 2 meters, while the span of orcs is relatively large; the short ones are only about one meter, and the tall ones are all four meters. In the orc army, Wu Fan also saw many Warcraft.

What are they doing?

Wu Fan saw many tall and strong orcs not far away holding those thin orcs in their hands and dancing. Could it be that they saw the failure of the siege and took revenge on these thin orcs?

"Be careful! Take precautions and protect the magician!" An officer with a big sword shouted loudly. While shouting, he came to Master Willy and guarded him carefully.

"Little Tiger, don't be nervous, the tricks of the orcs won't hurt me! Haha!" Master Willy seemed to know the officer.

The officer smiled cautiously in front of Master Willy and said, "The master is right, it's just that other people...\

,"The officer saw that many people were still in a daze, so he had to shout to everyone. "This is a new tactic of the orcs. They will throw the ratmen up. Although those ratmen are thin and small, they are very flexible and extremely difficult to deal with. They are good assassins."

Everyone was shocked, the Rat Man was only one meter tall, thin and small, extremely flexible, and good at assassination, if thrown into the crowd, it would be really difficult to deal with, not to mention how many people they could kill, at least they could The human army on the city wall was in chaos for a while, and once the army was in chaos, the orcs under the city wall would definitely be able to climb up. That city wall is dangerous! Black Earth City is in danger!

Countless winged men soared into the sky and flew over the north city wall. These winged men guarded against the bows and arrows and magic of the human race, flying high and scattered.

There are also more than ten figures from the human race, who are magicians and archers with flying pets. They are few in number, but they have flying pets and their own strength is not bad. They dare not defeat the winged people in the sky. But at least pinning isn't an issue.

People in the wizarding world also know that air supremacy is very important. If there is no one to restrain the Wingman, this battle will not be fought.

Phoo... Phoo... Phoo...

Just when people focused their attention on the sky, those ratmen were thrown over, and the human archers shot at the ratmen fiercely, but these ratmen were so flexible that they could turn around and dodge in mid-air, only a few ratmen One man was shot, and the others quickly approached the walls.

Victory was in sight, and the orcs all showed ferocious smiles, but their smiles froze instantly.

A fire shield that almost blocked the entire northern city wall suddenly appeared in the void, and the Rat Man couldn't stop himself and bumped into the fire shield.

The fire shield is a defensive magic, but it also has the effect of high-temperature combustion. The ratmen who bumped into it let out a scream, and then were bounced back, falling on the heads of the orcs who were attacking the city outside the city.

When the orcs saw it, they couldn't help but took a deep breath. Half of the body of the fallen Rat Man had been burned off, and the other half had turned into a black roast, and he died long ago!

The battlefield was so quiet that it made people feel scared, and the winged soldiers in the sky were so scared that they broke out in cold sweat. This was the fire magic they were most afraid of, and it seemed that the magician who released the fire magic was of the same level. High, then they are in danger! Immediately, they didn't feel safe in the sky at all, and felt like they were being roasted at any time.

run! This is their only option! If the magician wanted to kill them, no matter how high they flew, it would be useless. It would be safe to run farther away from his attack range.

Not only the winged men in the sky, but even the orcs who were attacking the city were terrified.

It goes without saying that the orcs are brave and not afraid of death, but they also have something to fear, and that is the mysterious and unknown magic.

There are also legal professions in the beast race, that is, their priests, who can increase blood and status. They are also quite mysterious and powerful in the beast race, and there are fewer magicians than the human race.

In the eyes of the orcs, human magicians are the same as their priests, they are the darlings of heaven, equally mysterious and powerful.

The most important thing is that although their orcs are also very smart, they are backward in terms of equipment. They don't have as many magic defense equipment as humans, and they don't have any effective defense against magic.

If it weren't for the supervising team, the orcs had already begun to retreat when they saw such powerful magic.

The human soldiers and mercenaries on the city wall also found that after Master Willy's fire shield appeared, the attack strength of the orcs suddenly became much weaker, and they could finally take a breather.

All the human races on the city wall looked at Master Willy in admiration. The super-wide-range fire shield just now was the magic released by Master Willy.

"Hmph! Little Tiger, protect me!" Master Willy ignored the Yiren fleeing in a hurry, but looked at the dark orcs outside the city, sneered, and then said to the officer beside him.

Master Willie's hands were changing movements, his wand was dancing lightly, and he was chanting words. People seemed to cast spells when they saw the master. The master's general magic was instantaneous, and the magic he needed to chant should be regarded as quite powerful magic.

The officer named 'Little Tiger' immediately recruited several highly skilled officers to guard Master Willy's body, while the others were all driven aside, including Wu Fan.

These officers all took out their weapons, looking at everyone around them, even the human race, as if they were facing an enemy. If anyone dared to approach, they would dare to kill him!

Following Master Willy's actions, everyone felt that the air seemed to be burning, exuding a scorching breath.

The orcs below the city haven't noticed Master Willy's actions yet, and are reorganizing the next wave of attacks. A small setback, a little loss, is just a drop in the bucket compared to countless orcs.

Countless fire elements were gathered, and a cloud of fiery red elements appeared in the sky, pressing down on everyone's heads, making people feel depressed.

"Yes... yes... it's the super-ninth-level magic 'World Extinguishing Fire Domain', run quickly..." Among the orcs, there were still some smart guys, and finally someone recognized the magic that was about to appear.

Wu Fan remembers that it was recorded in the notes given by Master Willy for the super-ninth-level magic 'Fire Field'. It is a combination of the eighth-level magic 'Meteor Fire Rain' and the ninth-level magic 'Fire Field' , the general nine-level holy magician cannot release it, only those holy magicians who have comprehended the law of the fire system and touched the god level can cast it.

Although Master Willie doesn't have the law runes like Wu Fan, he has hit the god level and has touched the true meaning of the god level. He has comprehended some of the laws of the fire system, and there is no problem at all in casting the "World Extinguishing Fire Field".

Since it is this magic, it is useless for them to run, because the magic has already started, and the 'Fire Domain' is its own domain, and people in the domain will not be able to get out unless they can break their comprehension.

Then to break the domain, only the powerhouse above level 8 can break it. Of course, the breaking mentioned here is just to break through a hole to escape, and it cannot destroy the entire domain, unless there is someone stronger than the powerhouse who cast the domain. strong strong.

As more and more fire elements gathered, the domain of the 'World Extinguishing Fire Domain' was finally visible to the naked eye. It covered a large area of ​​orcs. The orcs outside the domain wanted to attack the domain, but they couldn't do it. Although the domain could be seen , but their attacks didn't work, and it was easy to hurt the orcs in the field.

And the orcs in the domain also became chaotic, some strong orcs forced their way to protect some orcs from fleeing.

Some orcs wandered around in a daze in the field, trying to find a way out. Their actions drove more orcs into a mess.

There are also some orcs, thinking that since they are all dying, they will fight back and want to attack the city wall and kill the magician who cast the spell. However, the human soldiers on the city wall have already seen the hope of victory at this time, even if they are desperate, they will kill the orcs. Block it, and there are other magicians who continue to release magic regardless of the consumption of their own magic power.

Wu Fan also participated in the battle. He first gave himself a light body protection technique, and then continuously released fireball and dimension slash. The orcs who rushed up the city wall were burned to charcoal by him, or cut in half.

Wu Fan's magic is all instantaneous, and he can kill orcs very quickly, killing no fewer orcs than other high-level magicians.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can only attack but not defend, so the efficiency of killing enemies is much higher than others, he is not afraid of getting hurt, who gave him a level nine defense necklace, even if he gets hit once or twice.

Outside the city, the temperature in the domain was already very high. Many orcs' hair, fur, and fur coats began to burn, and the moisture in their bodies became less and less, making desperate roars!

Some orcs with stronger cultivation bases use fighting energy to protect themselves, and use fighting energy to defend against the burning of the fire element.

'Mieshi Huoyu' is definitely not that simple, now it's just Huoyu showing its power, and the 'Meteor Fire Rain' from Mieshi hasn't come yet.

After 20 minutes of condensing the magic elements, the 'World Extinguishing Fire Domain' finally succeeded. Countless huge fireballs suddenly appeared in the clouds of fire elements in the sky, falling like meteors, and impacting on the orc army in the fire domain.

In addition to the meteor fireball, there are countless flames falling with the meteor like rain.

Outside the city wall, it became a purgatory on earth, and about a hundred thousand orcs were drowned by meteors and fire rain!

The duration of the 'World Extinguishing Fire Field' was very short, only five minutes. After five minutes, a large area outside the city wall became scorched earth, and the scorched black ground exuded a scorching heat.

Except for some relatively fire-resistant things that are still burning, the corpses of hundreds of thousands of orcs have been turned into ashes, and all weapons have been turned into molten iron.

Hmm... there are actually a few orcs who were not burned to death, and fled back in embarrassment with their grudges. I don't know how they survived in the "World Extinguishing Fire Field"? But it looked like he was scared out of his wits and didn't dare to come again!

There is no need to fight the next battle. The orcs have retreated, and the humans dare not pursue them.

Although more than 100,000 orc troops were wiped out by Master Willy, the remaining number is still over one million, while a legion of human races only has 200,000 people, and the number of temporarily recruited professionals is only about 250,000. The number is several times that of the human race.

The people on the city wall cheered loudly when they saw the orcs retreating. Countless people looked at Master Willy with burning eyes. He is a hero. He saved everyone and the Black Earth City by himself.

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