My Space Door

Text Chapter 46: The Great Battle (2)

The winged men in the sky are vulnerable to the flying knights of the human race, but the commander of the orcs has not been overwhelmed and knows that he cannot send a large number of elite winged men. The human race on the opposite side has so many magicians, and only a few seas of fire are needed. It can destroy the entire Yiren army.

The sky is not good, let's fight on the ground, this is what the orcs are best at.

The strength of the orcs is powerful, crushing the opponent with great strength is what the orcs should do, and there is no need for so many tricks.

The orc's ground troops started to move, and the two hundred thousand pig-headed men in the front line rushed towards the front of the human army like a tide.

Don't look at the fact that the pig-headed people have no status among the orcs, they are also cannon fodder in the army, but among the 200,000 of them, the weakest ones are comparable to second-level human professionals, and the stronger ones include seventh- and eighth-level experts , Let them attack the army formation, it will really cause a lot of trouble for the human army.

The charge of the 200,000 pig-headed men is also quite imposing, at least more imposing than the army charge on TV that Wu Fan has seen. This strong murderous aura almost made him unable to breathe, and his feet trembled.

Seemingly remembering something, she turned her head to look at Mei Lan beside her, only to see Mei Lan was looking at the battlefield calmly, without much expression.

Wu Fan blushed a little, and looking at the other magicians, they seemed to have no expressions of fear, but were very excited. Maybe seeing everyone like this, Wu Fan also calmed down, without any fear.

Seeing Wu Fan looking around, a sixth-level light mage of the Royal Magician Corps next to him said with a smile: "Our place is the safest, if the orc troops can rush in front of us, it can only prove that we have been defeated, and It’s still the kind that lost miserably, otherwise, the commander of the army will let us transfer safely, other troops are easy to recruit, and the number of magicians is very small, which is the last card of the empire..."

Wu Fan thinks about it, and this is also the reason. If the magician group is so easy to be attacked by the enemy, the magician group cannot be called the last trump card of the empire. Besides, although the number of magician group is not large, it is the main force of the army. The attack power should be well protected, if it is destroyed casually, there is no need to fight this battle, just admit defeat and forget it.

Looking at the 200,000 pig-headed team, the eldest prince of the Tianyu Empire sneered and said, "Master Nanke, ask the mage to give them a few magic spells to destroy some pig-headed people, so as to disrupt their team."

Nan Ke nodded coldly, and ordered to the messenger beside him: "All magic attacks for one round!"

"The sea of ​​flames!"

"Furious Arrow Rain!"


All departments have used range magic, and they are all controlled at level six, so as not to waste too much mana. Uh, the light department didn't do anything. They are field priests, not suitable for attacking, so it's better not to make a move.

Countless area magics exploded in the 200,000 pig-headed charge team. Many strong pig-headed men fell under the magic and could never get up again. Many pig-headed men panicked when they saw their teammates fall down. Bumping wildly, afraid that the next magic will fall on his head.

On the human side, when they saw 200,000 pig-headed men, half of them went away at once, and the rest had no formation, so they immediately ordered an attack.

The 100,000 flame tiger cavalry of the human race rushed out of the human army formation. This is the fierce tiger cavalry of the Tiger Legion. The flame tiger is only a third-level monster, and it is not harmful alone. The pig-headed man stopped moving instantly in fright.

The moment the pig-headed team stopped, the flame tiger cavalry had rushed in front of the pig-headed man, and the knight on the back of the flame tiger waved the weapon in his hand, chopping down the pig-headed man.

There were only a little over 100,000 pig-headed men, and they had already lost their fighting spirit. Under the impact and killing of 100,000 tiger cavalry, they collapsed instantly.

The orc commander didn't feel sorry for the dead pig-headed man at all, but he didn't want to see the pig-headed man. He rushed into his army and sent the orc wolf cavalry to threaten the human cavalry from the two wings.

The tiger cavalry had seen the enemy's arrangement, they also knew the strengths and weaknesses of the tauren infantry, and they knew the ferocity of the wolf cavalry, but they did not hesitate at all and continued to charge. They knew that the commander of the human race would not watch them being besieged of.

The human race would not watch their troops being besieged. When the wolf cavalry and the tauren attacked, the human race also started to move. The dragon horse cavalry of the Royal Knights divided into two teams to meet the wolf cavalry.

Although the dragon horse is called a horse, it looks similar to a horse, but it is very different from the horse on the earth. It is quite ferocious. It is also the king of the land among the sixth-level monsters. It has two types of monsters, wind and earth. Speed, also has the same strong defense as the earth element, other than that, it has infinite strength, and it has a mouthful of sharp teeth. It can be said that there are no obvious shortcomings.

Only dragon horse cavalry can fight against wolf cavalry, but wolf cavalry is not a vegetarian. When the two torrents collide, the number of wolf cavalry is much larger, and the strength of dragon horse cavalry alone is much stronger than that of wolf cavalry. No outcome.

The tiger riders in the middle also scattered the pig-headed men, and collided with the tall and strong tauren infantry. The tauren were too strong and powerful. Each of them hit the tiger riders with a thick wooden stick, and the tiger knights couldn't stop them. Don't worry, but the big sword of the tiger knight soldiers is not vegetarian, and a sharp big sword can cut a strong tauren in half.

Looking at the soldiers fighting together on the battlefield, the human race gave an order to the magician group to attack the orc rear troops with all their strength.

Numerous magicians were condensing magic elements, and countless clouds of magic elements formed above the battlefield, making the magic elements in the air very violent, and the orcs on the opposite side discovered the intention of the human race all at once.

The orc looked at the human race on the opposite side, and there was a battle field in the middle. How could he attack the mages who were preparing for magic?

Is it to attack and get entangled with the human race, or to retreat and get out of the range of the magician's attack?

Just when the orc commander hesitated for a moment, countless magics had already fallen on the head of the orc army. Fortunately, the first ones arrived were relatively low-level magic.

Looking at the clouds of magic elements in the sky, Wu Fan also felt that the magic elements in his body seemed to be rioting, and the runes of laws were also beating and transforming, and countless insights came to his heart.

Wu Fan remained motionless, entering a state of epiphany, his mental power involuntarily radiated, spreading to the entire battlefield, observing all the magic operations in the entire sky.

Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Dark, Wind, Thunder

The comprehension of each department is improving. The magic department that he didn't study before has also gained comprehension at this time. Although it is not as strong as his original four departments, it is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

"The whole army rushes into the enemy's ranks, and their magicians will not dare to cast magic." The orc commander gritted his teeth fiercely and gave the order.

"Come on!"

"Kill their magician!"

What was the charge of nearly a million troops like? I didn't know it before, but now Wu Fan knows it. Just the sound of killing makes people tremble!

The tiger cavalry and dragon horse cavalry in the middle of the battlefield were also frightened by the murderous aura all over the sky.

Looking at the army of orcs all over the mountains and plains, the eldest prince was at a loss for a while, and looked at Nan Ke.

Nan Ke nodded to the eldest prince, then looked at Master Willy: "Let's come!"

Master Willie didn't say much, took out a water-based magic wand, chanted a spell, waved the wand, a blue light rushed to the sky, all the magic clouds in the sky dispersed, leaving only the water-based magic elements, forming The water magic element cloud is just a water system cloud, which is larger and thicker than the original countless magic element clouds.

"Field of Water!"

A huge blue domain envelops hundreds of thousands of orcs. In the blue domain, a drizzle began to fall. The orcs who were charging were stunned. How could it be raining? It should be rain, if it is magic, why doesn't it have any attack power.

Something seemed wrong, why did it feel so oppressive, as if the clouds in the sky were about to press down.

At this time, the clouds in the sky are no longer blue as before, but dark. This is caused by the thick element clouds. The elements are too thick and dense, so that the light cannot penetrate, and it seems that the clouds have also become black. .

The rain became heavier and heavier, and finally became a torrential rain. In the heavy rain, the orcs lost their direction and couldn't see the way ahead. The speed of their charge suddenly slowed down. Countless orcs fell down due to the heavy rain and were caught by the behind. The orc stepped on his feet and couldn't get up again.

The orcs outside the water domain were also frightened at this time. Seven hundred thousand orcs were surrounded by a huge blue water. They could see countless orcs running around in the domain, and some orcs rushed to On the edge of the field, they rushed out without knowing it, and turned in again. They seemed to have lost their way and couldn't find a way out.

The water domain mainly lies in the word 'sleepy'. It has no attack power. As long as the orcs trapped in it are not afraid, just wait for the domain to rupture by itself. After all, maintaining the domain requires a lot of mental power, and the consumption is very big.




Six orc masters rushed out of Master Willy's domain with fighting spirit. They took a glance and rushed towards Master Willy's direction. They knew that only by killing the caster could the terrifying magic stop.

The six orc masters were very fast. When they rushed to the middle of the battlefield, they encountered someone blocking the way, no matter whether they were human or orc, they all split in half with their swords.

With just one breath, he rushed across the battlefield in the middle and rushed to the front of the human army. They were greeted by countless powerful arrows.

The six orc masters did not block them, and let these sharp arrows hit their bodies, but their battle qi was strong enough, none of the arrows could break through their protective battle qi, at most it would weaken their protective battle qi .

But between the six orc masters waving their hands, sword qi slashed across, causing casualties to a lot of human soldiers. No soldier could block their sharpness, and the six quickly rushed towards the magician's position.

At this moment, six masters rushed out from the human team, and blocked the six orcs with their swords in their hands.

Being blocked by the six human masters, the six orc masters had to stop, looking at the human master in disbelief, and exclaimed: "How can you have so many sword masters?"

The orcs are very familiar with the composition of the human army. They know that a legion usually has only one level 9 master, and there are at most two high-level players. There are almost two legions here, and at most four level 9 masters.

What's the matter? In addition to the six sword masters blocking them, there is also a ninth-level master who is casting magic. There are seven of them, and they haven't even found out the information clearly. It seems that this battle has been lost...

The head of the Tiger Legion was also afraid for a while. He didn't expect that there were six sword masters in the orc team. Fortunately, the two bodyguards of the eldest prince were sword masters. Master Nan Ke's bodyguard had a sword master, and the Royal Knights also had sword masters. Two sword masters, plus him exactly six, can just block six orc sword masters.

The strength of the six human sword masters may be a little weaker than that of the orc sword masters, but there is no problem in holding them down for a short time.

Seeing that the six orc sword masters were blocked, Master Willy said to Master Nan Ke beside him, "It's almost time, it's your turn!"

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