The chopsticks in Tang Ze's hand paused slightly. The news was unexpected. He didn't expect Shen Yuanwu to be entertained by him.

Seeing that Tang Ze was silent, Cha Yuanming smiled at Jin Taixiu and said, "I remember that we had a good time that night."

Jin Taixiu smiled and said, "Indeed, to be precise, Shen Yuanwu had a good time for that month."

As soon as the two sang a match, Tang Ze probably knew what they meant. It is estimated that Shen Yuanwu hit a fake punch in that match.

But this is not to blame Shen Yuanwu, facing such a threat on other people's turf, few people can withstand it, it is better to choose to have fun, anyway, you must enter the ICU.

And what Shen Yuanwu experienced will happen to him now.

"Drink too much water, go to the toilet." Tang Ze smiled slightly.

Che Yuanming did not stop: "Okay, we will talk later."

Tang Ze got up and walked out towards the door, only to see two bodyguards accompanying him. It seemed that if he didn't give a reply tonight, he might not be able to leave.

It's still in the wilderness, and there are no people within a few kilometers. It's a natural place for killing people and getting rid of goods.

Leaving the private room, Tang Ze quietly observed the surroundings. If he ran away, the seniors in the hotel might not be so easy to leave.

This little president really makes his hands itchy.

When passing some boxes, Tang Ze also saw some well-dressed men bullying. This place is probably a place for rich people to play.

When I came to the bathroom to put water, the two bodyguards at the back were still supervising the passing of the water. They were really inseparable.

On the way back to the box, Tang Ze saw a waiter open the door and walk out, subconsciously looking into the box.

This look doesn't matter. Tang Ze frowned deeply after seeing it. Although it is only a small profile, Tang Ze feels very much like a senior sister. Is it because he is dazzled?

Just as the door was about to close, Tang Ze suddenly reached out and held it down, followed the two bodyguards behind him for a moment, one of them said: "Sir, it's not this private room."

Tang Ze ignored it, trying to figure out if it was a senior sister, the profile was too similar.

Entering the private room, there are three men with evil smiles on their lips, while the woman seems to be a little unconscious, reaching out to stop them from toasting.

Faced with Tang Ze's arrival, the three men were all stunned. Seeing that there were two bodyguards behind Tang Ze, they felt that they should also have an identity.

"Hey, go wrong." One of the men was a little arrogant and yelled softly.

Tang Ze ignored it, walked to the side, pulled away the woman's hair, and immediately saw the exquisite face.

"Senior Sister." Tang Ze felt very surprised, how could he see Senior Sister in such a place.

Lin Yan looked at the man next to him in a daze. The familiar face seemed to have found a safe haven, and he hugged Tang Ze's waist directly: "Take me away..."

Tang Ze's eyebrows suddenly tightened. Seeing this senior sister, she seemed to be drugged.

Tang Ze hurriedly helped Lin Yan up and hugged him, but Lin Yan didn't even have the strength to stand up, and she leaned on Tang Ze softly.

The three men on the side saw the situation clearly.

"Boy! Who are you! Put the person down if you know him well, get out!" The man walked over as he said, trying to reach out and grab Lin Yan's white arm.

Tang Ze's gaze suddenly condensed, and you can do anything with other women, but if you get on the head of Senior Sister, then it won't work. If you don't see it, Senior Sister will probably be ruined in this life.

Seeing the dirty and oily hand grabbing, Tang Ze lifted his foot and lifted the opponent's calf. The man suddenly fell forward with a pain. Tang Ze stretched out his knee and took the opponent's face well.

"Ah!" the man screamed while he fell down while clutching his neck.

The next two bodyguards were shocked, one of them was still sane, and he gave an explanation and left quickly, it should be to explain the situation.

"Assi! Do you know who we are! Actually dare to hit someone! Looking for death!" The Mediterranean man picked up the wine bottle and rushed over. Tang Ze suddenly swept his legs, his leather shoes kissed the opponent's cheek, and kicked directly. Fainted.

The remaining man was sober and so scared that he backed away: "What are you doing! Do you know who we are? We are from LP company! Cha Junxian!"

LP company?

Why is the name Cha Junxian so familiar? When I think of it, it was mentioned by the man who burned the hot pot. It seemed that he was Cha Yuanming's enemy.

My sister said that the senior sister came to do an inspection this time, is it aimed at this LP company?

Looking down at Senior Sister's blurred eyes and that beautiful face, it seems that this chaebol has become lustful!

The bodyguard behind came and said softly, "Mr. Tang, the other party is from Cha Junxian, let us go."

As soon as the man heard this, his frightened expression gradually changed: "This woman is Cha Joon Hyun's, you'd better recognize it and let it go!"

"Tang Ze~" Lin Yan in her arms suddenly yelled softly and began to kiss Tang Ze on the neck.

This shocked Tang Ze: "Senior sister, wake up."

Feeling the elder sister's little fragrant tongue wandering around his neck, Tang Ze picked up the fork and threw it at the man.

"Ah!" the man screamed, and the fork sank into the man's shoulder.

At this time, Che Yuanming and Jin Taixiu appeared at the door. Che Yuanming didn't care much about the woman in Tang Ze's arms, but looked at the man who was wailing on the ground. Aren't these some of his brother's dog legs.

Looking at the woman in Tang Ze's arms now, Che Yuanming probably knew what was going on.

"Che...Yuanming..." The wailing man looked at the arrival of Che Yuanming, looking a little scared.

Cha Yuanming kicked the football directly, knocking the man out, and then said to the man who was injured by the fork: "You, call me again to make you quiet."

Sure enough, the man didn't dare to say a word, he just covered his wound.

Che Yuanming sat on the chair next to him, and Tang Ze took off his suit to cover Lin Yan.

"Tang Ze, these are my elder brother's people, you beat someone, my elder brother will probably not let you go." Che Yuanming started to raise the price.

Kim Tae-soo closed the door, guarded it personally, and the bodyguards surrounded him.

Tang Ze lightly held Lin Yan, her movements got bigger and bigger: "So, any good suggestions."

"Promise my request, leave the matter here to me, you can take this girl away." Che Yuanming said with a smile.

"Then what if I don't agree." Tang Ze asked back.

Cha Yuanming chuckled slightly: "Tang Ze, you should be a smart person who can recognize the current situation clearly. It is better to agree to my request and take this girl back to the hotel to become her hero, and you are just If you lose a game, I will compensate you in RMB for your loss. This is a win-win situation for us."

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