My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 899: 【big surprise】

Sure enough, women are emotional animals.

Luminous sentence I miss you, instantly softened Liu Chi Yan a lot, relieved many doubts.

"Are you really okay now?" Liu Chiyan asked.

Luminous nodded surely, "Well! Nothing is wrong, all right."

Liu Chiyan looked at the luminous light on the screen, and then said, "Well, believe this time, rest assured. I'll call Dad and give him the prescription soon."

Luminous nodded, "OK."

Liu Chiyan, "Hurry back when you are busy. I have a surprise for you."

Luminous, "What surprise? Can't say now?"

Liu Chiyan smiled, "I won't tell you now, it's a big surprise when you come back to tell you."

Luminous, "Hey, still selling Guanzi, isn't this a curiosity to me, should I fight?"

Liu Chiyan smiled, ignored him, and looked at the lushness behind Ye Guang, and asked, "How are you in the old forest in the mountains? Turn it and show me."

Ye Guang smiled, didn't refuse, flipped the phone camera, and patted the jungle in front of him to show Liu Chi Yan.

Just at this moment, a figure suddenly turned around from the bush next to it, and the night light turned subconsciously there, and the mobile phone was also facing the person and shot him in.

The comer was Xiaozhou, the pilot of the helicopter.

If Xiaozhou entered the mirror normally, that's okay to say, but Xiaozhou is now carrying two guns on his shoulders, still holding one in his hand, and a row of bullets and grenades entangled in his waist.

Yeguang was a little surprised, and Xiaozhou said quickly, "Dr. Ye, Chief Liu, let's go quickly. The enemy search team has caught up. I killed a few and got some weapons."

Here, it's too late for Luminous to turn off the video call. Liu Chiyan yelled angrily at the end of the video, "Luminous! You liar!"

Xiaozhou didn't pay much attention before. Now when I heard Liu Chiyan's voice, I found that Yeguang was making a video call with people, and then she was overjoyed, "Yeah, Dr. Ye, you have a cell phone, please call for support!

Liu Feng, who had been hiding aside, did not dare to appear in the picture and did not dare to speak, was silent.

Ye Guang didn't point the lens at Xiaozhou any more, and turned the lens over. His screen was awkwardly smirking.

"Well ... Liuer, I said we were filming ... can you believe it?"

Liu Chiyan was worried and angrily, "Trust you big head! Where are you now, what is the situation? Didn't you say that this thing is not dangerous? Big liar! Big liar! Come back soon!"

Ye Guang smiled bitterly, comforting the agitated Liuchi flue, "Liuer, it's okay, it's okay, don't worry, this is a small situation, it can be resolved soon, rest assured, I won't be in trouble."

Liu Chiyan was angry, worried, and resentful, looking at the luminous glow of laughter on his face all the time on the screen, and his eyes had been covered with a mist of water. "Big liar, you lie to me every time, you promise me Do n’t do dangerous things, and if you do this again, you ca n’t do it for me and ... every time, what if you do something, what do you want us to do? ”

Luminous, "Come on."

Liu Chi Yan, "..."

"Stupid daughter-in-law, you can take care of your parents and Yiyi at home. I'm in a small situation. Don't worry, I won't be okay. I promise, I will come back unscathed." After thinking about it, Yeguang decided to Liuchi The smoke caused Dafa to divert attention, and then said, "You said to me that there was a surprise, and I also prepared a big surprise for you, who you are."

During the talk, the luminous mobile phone was aimed at Liu Feng, who was hiding out of the camera.

Liu Feng was aggressive, he was not ready to meet with Liu Chiyan at the moment, so before the video call between Liuguang and Liu Chiyan, Liu Feng kept secretly watching Liu on the screen of Luguang's mobile phone. Chi Yan, but also be careful not to let yourself be photographed.

After disappearing for more than ten years, Liu Feng hasn't figured out how to face his family.

Ye Guang didn't plan to let Liu Chiyan meet with Liu Feng at this moment. He also knew that Liu Feng was not ready for the mentality. Moreover, Lu Guang was thinking about bringing Liu Feng, a living person, back to him. There was a big surprise for Liu Chiyan, and Liu Dad and Mom Liu.

Now, in order to divert Liu Chiyan's attention, Yeguang can't take care of that much.

What are you doing? Isn't it for sale? Luminous felt like wit.

Sure enough, Liu Chiyan looked at the person on the screen of the luminous mobile phone, and immediately hesitated. Then he got closer to some mobile phones, looked carefully for a few seconds, and shouted with a trembling voice, "Brother ..."

Liu Feng gave a glance helplessly, this is the end of the situation, there is no way, he coughed, and waved unnaturally at Liu Chi Yan in the video, "Smoke."

"Brother! It's you! Brother! Whoops!"

Liu Chiyan burst into tears in an instant.

Luminous was terrifying, lying down, miscalculating, shouldn't it be happy, right? I was just crying, and now I ran to tears.

Well, Luminous forgot a word called crying with joy.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Liu Feng quickly comforted. "Yaner has grown up and can't cry like a child."

Liu Chiyan raised his hand with no confidence and wiped two tears, his cry was not reduced at all, and his snot was almost bursting out, crying, "Brother, where have you been, why don't you come back and give Call me at home and write a letter. Do you know that we are all worried about you? "

Liu Feng's face was bitter. "Yan, I'm sorry, brother has a last resort."

"What kind of distress can keep you from going home for more than ten years?" Liuchi Yanlihua took the rain ~ ~ a little excited, "You don't go home for more than ten years, no news, my parents have no son, I Without your brother, and without your father, how can you bear it! Why are you so cruel! "

Liu Feng was bitter for a while, speechless, speechless, his eyes dropped, and some did not dare to look at Liu Chiyan with pear blossoms and rain on the screen, faceless.

Anyway, no matter what kind of work Liu Feng is engaged in, no matter how selfless and dedicated, but in the face of his family, he always owes money.

Liu Chiyan said, adding, "You are the same as luminous. They are all assholes, big assholes! Liars, big scammers!"

Luminous was suddenly aggressive, what? What happened to me? What happened to me?

The big sister-in-law didn't speak, and Luminous quickly rushed into the field. "Oh, Liuer, brother also has difficulties. It's not easy to explain to you right now. When we come back to tell you more, our task has been completed and we can go back immediately. Now, rest assured, we will definitely come back safely. "

Liu Chiyan hadn't spoken yet, and Xiaozhou, who was on the alert, quickly came over again, lowered her voice, and said quickly, "There is movement over there, someone is coming over here, we must hurry away!"

Liu Feng and Yeguang looked at each other and nodded.

Luminous also lowered his voice, put the phone in his mouth, and said, "Liuer, I can't tell you now, I have to go, remember, tell Dad the spider virus prescription right away, you can rest assured, I will Come back safely. "

With that said, Luminous wanted to hang up. At this moment, Liu Chiyan screamed again, "Wait."

"Luminous, you must come back, you can't lie to me, my baby and I are waiting for you at home."

Ye Guang's body trembled suddenly, stunned for a second, and then looked at Liu Chiyan on the screen, smiling brightly.

"for sure!"

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