My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 902: [World, vindicate for luminous! 】

The birth of Jihui Fang has caused a global sensation. Emergency pharmaceuticals are being carried out in China, and Yeguang, the provider of Jihui, is still fleeing.

Fortunately, with Luminous's mobile phone, Liu Feng successfully contacted his superior Gu Gu. Through Gu Gu, he had contacted the local secret troops sent by foreign countries. After a day and a night of escape, he finally successfully contacted Rescue troops meet and get out of danger.

During the flight, Yeguang and others also encountered small groups of troops chasing them, avoiding or fighting, and learned some information from the enemy's mouth.

The attacking station and the troops that pursued them were the same group of people. They were all part of the local reactionary rebels. The specific purpose of it was that Yeguang and others did not fully interrogate these little Luo Luo. They knew Ye Guang's information was also limited. Only from the information provided by Ronaldinho, Ye Guang and others knew that the other party was looking for something. After unintentionally finding the station, the rebel leader suspected that the thing he was looking for was in the station, so he launched. Attacked.

After leaving the danger, Yeguang and others were sent to the local embassy, ​​and the other personnel at the station also safely arrived at the embassy.

In fact, it ’s funny, originally Liu Feng took the luminous first to leave by helicopter, which should be the safest, but who ever thought that their helicopters have become the focus of the rebels ’care, which was originally the safest It became the most unsafe, causing the three of them, including the driver, to be in danger, and the other personnel were unscathed and successfully evacuated.

Two days later, Yeguang returned to China with the Stealth Global Satellite research team.

Because the Stealth Global Satellite Project did not end in a real sense, the research team, including Yeguang, was arranged to return to China and immediately entered an aerospace research institute in the North China Military Region to continue unfinished work.

In fact, the most important task is to perform another technical inspection. After the technical inspection, the technical feasibility is confirmed. Then, if all the problems at the technical level of the Hidden Global Satellite Project are resolved, the remaining work belongs to infrastructure construction. Hardware configuration and the like, these are relatively simple.

Technical verification, in which the technology of the Stealth Global Satellite and the Super Cube Satellite are combined, cannot be separated from Luminous. Therefore, after Luminous returned to China, it is not possible to leave the scientific research team temporarily. It is necessary to wait for the technical verification to pass the clearance. Luminous's mission was not over, and he was officially released from the scientific research team.

However, the technical verification workload is relatively large and cumbersome, and each technology needs to be proofread one by one, and it must take four to five days to be efficient again.

Even during the four or five days that Ye Guang's ears didn't listen to the events outside the window, and he devoted himself to scientific research, the outside world was constantly rippling with various disturbances around Ye Guang and Ji Hui Fang.


Several large state-owned pharmaceutical companies have begun production of special-effect medicines across the board, and a large number have been produced and distributed to major epidemic hospitals across the country.

Within a few days, the spider virus was effectively controlled in China, and the infected people who were treated with drugs were cured and discharged in large numbers.

Although new infections continue to occur, there is a case-by-case treatment of specific medicines. On the second day after the introduction of specific medicines, there were no more cases of death caused by spider virus infection.

Provinces and cities have successively stated that they have controlled spider viruses to a controllable range, and have gradually lowered their epidemic prevention levels, and the whole country is delighted.

Many patients who were cured by Jihuifang's special medicine, and their family members, were grateful to Ye Guang for being called Dade. On the Internet, the voice of gratitude and praise for Ye Guang was overwhelming. Netizens have shaped him into an almost savior image.

At the same time, there are countless netizens and people worrying about Luminous. The video of Luminous and Liu Chiyan's call has been spreading on the Internet. It is obvious from the video that Luminous is in danger.

Where is the luminous? What is he doing? Is he still safe?

These are the three questions most netizens and people who care about Luminous ask most.


After the advent of Jihuifang's special-effect medicine, people in the country, especially those infected by the virus, and their relatives were aggressive.

Let ’s not talk about the relationship between China and the United States. Let ’s just say that Luminous, Luminous was pushed to the top of the global wanted list by one stroke, the world ’s largest criminal. This medicine is very embarrassing.

Do you want this medicine, or do you want it, or do you want it?

Yes? Are you embarrassed to let people save you while treating people as wanted? Moreover, if you treat people like this, whether they can give you medicine is another matter.

As a result, tens of thousands of infected people in the country, as well as their families and many other people, were bombed.

Large-scale mass protests broke out in the major cities of Miguo New York, Hua, and Jin.

The main theme of public protests in several major cities is the same ~ ~, there is only one, that is, the protest lists Yeguang as a criminal.

Mi Fang promoted Luminous as a global wanted criminal, but now the people of Miguel are protesting against Luminous being listed as a criminal, which is very gratifying.

People in Rice said: What can I do? I'm also very desperate. Who made it happen that he came up with a special medicine for Jihuifang, and then treated him as a criminal, it is very likely that we would not get the special medicine!

Regarding the outbreak of demonstrations in many places, Mi officials have not responded positively to the demands of the people, but have always called on the people to calm down.

However, the people's parade in Mi is just an introduction, just like the firecrackers that ignited the leads. Following the parade in Mi, there have been similar incidents in the world.

People in many infected countries, even in some non-infected countries, have collectively protested against Ye Guang as an international criminal.

In fact, for these countries, most of them do not have the kind of miraculous state, they have no resentment against Yeguang, and the relationship between China is not bad, so if China has enough medicines, then It is almost certain that humanity will provide them with special effects, so they do not need to do this at all.

However, there is something in this world called the human heart and the conscience.

While treating people as criminals on the spot, they accepted the salvation of others' lives with peace of mind. Such shameful things were done by very few people.

Regardless of Yeguang's willingness or not, in this global crisis, when he took out the relief, he has already become a savior in the minds of many people.

In the face of a hero who has saved a major crisis for all mankind, it is unfair that the official regards him as an international criminal. Such a thing should not happen, it cannot happen!

Fairness of this heart.

On this day, the whole world is vindicated for luminescence!

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