My Starcraft World

Chapter 103 Planetary Force Field (Important Chapter, Future War Mode Description)\r

The armored warrior legions that fell from the sky formed small dense formations, desperately delaying the Zerg's return to help.

On the other side, all the heavily armored tanks quickly changed their fortress mode and concentrated their fire to attack a strange huge Zerg building in the center of the stronghold.

This building, which looks like a cone with a curved surface, covers a large area below, at least one square kilometer.

The vertebral building pierces the sky from bottom to top, reaches the top, shrinks to only a few tens of meters in diameter, and at the top, there is a huge circular balloon, constantly agitating the contractions, releasing waves of invisible fluctuations.

Occasionally artillery fire hit the vicinity, but it seemed to be caught in an invisible quagmire and could not get close at all.

On the ground, the tank's ultra-high-speed electromagnetic heavy cannon constantly penetrates the surface of the root of the strange building, explodes inside, and cuts the structure of the building little by little.

Finally, when the armored warrior was about to die, the huge cone building finally could not support it, and gradually tilted and collapsed.

At this moment, Meng Ze suddenly noticed a flash of fluctuation in the sky, as if something had been affected.

However, the battleship group in the void did not move.

Instead, it was another round of airborne, still targeting the same building as the Zerg in the other direction.

Just when Meng Ze thought that the Zerg would be weakened little by little, and then annihilated.

The fleet suddenly appeared behind the original battleship group and directly began to attack.

The exchange of fire between the warship groups in the sky did not last long, but it successfully interrupted the battleship group's support for the planet.

Then Meng Ze found that taking this opportunity, the strange building that had been destroyed by the Zerg stronghold was built again.

At this time, the screen switches to the dog's bun command center, and one of them is roaring on the screen.

"Dog-headed buns, you are especially harmful to others and not good for yourself, Lao Tzu and you are not at odds.

Meng Ze looked, isn't this the big bastard in Xicheng District!

Suddenly, Meng Ze understood, and at this time the dog-headed bun gave himself a video recording.

Meng Ze dialed the dog-headed bun communication.

"Big guy, thank you."

"Haha... Brother, brother buns, am I a cow? If you talk about him, you will do him, and you will never break your word. "5

At this time, the dog-headed bun's mood obviously recovered and laughed.

"Big guy awesome, I see that in the end, the big bastard in Xicheng District is about to be angry."

"Then of course, the troops who have died more than 100,000 are finally going to succeed, and they are stabbed by me, and their previous achievements are abandoned, can he feel better? He didn't vomit blood on the spot, even if he could bear it. "The dog-headed bun is obviously quite comfortable with the timing of his intervention.

"Big guy, he is in space, so many battleships have become decorations, why don't you attack? Otherwise, it should have been successful long ago. Meng Ze asked suspiciously.


"Brother, you won't be without a little military knowledge, right?"

Meng Ze's question made the dog-headed bun speechless, why can such a little white occupy 10,000 mines, is there any heavenly reason.

The dog-headed bun's contempt for Meng Ze really can't help it, who makes himself a blue star native.

Now I can only continue the identity of the waste boy brother to the end.

Fortunately, the dog head bun is not very real, or does not care at all, Meng Ze is easy to fool the past.

"Bun boss, you want to ask me to eat, drink and have fun, I am very experienced, you ask me about the military, to be honest, from entering the interstellar world, I have only begun to get a little involved." Meng Ze stalls his hands.

"Brother, I want that life too." The dog-headed bun looked envious.

"Big guy, you exchange the crystal mine for some money, if it's not enough for the old brother to give you, you should be invited to play."

"Then forget it, you don't feel how popular the interstellar world qualification is in the outside world, and it's much more fun than the outside, where do you need to go to the outside world to play." 5

Meng Ze understands the meaning of dog-headed buns, and also knows that because of his different origins, the system shields itself from some functions of the world market.

But now he doesn't need that, and he can't live in the interstellar world for a long time anyway, unlike the Imperial Federation players.

"Well, big guy, you can call me whenever you need to, you have fun, I pay." Meng Ze said.

"I won't be polite with you, you're a super tycoon now!" The dog-headed bun was so envious that he was almost drooling.

Easing his emotions, the dog-headed bun said: "Brother, the question you asked just now, let me tell you, if you don't know, brother, you will suffer a big loss."

Meng Ze looked like he was listening, and he was genuinely curious about what was going on.

"In our universe, each planet has its own force field, the size of the planet is different, the vitality is different, and the size of the force field is also different. As you know, the StarCraft simulation world in some ways almost completely replicates the reality of the universe. Therefore, the planets of this world also have planetary force fields. ”

"But under normal circumstances, the force field of the planet itself is not strong and has little effect." But when the planetary force field is amplified through technology, it is different.

0.....Asking for flowers·

"Do you know why the big bastards in Xicheng District don't carry out long-range attacks? It's not that it can't, it's that it's useless. The Zerg building that was destroyed is one of the Zerg's planetary force field amplifiers. After the planetary force field is amplified by the planetary force field amplifier by tens of millions of times, all long-range attacks will be greatly weakened.

"Some powerful planets, under the action of the force field amplifier, can even weaken the attack power of the main gun of the battleship to one percent of the power." 9

"In this case, if you don't destroy the planetary force field amplifier on the planet first, the battleship is waste. 35

"Of course, the planetary force field also has weaknesses, due to the factors of the planetary force field itself, the planetary force field has almost no weakening effect on the attack that enters the force field." 5


"However, the target of the battleship is too big to approach, so it can only use the assault force to first pull out the force field amplifier of the planet. The key to Star Scramble is the preservation of force field amplification. 35

The dog-headed bun was very detailed, and Meng Ze naturally understood.

"In that case, what are you building so many warships for?"

"Brother, you don't have a battleship, will your landing force be able to reach its destination alive? It's not that you didn't see how heavy the losses were caused by me when the big bastards landed in Xicheng District. 99

Meng Ze reacted that the question he asked was indeed a bit stupid.

He stared at Star Wars and ignored the war in interstellar space.

"Big guy, I understand, thank you for this time."

"Haha, don't be so polite, just look for your bun brother if you have something."

End communication with dog-headed buns

Meng Ze thought about it and paid for a public Warzone announcement on the Warzone channel.

"I am Meng Ze, and from now on, I will no longer expand, no longer actively attack peripheral players, and I hereby announce.

As soon as this announcement came out, the 320 New District cheered, and the shadow that covered the sky finally dissipated.

Regardless of the reason for this announcement issued by Meng Ze, since it was said publicly in front of everyone in the war zone, everyone believes in its credibility.

Friends and younger brothers also sent communications, and Meng Ze replied: I can't digest it.

Only when communicating with minus 90 degrees did he specifically mention that the upper limit for occupying mining areas was 10,000.

Because among all people, there is only minus ninety degrees, there is such a slightest possibility of full mine.

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