My Starcraft World

Chapter 107 Void Floating Island\r

The Void Floating Island is the shape of an inverted mountain, and at the beginning the entire plane above it.

When Meng Ze places the mine, he can choose the terrain, plain, highland mine, depression mine, choose one of the three.

Meng Ze didn't know what the advantages and disadvantages of these three terrains were, and he didn't think about it, who would let the other party hit his own mine, and at that time, his mine was not all seen.

If so, it is estimated that he will become the enemy of the whole people.

The highland mine that has been used is quite useful, and Meng Ze has no intention of changing.

Unlike Meng Ze's previous mines, each mine must have a command center.

The third-level command center cannot be purchased directly, but Meng Ze only needs to use the ordinary command center to add money to upgrade.

The 22 mines are divided into 4 parts by Meng Ze.

The most central mine is then placed at Meng Ze's headquarters command center.

The other 21 mines, each of the 7 mines, are clustered together in a more regular equilateral triangle, and the mine is located at the apex of the equilateral triangle.

In the end, a large highland plain with the Meng Ze headquarters as the center and a radius of 100 kilometers was formed.

Meng Ze has set up three huge grooves on the edge of the highland plain to serve as a passage up and down the plain.

Subsequently, Meng Ze placed all the scientific buildings on the highland plain.

The arms production buildings are placed under the 670 Highland Mine, on both sides of the intersection.

With a high supply station of 4,000, it is the largest number of buildings in Meng Ze.

Meng Ze was divided into eight piles in a pile of five hundred, arranged in equal parts, and distributed on the periphery of the void floating island.

Bastions and missile launch pads are gradually arranged from the edge to the inside.

According to the way Meng Ze is placed, the number of these two buildings at this time is not enough to form a full coverage of the entire Void Floating Island.

Meng Ze will continue to be added later.

Because it has not been promoted at this time, all the buildings are still second-class, and the ancillary buildings are placed together with the main building.

However, the satellite station and nuclear bomb shaft have been separated from the main building in advance and can be placed separately, but these buildings will not take effect until they are promoted to level three.

In addition to these existing buildings, Meng Ze also added space interferometers to the Void Floating Island in advance, which was placed next to the command center of Meng Ze headquarters.

After the building was laid, Meng Ze began to set up the Legion.

Compared to the huge number of legions, in fact, the Void Floating Island is not large.

Meng Ze hasn't spent too long on this, either.

Basically, all the legions are divided into three parts, distributed according to the zigzag shape.

Each legion corresponds exactly to a junction of a highland plain.

All these settings are complete, and the Void Floating Island officially begins to generate.

The generative process was quick, but Meng Ze didn't witness it.

Only to see the big screen in the command center go dark and bright, Meng Ze appeared on his void floating island.

"Dear Commander, you will have up to two days to adjust your Void Floating Island, and after two days, you will face the first level of entering the chaotic battlefield, the battle of survival.

"If you are confident enough, you can also apply to start the survival battle trial early, good luck.

Meng Ze did not give him the opportunity to start the Survival Battle, although he believes that even if he applied immediately, the Survival Battle would not be difficult for him.

In the case of bringing up the Void Floating Island, all resources, buildings, and corps are the same as when Meng Ze set them up before.

However, there is one thing Meng Ze did not notice before, and that is that the area of the Void Floating Island is all red except for the top platform.

Meng Ze paid attention and said "The area is not attackable."

"It's okay." Meng Ze was still wondering what if someone else pierced the bottom of the Void Floating Island.

In such a high-tech war, this kind of thing is really not impossible.

Just as Meng Ze is looking at his floating islands.

The wisdom brain prompts that there is an area call, and from the content of the call, it seems to be specifically looking for Meng Ze.

Meng Ze sent a communication based on the caller's information.

I was then transferred to a privately set nearby call channel, and there were now four players in it.

They are called Mengjun, Planet 30,000 Li, Wine Sword Fairy and a fierce man.


The first to speak was Meng Jun, who saw Meng Ze come in and immediately said, "Welcome our new friend Meng Ze to the chaotic battlefield."


"Welcome Meng Ze!"


Several people looked quite enthusiastic, but Meng Ze was confused about the situation for a while, so he had to thank the group.

"Meng Ze, isn't it a little strange why we pulled you in?" Mengjun said.

Meng Ze nodded and said, "It's a little, I don't know what everyone is going to do?"

"I wonder how much Meng Ze you know about the battlefield of chaos?" Meng Jun did not answer Meng Ze's question directly, but asked first.

"I don't know much, I only know that after the chaotic battlefield, I must first face the survival battle and the promotion battle, and only by passing these two battles can I be considered to have a firm foothold."

"You're right," Mengjun said, "What we're going to say today is also related to this, of course, if you can't even pass the survival battle and the promotion battle, then everything will naturally be in vain."

"Then please say." Meng Ze gestured.

"Meng Ze, since you know about survival battles and promotion battles, you should know more or less about the points of the chaotic battlefield, right?

Meng Ze nodded, indicating that he knew.

"We came together to help each other." Mengjun directly explained the reason.

"Surviving in the chaotic battlefield is too difficult, and it is not easy for us level three players to earn points. Resource grab mode, Star Wars mode, and frontline battlefield missions, none of which we can play alone, and without points, we will face survival problems all the time. "5

"Therefore, we people, get together, help each other, face these difficulties together, get out of the bottom as soon as possible, and become a big boss."

Meng Ze's words became weirder the more he listened, and you didn't know that you had pulled me in.

When Mengjun finished speaking, a group of people looked at him with hope on their faces.

Meng Ze understood that all around him was a group of bitter haha, maybe still the kind of player who was on the verge of falling off.

Otherwise, it will take great pains to win over a new person.

"You don't know me?" After being stunned for a while, Meng Ze decided to get to the bottom first.

The other four looked at each other, what does this newcomer mean by asking this, is he famous?

The four immediately searched the command center for Meng Ze's information.

Meng Ze has a lot of public information, what is the hard-gang third-level zerg in the new district, the chase and killing order of the big bastards in the Xicheng District, robbing mines, and so on.

But all this information is not comparable to the most important one, the strongest player in the 320 new area, especially the million-strong legion.

After reading it, several people were a little embarrassed, this oolong made a fuss, originally thought that everyone was poor haha, you help me and I help you, who knew that a giant dragon was actually mixed in.

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