My Starcraft World

Chapter 114 After the War\r

After fighting the battle of life and death, Meng Ze just hastily arranged his defenses, and couldn't wait to withdraw from the interstellar world to replenish sleep.

Commanding troops for a long time with mental tension is a great drain on mental and physical strength.

Even with the weakening of trans-world, Meng Ze feels a little overwhelmed.

He also didn't want players of the Imperial Federation to be able to use restorative potions or food at any time.

After waking up, it was night, Meng Ze and Luo Wei secretly tired for a while before entering the interstellar world.

Unsurprisingly, the command center has a lot of informational tips.

Meng Ze looked at a few and found that most of them were concerned about his war situation.

So he ignored it and began to let the wisdom brain count the battle damage.

A few minutes later, the data came out.

According to the results of statistics, the entire battle was fought and the casualties were extremely heavy.

The biggest loss was the Wagret fighter "673", which lost more than 480,000 in the whole battle.

The second is the science spacecraft.

Meng Ze remembers vividly that when he hit the main island of the Zerg, in the face of the scorpion's dark swarm skill, the science spacecraft became the main force of the war, and naturally became a big loss.

More than 220,000 scientific spaceships were lost in this battle.

After that, there are more than 180,000 biochemical lancers and more than 60,000 ghost fighters.

The lowest losses were actually tanks and robots, more than 40,000 of each.

The loss of arms, plus building losses, temporary construction, etc., the total consumption exceeds ten billion.

After all, Meng Ze sighed that war is really about fighting money.

If it weren't for the fact that he was rich enough, this time would definitely be cool.

Knowing the result, Meng Ze first connected to the dog-headed bun's communication.

"Brother, if you don't come back, I thought you were cleared out, just fighting a life and death battle, and you got the same thing." 39 Doghead Bun said with a disdainful look.

Meng Ze's words shocked Meng Ze, could it be that the players who advanced to the previous level were so strong?

Could it be that he was recognized as the strongest in the new district two days ago is fake?

"Big guy, do you have any misunderstanding about life and death battles? Such a high difficulty, you actually said the same as playing, I was almost raided by the Zerg before. With this doubt, Meng Ze asked.

"Exaggerated, right? Show me the battlefield video. The dog-headed bun originally thought that Meng Ze was fooling him, but seeing Meng Ze's serious look didn't seem like a lie.

Meng Ze sent the video of the battlefield here, and the dog-headed bun was busy watching the video, so he hung up the communication first.

Then it was immediately sent to minus 90 degrees.

"Meng Ze, you're done fighting a life-and-death battle, aren't you? How does it feel?" Ninety degrees below zero asked directly.

"It's just fatal, I didn't expect the difficulty of life and death battles to be so high, I fought for more than a day, consumed more than ten billion, exhausted me." 99 Meng Ze complained with a friend.

Meng Ze's words confused minus ninety degrees, how is this different from the life and death battle he has heard of?

If it is really like Meng Ze said, then how many people can fight and fight this life and death battle?

"Give me a copy of the battlefield video, I'll learn some experience and see."

Ninety degrees below zero decided to take a look first.

Meng Ze also sent him a video.

Then Mengjun's side, because Meng Ze has a space interferometer, there is no scene of war leaking out at all, and he has long been itchy.

When the war was still over, he was inquiring about it, and Meng Ze also sent him a copy of the past.



Meng Ze just sent a video to Meng Jun, and the dog-headed bun sent three exclamation points in a row.

Then came the pop-up communication.

As soon as it was connected, the dog-headed bun shouted loudly: "Brother, brother, are you going to participate in the world battlefield?"

"Big guy, I'm a life and death battle, I didn't make a mistake." Meng Ze confirmed.

The dog-headed bun slapped the door of his head and sighed: "It is because I believe that you are fighting a life and death battle, I feel incredible, the strength of your Zerg opponent is almost the top of the third level, you actually rely on the second-level arms to slaughter it, incredible, incredible!"

"But I can't figure it out, why is your life and death battle so difficult?"

The dog-headed bun's words made Meng Ze suddenly remember the application before the life and death battle began.

Meng Ze and the dog-headed bun mentioned, and the dog-headed bun said that he had not heard of such a thing, and I don't know if it was related to Meng Ze's strength when he was promoted to the chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, a message came from minus 90 degrees: "Meng Ze, is there a problem with me looking for someone else to take a look at the video?" Your difficulty is too perverted, if I encounter it, I will definitely not be able to beat it.

Meng Ze doesn't care about this, he is about to be promoted to the third level, and then his strength will change drastically, if anyone has seen it and dealt with him according to the strength at this time, he really doesn't know how to die...

So, I readily agreed.

On the dog-headed bun side, he chatted with Meng Ze about the difficulty of the life and death battle before hanging up the communication.

Some distressed shook their heads, the dog head bun has a feeling of right and wrong.

Unexpectedly, in just one or two months, my little brother was so strong.

I am afraid that I will soon be unable to cover him as a big guy.

On Mengjun's side, after Meng Ze replied, half of his heart dropped.

From the beginning, he knew that Meng Ze's life-and-death battle was a bit difficult.

Just the size of those Zerg corps he saw was more than ten times more than what he had ever experienced.

And the eyes of those zergs don't look like ordinary soldiers can have.

When Meng Ze went to war, he reluctantly used a dozen long-range probes, but he could not see any battlefield scenes.

It is even more certain that Meng Ze is not ordinary.

Who just arrived at the chaotic battlefield and installed himself with a space interferometer.

However, due to the long duration of the war, Mengjun couldn't help it in the middle of the way, and sent a few messages, and previously received a reply from Meng Ze, saying that he was fighting.

Later, there was not even a reply.

During that time, Mengjun's heart was cold.

You know, during the life and death battle, the Zerg naturally aimed at the target 3.5 players at the beginning.

But once the player has not fought a life and death battle, the Zerg naturally loses its goal.

At this time, the Zerg is equivalent to becoming a wild monster, and all the players around him are within his attack range.

According to the scale of Meng Ze's life and death battle, once he can't carry it, the surrounding players are basically dead.

The Void Floating Island of the Chaotic Battlefield can be relocated, but it requires a large fee and takes effect seven days after the application.

So under normal circumstances, no one would do that.

At this time, the word 'relocation' naturally appeared in Mengjun's mind, but it was simply too late now.

So Meng Jun can only pray in his heart that Meng Ze's sudden disappearance is due to the urgent situation of the battle, not because it has been wiped out by the Zerg.

Fortunately, although Meng Ze has not been heard, the Zerg has not spread either.

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