My Starcraft World

Chapter 128: Friend's Resentment\r

Meng Ze came to school to see Luo Wei, purely on a whim, and did not think to disturb her study.

Found the second and third classes of high school, secretly took a photo of Luo Wei studying outside the classroom, and Meng Ze went home satisfied.

And today in school, there seems to be an unexpected gain, but if it is true, it is not a good thing for Meng Ze or even Blue Star.

When I got home, I didn't meet ~ the neighbor's family again.

Meng Ze memorized the picture in his hand again, prepared to go to the interstellar world - and reproduce it.

This step is actually very easy, the command center is connected to the commander's brain domain, as long as the memory is deep, it is easy to project.

Looking at the reproduced picture on the big screen, a shuttle battleship glided through the void, and the photo was also a picture of the planet.

"This battleship looks not small!" Meng Ze said heartily.

But this is natural, although I don't know how many telescopes Zhang Xiaoran's astronomy-loving classmate uses, but the battleship is small, and the difficulty of photographing will naturally be much higher.

Through this background, Meng Ze can't tell where the battleship is, it feels like it shouldn't be close, and he doesn't know how it was photographed.

Meng Ze had no experience in judging battleships, so he had to let Zhi Brain take a separate screenshot of the battleship pattern in the picture.

Not sending the whole picture is also afraid of being discovered, maybe the possibility is very small, but what if.

Passing the picture to minus ninety degrees, Meng Ze knew that he knew something about the Star Spirit Clan.

Why he thought of the Star Spirit Clan first, Meng Ze himself did not understand, perhaps because he did not know much race.

About an hour later, the communication came at minus 90 degrees.

"Meng Ze, where did you find the style of this battleship?" Ninety degrees below zero asked.

"I got it by accident, how, did I find anything?" Meng Ze asked.

"I asked someone, there is indeed such a battleship, but the style is very old, it is the standard warship of the Star Spirit Clan a long time ago.

"I remember you said that the Star Spirit Clan has disappeared for a long time.

Meng Ze remembered what he had said before at minus ninety degrees.

"Yes, I haven't found a trace of the Star Spirit Clan for hundreds of years, I really don't know where you found the pictures, you don't seem to be such a curious person." 99

Ninety degrees below zero was clearly puzzled by the photo Meng Ze had taken.

"It's not convenient to say it now, so let's talk to you if there is a new situation."

Meng Ze didn't think about how to get over this kind of thing, so he simply said it.

Anyway, shooting at minus ninety degrees will not guess his true situation, and maybe we will need his help in the future.

"I don't know who gave you this, but as a friend, I want to advise you, don't let the Star Spirit Clan have the opportunity to get close to your body, and it's best not to let them know about you." The Star Spirit Clan has a spirit manipulator called the Dark Executive, which can remotely telepathically cue designated objects, making people puppets and unknowable. The Imperial Federation suffered a great blow that year. "Ninety degrees below zero.

"Thank you, I'll pay attention, by the way, I remember that the Star Spirit Clan seems to have been defeated by the Zerg?"

Ninety degrees below zero nodded and said, "It should be like this, now most of the original realm of the Star Spirit Clan is on the Zerg side, but there is no definite news that the Star Spirit Clan is defeated." But one thing is certain, the control method of the Zerg's superiors and subordinates is the nemesis of the dark executive of the Star Spirit Clan, and any Zerg who is hinted by the mind can quickly find abnormalities.

"Our current commander mode is actually partly a reference to the way the Zerg operate. 35

Meng Ze probably got it, too.

This method does not prevent civilization from being infiltrate, but the barrel of the gun is all in the hands of a fully protected and fully trusted commander, and the entire civilization cannot be chaotic.

"How many mines do you have now?" Meng Ze asked about minus 90 degrees.

"It's less than two hundred, I really don't know how you did it, so quickly you got 10,000 mines." Minus ninety degrees sighed.

"Haven't you been watching, rioters, rioters, and then push flat." Meng Ze felt that his approach should be simple.

"Meng Ze, you got off to a very bad start, you know?" Speaking of this, minus ninety degrees can't help but complain.

"Now that the 320 new district is all together, everyone is a desperate riot soldier, who wants to learn from you to riot a lot of soldiers, and then expand rapidly." But I don't have the capital like you, and I have learned four things. Some people who originally wanted to develop with peace of mind are now not working, others are rioters, they are not violent, and they will immediately become targets. Now there is restlessness everywhere in the new district, and there is war all day long. 35

"This shouldn't affect you at all, anyway, no one around should be able to beat you." Meng Ze said.

"The problem is that I also want riot soldiers, now those players are ruthless, sometimes I would rather fail than gnaw you, I have to put a lot of soldiers in other mining areas to defend, if you don't defend it, you will be sneak attacked, the loss of a command center is tens of millions, so that I don't have much energy to expand now, like a thief every day."

0.....ask for flowers...

Minus 90 degrees is very depressed, thinking that at the beginning, how harmonious the 320 new area was, who knew that it was made by Meng Ze, and many people were unbalanced.

"Oh, I wonder how my little brothers are doing?"

"It's okay, don't say it, your little brother called Dream Bend Overtaking, the ability to combine vertical and horizontal is really good, now with a group of players to attack the city, and I have cooperation here." Minus ninety degrees praised.

"Haha, don't look at whose little brother it is, well, first of all, I haven't asked him for a long time, I will also care about it."

Although minus 90 degrees did not say, Meng Ze knew that I died with whom and the kindergarten master estimated that the development was average, and he had completely fallen behind.


Connect the communication with the overtaking of the dream corner, and the other party is very surprised.

"Big guy, you've finally come to visit your little brother.

"That said, although I didn't give you a communication, I also have information about you, I know that you are developing very well now." Meng Ze is now on sale, telling the news he just got from minus 90 degrees.

"Hehe, it's far worse than the big guy." That said, but I am very happy to get praise from the big guys and overtake on the dream corner.

"Come on, the chaotic battlefield is more difficult to mix than imagined, the new area can be said to be the best development opportunity, we must accumulate enough mining areas in the new area, the more the better, otherwise when you get to the chaotic battlefield, it will be difficult to make progress."

Dream corner overtaking can feel the sincerity of his own boss, with his understanding of Meng Ze, this should be his own boss during this time, Meng Ze can be said to know very little about the game before, let alone the chaotic battlefield.

Sure enough, Meng Ze and Dream Bend overtook Ti Mengjun's current situation, causing their little brother to sigh.

"Don't worry, the big guy, I will do my best to lay a good foundation and never disgrace the big guy."

"Well, you can only rely on yourself, I estimate that when you are promoted to the third level, I may be at the fourth level and the fifth level, and I can't take care of you much."

"Haha, the big guy has already given me such a good foundation, how can I let the big guy take care of it from time to time." Dream corners overtake confident roads.

Seeing him like this, Meng Ze feels relieved, people will help themselves and others will help them, only self-improvement, others pull you to have a role.

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