My Starcraft World

Chapter 138: The Zerg's Interstellar Force\r

In the second round, Meng Ze adjusted the fleet configuration and added a large number of science ships.

Although the battle was still long, the damage rate of the Fengshen assault ship dropped significantly.

Then the third round, the fourth round... After ten rounds, a new hint came.

"Respected commander, today you have completed ten rounds of extremely difficult clearance tasks, because of your outstanding record, you will be issued a more difficult clearance mission later, may I ask you ~ accept?"

Meng Ze first read the no-no prompt, and if he refused, then today's task - even if it is over.

Choosing to accept, Meng Ze takes his two younger brothers and enters the difficulty-space of missions that do not exist in the points system.

In this difficulty, the Zerg finally appeared in the interstellar class - the Void Corruptor and the Multi-Eyed Worm.

The volume of the Void Corruptor is much larger than that of the space assault ship, the length is almost five hundred meters, and the attack method is to spray out a green corruption liquid at a super high speed, this corruption liquid corruption ability is super amazing, even the void space seems to be able to erode through, if the void has a sound, it seems to be able to hear its sound.

Fortunately, this corrupting liquid does not seem to exist for a long time, and after it shoots out of the Void Corruptor's body, it will dissipate all the way, but even so, the attack distance of the Void Corruptor is thousands of miles.

The presence of this class makes Meng Ze the weaker side of the attacking distance.

As for the multi-eyed eyeworm, it is a support class that seems to be able to use some kind of ability to build an energy field.

This energy field deflects the laser weapon and weakens the power of the heavy ion cannon.

These two zergs attacked and defended, cooperated tacitly, and Meng Ze did not understand the first contact, and Meng Ze suffered a big loss as soon as the war began.

The Void Corruptor's Corruption Liquid is attached to the Energy Shield and will continue to corrode the shield until it erodes through it or dissipates clean.

At first, Meng Ze didn't know how to deal with it, until he accidentally observed that when the shield broke, the corruption liquid would stay in place because of the kinetic energy dissipating, and Meng Ze suddenly realized.

After that, Meng Ze switched to the rotational attack method of space assault ships, and when the space assault ship in front encountered a large amount of corrosion liquid, it changed to the rear formation, turned off the shield, and reopened in the transfer position to remove the corruption liquid.

But there is a risk that the shield will disappear temporarily.

Most of Meng Ze's late space assault ship losses were caused at this time.

But compared to the initial hard resistance, the damage is still much lower.

The fighting lasted for a long time.

Fortunately, there are not many of these two types of troops, neither of them is more than a hundred.

In the end, Meng Ze still relied on the numerical advantage to gather fire attacks and explode them one by one.

Meng Ze suffered heavy losses in this battle, with more than 100,000 Fengshen assault ships damaged, more than 10,000 scientific spacecraft, and more than 300 space assault ships lost in the first battle, which is still when Meng Ze has considerable force superiority.

This round, more than ten hours later, Meng Ze completed the final clearance.

But the harvest of this battle is also great, 200,000 points and 200 million resources.

Seeing the tragic situation of the big guy, no matter what Meng Ze said this time, Mengjun and a fierce man were determined not to do anything.

Just like Mengjun said, to be a person must have self-knowledge, and the two of them should consider the big guy for the younger brother, and they can only be good when the big guy is good.

Meng Ze agreed.

He insisted only because of commitment first.

However, this time he lost more than three billion, which is a great wave of blood.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of spaceship yards have just been put down, the resources at home cannot be connected in a short time.

Fortunately, Meng Ze's family has enough troops, and after this time, the battleships produced on the floating island not only made up for the number of space assault ships lost, but also increased a lot.

The number of Fengshen assault ships was also replenished.

As for scientific spaceships, no new ones are made, but there are still quite a few at home.

After some inventory and additions, Meng Ze felt he was doing it again.

At this moment, Mengjun asked, "Big guy, do you want to continue to do the task?"

"How, you have something?" Meng Ze was stunned, thinking that Mengjun had something to do, in that case, maybe the task could only be put away.

"No, just looking at the big guy's loss just now, ask the big guy's plan."

"It has been replenished, there are still a lot more, as long as you are careful, there should be no problem in continuing to do the task." Meng Ze said.

Sure enough, the second round of the war began, and Meng Jun and the two found that the number of Meng Ze's warships was not decreasing but increasing, and they were speechless.

...... Ask for flowers........

Billions of losses seem to exist in the big guy.

This time, because he found a way to deal with it, Meng Ze's loss was only half that of the first time, and the time was also shortened by several hours.

Mission accomplished.

Go out and replenish the battleships.

Come in with more battleships.

In the eyes of Meng Jun and a fierce man, Meng Ze is so simple and rude to do tasks.

The more battleships fight, the fewer they lose, and the less time they consume.

After ten rounds, the two melon-eating masses looked at the prompts given by the task and habitually waited to enter the task space again.

But I saw Meng Ze waving his hand and said: "If you don't fight today, the difficulty will be escalated in the next round, even if you can fight, the loss is too big and not worth it." 5

Then he divided the last round of 200 million resources to the two and said: "You have worked hard today, tomorrow I will brush the task, are you coming?"

The younger brothers immediately said, "Big guy, on call."

Nodded and hung up the communication.

Meng Ze points to open the points system, up to 2.7 million points.

Meng Ze used all his points to expand the Void Floating Island, which reached a plane diameter of 2,270 kilometers.

At this time, the real world was already past eleven o'clock.

In the middle of the brush minute, Meng Ze also received a message from Luo Wei, intentionally or unconsciously talking about tomorrow's weekend.

This is something that Meng Ze naturally will not forget.

Meng Ze simply calculated that today's three-round mission took him almost sixteen hours in the real world.

Tomorrow I don't know if the mission will start at the difficult level or extremely difficult.

However, Meng Ze decided to get up early and do a wave of tasks first, in case it was three batches, and try not to waste as much as possible.

Meng Ze mentally told Aka about his arrangements and arranged a wake-up mission for him.

Regardless of Acre's response, he fell into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Acre, who is busy at an unknown space-time node, is quite speechless, which is used as an alarm clock.

"Forget it, for your sake in the past two days of such hard work."

With this in mind, Aka decided to smoke less tonight so that Meng Ze could maintain enough energy tomorrow.

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