My Starcraft World

Chapter 155 Difficult Problem\r

Tomorrow is another weekend, but Luo Wei is not available, and the school has arranged final exams.

After two days of exams, it will be the official summer vacation.

However, it is said that because it is the third year of high school next semester, the school has arranged make-up classes.

"Brother Xiaobai, when the exam is over, there is a week of vacation, let's go out to play."

In the bedroom, Luo Wei was hiding under the covers and talking to Meng Ze on the phone.

This is Luo Wei's experience, hiding in the quilt and locking the door, Luo's mother can't hear any sound even if she eavesdrops outside the door.

"Where do you want to go?" Meng Ze asked.

Secretly calculated in my heart, in the next time, I don't need to do much in the interstellar world.

One is that it is necessary to arrange the production of warships, and in this regard, as long as you determine the production plan, the brain will automatically help you arrange it.

In addition, it is to do tasks to get points, which may have a little impact, but I am still far from being promoted to the fifth level, and I can make up for it after I work harder.

So when his girlfriend says he wants to hang out, Meng Ze can still find time.

Recently, I have been fighting in the interstellar world continuously, and sometimes I can't sleep on time, and I still need Aka's reminder.

For this reason, Meng Ze specially discussed with Aka and wanted to reduce sleep 05 time.

But Aka was quite persistent in terms of time, and gave the reason Meng Ze couldn't refuse: "For the safety of the two."

But perhaps considering Meng Ze's actual situation, Aka also thoughtfully gave a compromise.

As long as he stays in Blue Star, Meng Ze can choose not to sleep this way, but other ways, the time needs to be extended.

It is necessary to spend ten hours in Blue Star every day, and occasionally special circumstances can be slightly slowed down to make up for it.

Although there are conditional changes, Meng Ze is also more free in this case.

As for sleeping, for Meng Ze now, it's not that important.

Since he was able to obtain food and drink in the interstellar world, the recovery of energy was no longer a problem for him.

Luo Wei's voice continued to be heard on the phone.

"I want to go farther away, is it okay to go to Suhang? I heard that the scenery there is beautiful and I have long wanted to go. Luo Wei said.

"I don't have any problems, but how do you tell the family?"

"I said that if I go with Lingling and her classmates, and then keep in touch with my family every day, there should be no problem." "

It seems that Luo Wei has thought about it a long time ago, and Meng Ze naturally agreed.

The next morning, Meng Ze entered the interstellar world to continue the integration mission.

He decided to fight continuously today and tomorrow, in addition to sleeping, to squeeze out the time to hang out with Vivi.

The Zerg that appears in the mission system is different every time, but the gap is not very large.

And there is no possibility of ventilation between Zergs between missions.

So, with the same tactics, Meng Ze succeeded three times in a row.

And because there are more and more battleships, less time is consumed.

But the fourth time there was a problem, perhaps because Meng Ze had too many warships, and the Zerg of this mission actually hid in the protective circle of the interstellar force field early.

"By! Actually directly as a turtle, is this still a zerg?" Meng Ze regretted it a little, and several successive victories made him a little carried away, not realizing that the difference in the number of battleships would lead to different judgments of the Zerg.

At this time, Meng Ze's fleet consisted of 6,000 Starfire-class frigates, 400 Star-Fire destroyers, 180 Star-Fire class battleships, 60 Star-Fire class cruisers, 20 Planet-class motherships, and 100 Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships.

Meng Ze cut the number of Planetary-class motherships and Starfire-class cruisers and accelerated the construction of Starfire-class battleships, destroyers, and Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships.

Judging from the situation of use, although the Starfire-class cruiser is the killer feature of Meng Ze, in fact, the number of such warships is not much demand, because there are too many of them, and concentrated use will cause certain mutual interference.

On the contrary, it is the battleships of heavy firepower such as destroyers and battleships, which are used in a wider range.

As for the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship, Meng Ze is also used more and more and more conveniently.

Battleships are attacked by concentrated fire, which is basically a situation that every battle faces, and without the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship, even Meng Ze's battleships cannot withstand the concentrated fire of the Zerg forces.

And his battleships, one is five hundred million, as long as two are lost, Meng Ze will inevitably lose money.

In order to ensure that there were enough Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships to protect its capital warships from concentrated fire, Meng Ze quickly increased its number to a hundred.

In the face of the Zerg's turtle shrinking, Meng Ze calculated that regardless of the cruiser with short legs and not suitable for gathering fire with other battleships, his own firepower in one salvo can reach about 60 billion (together with the main and secondary guns).

Even if the Zerg shield is weakened to 90%, but after the second reduction of the minaret building force field, Meng Ze cannot destroy the Zerg minaret building at once.

That said, space jump jamming tactics are a little unworkable.

"Do you have to follow the same path as the bun boss? Then the loss will be great.

Meng Ze felt a pain in his head, and he didn't pay attention to it, which caused this situation.

Although Meng Ze feels reckless, he will definitely be able to take down this Zerg planet.

But as a commander, even if you want to be reckless, you must serve the strategy, and now it's just a point mission, it's not worth it at all.

Look at the ten frigates that he reserved behind the battlefield.

Meng Ze's finger tapped down on the console, lost in thought.

The Meng Ze battleship group sails around the planet in an orbit of more than one million kilometers from the planet, and 690 is looking for unwarranted opportunities.

And the inner circle of the planetary force field shield, the interstellar force of the Zerg, also moved with Meng Ze's fleet.

Meng Ze has tested that disturbances generated by space jumps can interfere with the force field, but the interference range is not large, because the space is quite stable within the planetary force field.

So even if Meng Ze jumps the battleship directly into the Zerg troops, the damage caused will not be too great.

Moreover, due to the gravitational interference of the planet, the accuracy of space jumping to the planet is extremely poor, and the distance difference is thousands of kilometers.

There is only a large depth of things such as the planetary force field shield, even if the accuracy is not enough, it can play a role.

Meng Ze had been staring at the target planet for more than an hour.

The zoomed-in holographic projection of the planet is less than a meter in front of Meng Ze, as if it is within reach.

The interstellar arms of the Zerg, spread out in the outer space of the planet, almost covered the small half of the planet from Meng Ze's line of sight.

After all, with the huge size of the interstellar class, it is not suitable for moving within the planet.

The disadvantage, of course, is that it is too large and has limited mobility.

But large size is also beneficial, if Meng Ze attacks the planet from the starry sky, almost all the attacks will fall on these interstellar classes, perfectly forming a protection for the ground.

After weakening the firepower, it is simply painless for these interstellar zergs.

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