My Starcraft World

Chapter 169: A Tough Guard Fleet\r

After more than half an hour, the stargate finally stopped expanding and gradually stabilized.

It is said to be a 'gate', but it is actually a natural space channel, a circle with a diameter of about 500 kilometers.

Around the natural stargate, the boundary is difficult to see with the naked eye, and only through the instruments of the battleship can obvious spatial fluctuations be found.

This boundary is risky, and when passing through the stargate, you need to keep a certain distance from the boundary.

Meng Ze was the first to pass, which is the right of the strong.

The whole passage, Meng Ze has long made the wisdom brain prepare.

Although Xicheng Cold Moon said that according to the default rules, Meng Ze will not be attacked by players.

But just in case, Meng Ze arranged destroyers as the vanguard, frigates and planet-class motherships in the center, battleships, cruisers, prism-class battlefield monitoring ships behind the hall.

The whole passage is without surprise.

After passing through the stargate, Meng "717" Ze quickly reorganized the fleet into a circular formation to prevent attack.

Prepared for it, Meng Ze watched carefully as it appeared on the holographic projection.

The Adventure Battlefield is a rather magical space, a bit like a subworld in the interstellar world.

Entering this space, Meng Ze's star map is naturally unusable, and can only be relied on, only the perception ability of the battleship itself.

Among all warships, the perception and detection capability of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship is naturally the most powerful, and even can replace the space observatory to a certain extent.

When fine detection is not carried out, the range of up to one light year can be detected, and fine detection can also ensure a distance of about 100 million kilometers.

There are obviously more things in interstellar space in the adventure battlefield, just in an area of 100 million kilometers, Meng Ze found a lot of things such as: meteorites, asteroids and the like, and 40 million kilometers away, found a fleet parked in the void without moving.

"Guard the fleet!!" Meng Ze's eyes lit up.

As soon as he came in, he found out, which excited Meng Ze.

The capital ship group turned around and flew towards the place where the guard fleet was present.

On the way, Meng Ze divided into fifty teams, each with 20 destroyers and 200 frigates, to protect the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships and search in all directions.

The Adventure Battlefield only lasted one day, and Meng Ze had to explore as many areas as possible in a limited amount of time.

There are so many messy things, and if you are not careful, space jumps and curvature navigation can become the scene of a ship disaster.

Meng Ze divided the fleet into two parts, with a small fleet of 100 destroyers and three Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships in front, and the main force of the fleet in the rear.

The small fleet leads the way in front, planning the navigation route and smashing small stars, meteorites, etc. that affect the channel.

The main forces of the fleet are in the rear, sailing along the channel opened by the pilot fleet.

The distance of 40 million kilometers is not far for Starfleet.

With Meng Ze increasing the speed of the fleet to 20,000 kilometers per second, it arrived in more than half an hour.

In the void, the guard fleet composed of tens of thousands of warships also discovered the arrival of Meng Ze, turned the direction of the fleet in advance, and began to charge the muzzle.

At this time, Meng Ze was still 3 million kilometers away from the other party.

"It's a little early to charge now, isn't it?" Seeing the other party's situation, Meng Ze was a little puzzled.

But Meng Ze's doubts did not last long, and as the light of the main gun of the guard fleet flashed, countless tiny ripples suddenly waved in the void in front of the Meng Ze fleet, less than two thousand kilometers away.

The dense attack suddenly appeared in front of Meng Ze's main fleet.

"I wipe!! Hyperspace long-range strike!!"

Even if Meng Ze hadn't seen it, he could guess what it was.

Meng Ze's first target was the Tier 5 fleet.

I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck.

Encountering the level five guard fleet, Meng Ze obviously had no choice, and the fleet did not dare to slow down, and rushed forward against the opponent's attack.

However, it seems that the guard fleet is not very smart, the opponent's attacks always appear from the front of the fleet, and there is no fire, so most of them are carried by the battleships.

If it were Meng Ze, he would have allowed artillery fire to appear directly in the center of the opposing fleet, hitting vulnerable targets and, if possible, focusing on important targets.

"I wonder if hyperspace attacks can gather fire? However, thinking about the difficulty should be very large, the hyperspace attack itself is already difficult, and if you want to synchronize the attack in hyperspace, the difficulty is estimated to be higher than the sky. Meng Ze said heartily.

The main guns of the fifth-tier battleships were recharged very quickly, and in about a minute Meng Ze had to be shelled by the opposing destroyers and frigates, and in about two minutes it was a round of shelling by battleships.

Meng Ze's battleships are okay and very resistant, but as long as the destroyer is hit three or four times, it must be exploded, and the frigate can only resist twice 0.....

In each round of attacks, thousands of frigates and hundreds of destroyers exploded, becoming fireworks in the stars.

Meng Ze had never suffered such a big loss and felt his heart dripping blood.

"The fleet on the opposite side is absolutely legendary, and the attack firepower is really strong. Fortunately, however, the cruiser does not seem to be able to carry out hyperspace attacks, otherwise I will definitely have to account here. Meng Ze deduced the enemy's ship rating based on the intensity of the attack, and at the same time rejoiced.

In two minutes, Meng Ze was shelled for four rounds, and the other side finally entered the range of the Meng Ze destroyer and frigate, and the main guns that had been prepared for a long time flashed, and dense artillery fire flew towards the guarding fleet.

Meng Ze did not dare to gather large-scale fire, the opponent's detection ability is obviously much stronger than his own, and large-scale fires are too easy to be blocked.

At the same time, Meng Ze also discovered how difficult it is to have no hyperspace attack ability, and it takes several seconds just to fly under artillery fire.

Fortunately, the guard fleet did not move, and most of Meng Ze's fire hit.

The opponent's shield fluctuated, and even thousands of warships could not withstand the attack, becoming fireworks in the starry sky.

The two sides have drawn closer to within 1.2 million kilometers.

Meng Ze's battleships also began to fire fiercely, and the two sides entered the phase of fire and merge.

Meng Ze's fleet also began to slow down, increasing the accuracy of firing.

At this distance, even if it is a fifth-level battleship, in the face of Meng Ze, it does not dare to turn around and retreat, otherwise it will only become a target.

Meng Ze's shield is not weaker than the opponent, even stronger, and the 3.5 firepower is a big advantage, and he is not afraid of such a fight.

Battleships explode one by one, and with each attack round, a large number of battleships on both sides will become the dust of the universe, but the further back, the more obvious Meng Ze's number of battleships and firepower advantage become.

From the beginning of the engagement to the end of the battle, it lasted less than twenty minutes.

But in this short period of time, the losses of warships on both sides exceeded 20,000.

Meng Ze saw the data counted by the wisdom brain, and he was so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

Star-fire class frigates suffered more than 9,800 combat losses, destroyers suffered more than 1,300 battle losses, battleships lost 74 battleships, cruisers lost 2 battleships, and prism-class battlefield monitoring ships suffered 9 battle losses.

In addition to the battle damage, there are also those damaged that can be repaired, and there are more than 3,000 ships in this regard.

The reason why there is much more damage than damage is because as long as the shield is broken, the body of the battleship is too fragile.

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