My Starcraft World

Chapter 171 Adventure (Five Changes Today)\r

For three hours, in such a large-scale search, Meng Ze actually did not encounter a guard fleet, and then he felt that the dog-headed bun was right, and he was really lucky when he first came in.

"How big is this battlefield? I flew for so long and didn't even run into a player.

Just as he was thinking, Meng Ze's search fleet suddenly detected two fleets, one player fleet and one guard fleet, and the two sides were at full war.

"Lean over." Meng Ze immediately made up his mind.

The treasure of the adventure battlefield can live there, and the players in it do not have much friendship with him, so they can naturally grab it.

Meng Ze's fleet suddenly appeared, apparently taking the other side by surprise.

The other party obviously wanted to take down the guard fleet before Meng Ze arrived, and even the attack of the battleship seemed to be fierce.

As the distance closer, the situation on the battlefield became clearer.

The player's battleship should be a fourth-level legendary level, and the strength is not bad, but the guard fleet is obviously a fourth-level mysterious level, and this player has a hard time fighting.

Although the player's fleet is larger than the Guard fleet, it is not certain who loses and who wins.

"Brother Cat Rides a Bicycle: That player, the guard fleet already has a master, please stay away from the battlefield, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"Yo, and threatened me?" Meng Ze was happy in his heart, did not reply, and continued to approach the battle position between the two sides.

Brother Cat rode a bicycle obviously panicked, two consecutive fire collection mistakes, wasted a lot of firepower, his own battleship lost another batch, the situation became worse and worse.

At this time, the cat brother in the command center was simply angry on a bicycle.

"Damn, don't let me know who you are, this feud is taken."

Seeing that his fleet was getting smaller and smaller, Brother Cat had no confidence in defeating the guarding fleet on a bicycle.

"Lao Tzu wants to see who you are."

Brother Cat rode a bicycle fiercely, abandoned the car guard, and took most of the battleships in front as abandonments, and more than 2,000 battleships in the rear took the opportunity to turn around and escape.

"What is he doing in my direction? You don't want to start a war with me, do you?" Meng Ze was puzzled.

In Meng Ze's bewildered gaze, Brother Cat rode several battleships on a bicycle and disappeared directly, not knowing how to leave the battlefield of adventure.

The other battleships really came directly at Meng Ze, and when the two sides closed the firing distance of the main guns, they opened fire directly without saying a word.

Seeing that the other side opened fire, Meng Ze was naturally unambiguous, and the fleet fired a volley and completely destroyed the remnants of the opponent's fleet.

"Brother Cat Rides a Bicycle: Meng Ze, you wait for Lao Tzu. year

The cat brother who was cleared out by Meng Ze left a cruel word at the end of his bicycle.

Meng Ze is just a defeated dog barking.

Simply accelerated forward, made up for the abandoned son fleet of Brother Cat riding a bicycle from behind, and then cleaned up the guardian fleet at almost no cost.

From the ruins of the battlefield, Meng Ze found eight boxes, which were not bad.

Meng Ze then continued to search, and there was no gain for more than ten hours, but several piles were found in the ruins of the battlefield, which should have been cleaned up by other players.

Meng Ze reversed direction a few times, all the way.

"It seems that the further you go, the more difficult it will be to gain, and the less and less the guard fleet will be."

After another hour, Meng Ze finally spotted a guard fleet again.

Behind this guard fleet, there is actually a planet.

In the void around the planet, there are also two battlefield ruins, which make Meng Ze more vigilant.

"It seems that some players found out in advance, but they couldn't beat it." Meng Ze said heartily.

Meng Ze did not reach the point of invincibility in the battlefield of adventure, and did not dare to rush forward recklessly.

Order a frigate to step forward, lower the shield level, and test the firepower.

Meng Ze, who has fought countless Star Wars, is very experienced, and before the fight, the enemy in the mission space is usually based on the number of battleships as the first judgment of the strength of the incoming enemy, and then take corresponding countermeasures through this.

Of course, once the firefight is exchanged, the judgment of the other party will be quickly adjusted according to the actual situation.

Whether the guard fleet of the Adventure Battlefield is judged in this way, Meng Ze does not know, but he is willing to test it, and at the same time let him touch the other party's low, the guard fleet will not be as treacherous as the player.

The end of the frigate was naturally doomed, and it was beaten into interstellar dust as soon as it entered the firing range.

"Level 4 mysterious, it's okay." Meng Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

In terms of the number of battleships, Meng Ze is at least twice as many as the other party, as long as the other party underestimates himself and leaves the planetary range to fight, the matter will be solved.

As it turned out, the guard fleet also fell for Meng Ze's strategy of showing weakness to the enemy.

I saw that the guard fleet that was originally on the edge of the shield of the planetary force field began to adjust its lineup and sail slowly in the direction of the Meng Ze fleet.

How fast the other party sails, Meng Ze does not care, as long as the guard fleet is out of the range of the planetary force field shield, even if it is only two or three kilometers, it is not so easy to go back.

Both sides are adjusted to a cone formation, which is the best firepower lineup when facing each other.

Seeing that there were also many Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships in the guard fleet, Meng Ze did not bother to gather fire.

Meng Ze maintained a speed of almost 3,000 kilometers per second and quickly approached the guarding fleet.

This speed is carefully calculated, with a range of 900,000 kilometers in 5 minutes.

When the two sides catch fire, even if the other party discovers that Meng Ze's fire is wrong, at this approaching speed, the other party has no chance to return to the planet.

At 2 million kilometers, frigates and destroyers on both sides began to attack, and as soon as the artillery fire fell on the shields of the opposing battleships, the guard fleet immediately noticed that something was wrong.

But as Meng Ze had previously calculated, the Guard Fleet was so hard to ride a tiger that it would dare not return to the planet at such a time. (Zhao's)

If it is a player, it may make an arrangement to abandon the pawn to protect the car, but the guard fleet obviously does not have the decision of the player, and insists on fighting hard with Meng Ze's fleet.

1.2 million kilometers, into the battleship's main gun range.

At this point, the end is already preordained.

Although both sides are Tier 4 Mystic fleets, the Meng Ze fleet is a big level higher in defense than the other side.

In the end, Meng Ze only paid a tenth of the price of guarding the fleet, turning the other party into interstellar dust.

Without the guarded fleet getting in the way, Meng Ze successfully destroyed the planet's first planetary force field amplifier after paying the price of a frigate.

Just as Meng Ze was about to continue his efforts and continue to destroy the next planetary force field amplifier, he suddenly received a message from the other party.

"I wipe, the NPCs of the Adventure Battlefield will actually send messages to the player??!!".

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