My Starcraft World

Chapter 173 was targeted\r

Until the end of the Adventure Battlefield mission, Meng Ze did not see the interstellar creatures mentioned by the dog-headed bun.

The Qiyu Battlefield disappears very quickly, when the time comes, the entire Qiyu Battlefield space is like a mirror, and after a burst of spatial fluctuations, it disappears, and all the players in the Qiyu Battlefield randomly appear in the surrounding star fields.

Nearby, like Meng Ze, is only a few million kilometers from the place where the original battlefield of adventure was born.

Far away may even appear a few light-years away.

When Meng Ze appeared, there were only a few fleets left on the other side of the battlefield, and I don't know if the original player didn't leave or came too late.

There is suddenly such a planet under their noses, and those players will naturally come to see it.

However, it turns out that it is a fully defended planet, and most players leave.

If it is not necessary, no one will have nothing to attack other people's planets, and it is likely that they will not be able to eat meat and cause a ruckus.

Although the sudden appearance of this planet is strange here, any ~ situation in the interstellar world can happen.

No one would have thought that this planet would come out of the battlefield of adventure, because no one had ever had such a harvest.

In the end, only one player was left who didn't go.

Crazy Little Reed is a level five player, originally his small galaxy is not far from the battlefield of adventure, but because the time to receive the news is relatively late, it is too late to arrive, all the stargate places have been used up, and the stargate has disappeared.

Missing such a huge and good opportunity, the crazy little reed is naturally very unwilling.

I have already slaughtered frantically in the Qiyu Battlefield before, as an outlet.

Afterwards, I wanted to go back, but I was too unwilling, so I simply stayed in place and waited to see if anyone finally came out of the star field around the Qiyu Battlefield and grabbed a wave.

But after waiting for so long, according to the calculation of time, the battlefield of adventure should be over, and a player fleet did not appear, but there was an extra planet around.

Although Crazy Little Reed doesn't quite believe that this will be the player's gain in the Adventure Battlefield, the timing of the appearance is too coincidental, and Crazy Little Reed just wants to test it.

Yes, just look at what the situation is, maybe you can get any benefits.

If not, then the other party is unlucky.

A single planet appears, the other party is at most a fourth-level player, this crazy little reed has long considered, although he has a bad reputation, but he is not a fool.

Meng Ze also spotted the crazy little reed, but he wasn't in a hurry.

As long as this player is not level six, he is not false at all, and the dog-headed bun said that a level six player has never attacked a low-level player.

Therefore, the other party is most likely a level five player.

Although I am not afraid, I still need to make preparations.

For so long, Meng Ze has been storing crystal ore one after another, and now his crystal ore stock is as high as more than 400 billion.

In the past, when it was not found to be used, now, Meng Ze has laid down fifty space ship yards on the planet for the first time.

Taking into account the possible intra-planetary war, a hundred aircraft manufacturing centers and a hundred reassembly factories were subsequently laid down.

At the same time, all the original shipyards and planetary arms factories began to produce at full capacity.

At the spaceship yard, Meng Ze specially arranged the production of 10 Amber Space Shield warships.

After arranging these tasks, Meng Ze discovers that his newly acquired planet can expand like the base planet.

Looking at his own points, there are more than 100 million inventory, which directly expanded Amber Star from a diameter of 5,000 kilometers to a diameter of 17,000 kilometers at once.

However, Meng Ze found himself making a mistake, and the planet has grown in size dramatically, which is not a good thing for the current situation.

Not because of anything else, but because the size of the planet has become larger, and more planetary force field amplifiers must be added accordingly.

Otherwise, because the original planetary force field amplifier is insufficient, the planetary force field shield cannot be formed at all after the growing planet.

Fortunately, the growth of the planet does not happen overnight, but has an expansion process.

Meng Ze invested so many points at once, and it is estimated that it will take twelve hours for the planet to grow alone.

While hurriedly mobilizing engineering troops to build planetary force field amplifiers, air defense turrets, early warning defense centers and other defensive buildings.

On the other side, Meng Ze's main fleet also began to set up its formation and prepare for war in the outer periphery of the planet's atmosphere, in the shield of the planet's force field.

At this time, as the planet gradually grows, the planetary force field shield is gradually weakening, but for a while, it is not visible.

Meng Ze's series of operations here, the crazy little reed can naturally see clearly, putting down hundreds of buildings at once, making him can't help but jump his eyelids.

"This player is too rich." The crazy little reed admitted that he was jealous, so he wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

Now the two sides are more than five million kilometers apart, and they are still outside the range of the battleship.

Crazy Little Reed is not in a hurry, he knows that the range of the main gun of the fourth-level player battleship is only 2 million kilometers, and the range of the battleship is only 1.2 million kilometers.

...... Ask for flowers....

As a level five player, because he does not go to normal space, all warships can reach a range of 3 million kilometers, which is still because the control of level five technology over hyperspace is not perfect, beyond this distance, the artillery fire fired by the battleship cannot exist stably in the dimensional space.

But even if it is only 3 million kilometers, facing level four players, you have the advantage.

Meng Ze watched each other approach, keeping an eye on the production at the spaceship yard.

The space shield of the Amber family, due to its single function, the production time is not long compared to the prism-class battlefield monitoring ship.

But even with Meng Ze's bonus, it still takes 40 hours.

And in these 40 hours, Meng Ze has no advantage at all for level five players.

There are almost no players below the legendary level in the five-level player fleet, because players with a fleet level lower than the legendary level have little chance of advancing to the fifth level.

But those above the legendary level are also extremely rare, the reason has also been said, one is that the resources cannot keep up, and the other is that few people use the mysterious level of physics laboratories from the low level.

Because the physics laboratory only affects the technology upgrade time, and the last thing players lack is time.

"No, you can't sit still like this, you must contain him, or even lead him away, and fight for the time to build the planetary force field amplifier and produce the space shield of the Amber clan. 35 Meng Ze thought carefully for a while and made up his mind.

Facing level five players, if you stay in the star circle to defend, it is basically equivalent to being passively beaten, and the opponent can easily use ultra-long-range attacks to strike.

If the planetary force field shield is normal, it is good to say that the grinding time is enough.

But because of Meng Ze's miscalculations, the planet is now expanding dramatically, and the situation will become extremely bad once the planet's force field shield is found to be weakened.

Thinking of this, Meng Ze took advantage of the distance between him and the other party and began to regroup the frigates, destroyers, battleships, and some Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships in the fleet, accelerated, and left the planet diagonally.

Cruisers, a small number of Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships remained to defend the planet.

Thirty planet-class motherships have also remained, and the planetary forces on them have been unloaded and deployed throughout the planet.

Meng Ze observed that the opposing fleet was twice as large as his own.

According to his previous speculation, in the case of hardness, his battleship is actually similar to the fifth-level legendary level, and the shield is even stronger.

Now in this situation, he has no hope of winning, only to fight and contain, is Meng Ze's opportunity to fight.

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