My Starcraft World

Chapter 175: The Craziest Mob Plan in History\r

Crazy little reed is now a bit difficult to ride.

If you don't fight, the feud has already been formed, and the rise of the other party will definitely be faster without fighting; Let's fight, seeing that the other party is so blatant now, he must be ready to defend.

More importantly, the difficulty of hitting a planet with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers and a planet with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers is increasing exponentially.

The latter's planetary force field amplifier not only has high building strength (health) and strong shields, but also has a lot more number than the former.

For each destruction, the strength of the weakening of the planet's force field is also low.

Generally speaking, if you want to hit a planet with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers, you must destroy at least three planetary force field amplifiers on the other side, and you can't let the other party rebuild it in the process.

In this case, the fleet in space can be a certain threat to the planet.

But that player, although the number of fleets is not as good as his own, but hiding in the star circle defense is more than wrong.

And the ground forces of the other side, just at a cursory glance, exceed tens of millions, which is definitely a difficult bone to gnaw.

"What a strange shame!" Crazy little reed doesn't know what to do now.

Because he had attacked the other party, the other side must have known his name.

He was not counterattacked, and 05 didn't even know the name of the other party.

In the future, you have to be careful of the retaliation of the other side at all times.

"Do you want to reconcile?"

Crazy Little Reed usually bullies countless players, but most of them are people who do not have the strength to fight back.

To put it bluntly, it is a typical bullying of the soft and afraid of the hard.

"Crazy little reed: Commander of the opposite planet, how do we reconcile, you didn't suffer losses anyway.

Crazy little reed sent messages on regional channels, thinking that he had given each other a step down.

"The other party shouldn't want to casually form a mortal feud with a level 5 player, right?"

Meng Ze's side, seeing the crazy little reed sent an area message.

'Oh' smile.

"You really want to fart, chase me to beat up, now you can't get it right, you want to reconcile." 55

Meng Ze didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Take care of yourself and do your own thing.

Meng Ze asked Zhi Brain to inquire that Amber belongs to Meng Ze's enclave and is a separate planet, and Meng Ze can apply for transfer.

The first is to determine the future orbit of Amber in the galaxy where the base planet is located.

The specific calculation does not need Meng Ze to carry out it himself, he only needs to make a request, and the intelligent brain will calculate the track according to Meng Ze's requirements, which will be reviewed by Meng Ze and confirmed before submitting it to the world platform for approval.

Originally, Meng Ze hoped that Amber and the base planet could rely on each other and provide fire support to each other.

But then I thought that in fact, I was not too far from advancing to the fifth level, and I had to consider the placement of Amber Star according to the defense of the fifth-level small galaxy.

So in the end, after comprehensive consideration, Amber Star and the base planet added a reserved position, and arranged around the central star in an isosceles triangle.

Of course, because Amber Star and the base planet are different in size now, the orbital plane is actually different.

As Amber continues to grow, it will eventually be in the same orbital plane as the base planet.

When it reaches level five, in fact, the player's technological strength can already push the planet to change orbit at will, so Meng Ze is not worried about the collision between the planets.

What's more, under normal circumstances, the orbit of the planet is also very stable.

As for the reserved spot, it is the planet that Meng Ze will add in the future.

Meng Ze has learned that natural life planets such as Base Star and Amber Star will have stronger planetary force fields than those added later.

How much stronger it is, you will not know until Meng Ze himself is level five.

After the orbit determined by Meng Ze's side passed the review of the world platform, the application to transfer the planet through dimensional teleportation was officially approved.

However, just like the three-level transfer of the Void Floating Island, it will take a while to implement.

Meng Ze's side got a hint that Amber's dimensional teleportation is scheduled in seven days, and it needs to pay for 10 million crystal ore/planet-kilometer diameter resources.

When Meng Ze teleported, the diameter of the planet must have been more than 17,000 kilometers, that is to say, it required more than 170 billion in expenses, which was simply black.

Through this fee, Meng Ze can also see that the interstellar world officially discourages players from interstellar migration.

Crazy Little Reed has never received feedback from Meng Ze, knowing that the other party is not willing to reconcile.

As a last resort, he stepped forward to attack Meng Ze.

As for the effect, it is naturally not satisfactory.

But Meng Ze's counterattack gives Crazy Little Reed what he wants.

He finally learns the name of the player he attacked - Meng Ze.

To achieve this goal, the crazy little reed did not entangle anymore and withdrew directly.

Although he is a little jealous of Meng Ze, the crazy little reed is not too worried, he has more enemies, but he still has none.

He knows that he has many enemies, so he is cautious, and every time he goes out, there will always be a large number of defensive fleets left at home.

Just like this time in the battlefield, the fleet photographed only accounts for one-tenth of its total fleet.

On Meng Ze's side, it's always good that no one harasses them.

Now he can't kill the other party at once, and he doesn't plan to fight the grass and scare the snake for the time being, and when the strength is enough, he will kill in a wave.

Thinking of this, Meng Ze remembered his other enemy, the big bastard in Xicheng District.

It is estimated that in the near future, there will be a world mission, and Meng Ze intends to solve him before the world mission and not give him any chance.

Having made up his mind, Meng Ze began to develop his own new production plan.

Although the Starfire-class frigates are cheap, they are too brittle and can only be used as cannon fodder.

The battleship has a significantly less attack range than frigates and destroyers at the fourth level, which is a big disadvantage.

So Meng Ze decided to follow mainly destroyers and frigates, supplemented by battleship 737.

It is certainly not possible to have no cannon fodder at all, in that case, in the face of the same firepower, the battle damage will increase significantly.

After calculation adjustment, Meng Ze decided to produce 10,000 Starfire-class frigates (including Amber frigates) per day, spending 200 billion;

2,000 Starfire-class destroyers (including Amber frigates) are produced every day, costing 200 billion;

200 Starfire-class battleships (including Amber battleships) are produced every day, costing 100 billion;

20 Starfire-class cruisers are produced every day, costing 10 billion;

20 supply centers of the Amber tribe are produced every day, costing 10 billion;

The daily production of Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships is 100 per day, costing 20 billion;

10 space shields of the Amber family are produced every day, costing 10 billion.

The daily production of various arms within the planet costs 50 billion.

In addition, technological upgrades, supplementary buildings, etc. use the remaining costs, which are not counted.

Due to the huge production plan of Meng Ze and the insufficient number of original spaceship yards, Meng Ze replenished five hundred spaceship yards at once.

Among them, Amber Star has placed 200 seats, bringing the total number of Amber Star's spaceship yards to 300.

The base planet has placed 300 ships, bringing the total number of spaceship yards on the base planet to 700.

Due to the limited number of engineering troops, these buildings will be completed in two days.

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