My Starcraft World

Chapter 18: Surge in Base Construction

Another weekend, Meng Ze invited Luo Wei out to play, of course, Zhang Lingling naturally followed.

However, Meng Ze and Luo Wei have known each other in the game for so long, and after getting acquainted, the two can naturally talk about more topics than Zhang Lingling.

So a certain resentful girl, from time to time with resentment, said things such as the newcomer entering the cave room, the matchmaker throwing over the wall, etc., provoking the more shy Luo Wei to turn red from time to time.

Because the final payment has not been paid, Meng Ze has not mentioned the celebration of the new house for the time being.

However, because the last time we got along was quite good, and Meng Ze's personality was relatively gentle, although Zhang Lingling's vigilance against Meng Ze was still there, it was also much lower.

This second meeting, the three of them had a better time, visited the park together, went to the playground, and watched a movie together, and the relationship progressed very quickly.

One week after getting the housebook, Meng Ze's kari has once again accumulated to 2.2 million, and the reason why there is so much is because during this time, Meng Ze gradually raised the technology of individual weapons to the fifth level, and the mining efficiency increased by 50% compared to the beginning.

Meng Ze now has access to 36 million crystal ore resources per day.

If Meng Ze hadn't spent some crystal ore resources during this period, he would have received more funds.

After paying the final payment of the house, Meng Ze sent a message to Luo Wei and Zhang Lingling, informing them that the purchase of the house had been completed and that they could find a time to celebrate.

For Meng Ze's invitation, Luo Wei and Zhang Lingling discussed it and decided to agree.

Since Meng Ze really bought a house, the trust of the two girls in him naturally skyrocketed, but after all, they had only known each other for a short time, and for safety reasons, the two girls could not go alone.

The classmates in my class are not good at screaming, what if I accidentally show the stuffing?

So after thinking about it for a while, Zhang Lingling decided to call her younger brother Zhang Hao, who was in high school, as long as she told him not to show his stuffing.

Although Zhang Hao is only sixteen years old, he is tall and tall, and although his face is a little tender, he said that he is twenty years old and people believe him, and with him, he has a sense of security.

After Meng Ze received a positive reply, he was very happy in his heart, since he met Luo Wei, Meng Ze felt that Luo Wei was simply the one in his mind.

High appearance, good figure, gentle personality, dressed lady, and at first glance have not been in love much, especially easy to be shy.

Thinking that the two actually met from the Internet and started an online relationship, Meng Ze felt that this was a godsend fate.

But it was still early for the party, and Meng Ze returned to the interstellar world.

After paying the final payment this time, Meng Ze still has nearly a million savings left, although it is not comparable to the gods who are on the Internet who are left-handed Ferrari and right-handed Rolls-Royce, but they will not worry about money at all for a while and a half.

Meng Ze's base in the interstellar world finally ushered in another big development in the next few days.

Forge drawing Meng Ze had bought it two days ago, and the Dream Star Night Glowing boss gave a preferential price, 10 million crystal ore.

12 million drawings for airfields, 15 million drawings for re-equipment research institutes, 12 million drawings for scientific stations.

The forge built two, four million;

two airfields, five million;

The Refurbishment Research Institute built six at a time, 12 million;

Two science stations, five million.

Counting the attached annexes, satellite stations attached to the command center, mechanical hangars attached to the forge, control towers attached to the airfield, physical laboratories and espionage research centers attached to the scientific station, Meng Ze's resources for more than two days have all become buildings.

In addition, Meng Ze increased the number of biochemical arsenals to six.

At this point, although Meng Ze has not built a single soldier, the base he has has increased a lot.

Because there is only one command center, it is impossible to build a nuclear bomb well attached to the command center, and Meng Ze is missing a big killer.

But with these buildings completed, Meng Ze has opened the way to upgrade the secondary command center.

For the first time, Meng Ze had the command center's intelligent system comprehensively organize a list of information about his base.

Judging from the list, Meng Ze's results since obtaining the StarCraft simulation world are quite good.

Commander Name: Meng Ze

Commander level: Level 1

Commander bonus: None

Number of command centers: 1

Command Center Level: Level 1 (upgradeable)

Number of troops: 10,000 unmanned mining machines, 6,000 units of engineering troops, 45,000 units of biological and chemical riflemen, 18,000 units of firethrowers, 6,000 units of medical soldiers.

Number of buildings: 130 supply stations, 6 biochemical arsenals, 5 engineering research institutes, 1 biochemical research institute, 2 forging plants, 2 airports, 6 heavy equipment research institutes, 83 missile launch pads, 35 fortresses, 2 scientific stations, 1 satellite station (annex building), 2 mechanical depots (annex building), 1 physics laboratory (annex building), 2 control towers (annex building), 1 spy research center (annex building).

Science and technology level: building strength level 1, building armor level 1, individual armor level 1, individual power level 1, individual weapon level 5.


Meng Ze did not read all the dozens of pages of the list sorted out by the system, but after inductively understanding the main situation of the base, he put the list away first.

Upgrading the second-level command center is actually not an upgrade, it can only be said to be unlocked.

Because the command center provided by the interstellar world uses five-level technology, so all the way to the five-level position, you only need to purchase the unlock key of the second-level command center at a clear price.

Although it is not clear why there is such a restriction, if the command center is not upgraded, when any other building technology develops to a certain level, it will be limited and cannot be improved, so upgrading the command center is very important.

Meng Ze now all the basic buildings have reached the standard, as long as the resources are in place, the command center can be upgraded at any time, which he is not in a hurry, after all, until now, because of the crazy infrastructure, Meng Ze A lot of technology is actually missing.

According to Meng Ze's next plan, it is to make up these aspects.

Before that, though, Meng Ze has one more pressing thing to do.

Meng Ze switched his perspective to the airport, because all the buildings of Grade 1 technology have been built, and the air arms that the airport will be able to produce are displayed.

These are the Ghost Fighter, the Transport Plane, the Science Ship and the Vagre Fighter.

Meng Ze swept his gaze and ruled out the Science Ship and Wagré options first.

All the technology of the science spacecraft has not been upgraded, and it is now almost a waste and temporarily unusable.

The Vagré is a weapon of air combat, which is good, but it does not match the needs of Meng Ze.

The rest of the Ghost fighters and transport aircraft are more suitable.

The Ghost fighter is fast and flexible, and the transport aircraft is not only slow to start, but also relatively flexible.

Meng Ze took a closer look at the descriptions of both models:

Category: Ghost Fighter

Level: Level 1

Population: 2 units

Life force: 200

Attack power: 10 against ground / 20 against air

Defense: 0

Manufacturing demand: 200 units of crystal ore

Description: Shooting at the ground with a pulsed laser cannon and shooting at the air with Gemini missiles can be invisible.

Category: Transport aircraft

Level: Level 1

Population: 2 units

Life force: 300

Attack Damage: 0

Defense: 1

Manufacturing demand: 200 units of crystal ore

Description: Produced with an additional control tower at the airport, no attack capability, for transport*

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