My Starcraft World

Chapter 180 World Mission\r

One thousand two hundred and eighty-four hours later (more than five days).

The world mission suddenly begins a three-hour mission countdown.

"It's about to start!" Dream Star Night Glow's face was solemn, and the technical staff of the cloud platform had begun to synchronize permissions.

"It's about to begin! Abelik twisted his body excitedly, and the crystal nucleus fragments in front of him waved out circles of glow under his mental stimulation.

"It's about to begin! Aka's ball-like body rippled layer by layer, and the excitement was unmistakable.

"It's about to begin! Meng Ze's gaze swept over his vast fleet.

"It's about to begin! The dog-headed buns and dog-headed dumplings had firm eyes, and this time they were extremely well prepared.

"It's about to begin! All the players above level four in the interstellar world were excited.

"Countdown. 39

"10, 9, 8...3, 2, 1, permission synchronization."

"Permission synchronization succeeded.

"Open the world barriers.

"The world barrier opens. 39

"Search for beacon signals"


"Three million beacon signals have been found: 05..Five million.... Million.... Thirty-three million... Seventy-eight million... One hundred million. ”

"Beacon signals have met the world's minimum number of transmission requirements." "

"Keep searching." Dream Star Night Light ordered.

The goal of world teleportation is not to be tough with the Zerg, but to make trouble everywhere, and the more points you cast, the better.

Don't look at the beacon signals searched at this time have exceeded 100 million, but in fact, the territory distributed to several river systems of the Zerg is simply like throwing a handful of sand into the sea.

The distance between each beacon is unknown.

"The number of beacon signals has reached 450 million, and the growth rate has dropped significantly. Reporting from subordinates.

"The search kept and started connecting to the beacons found.

"Beacons start connecting."

"The number of successful connections, five million... Million... One hundred million... Two hundred and thirty million...."

"Open the World Mission Application Channel.

"The world mission application transmission channel was opened, and the number of mission commanders applying for a rapid increase of 30 million... Eighty million... 300 million... 350 million..."

"Free allocation, start teleporting!"

"Teleport Start!

The entire interstellar world, one hundred and seventeen war zones, all showed strong dimensional teleportation fluctuations.

Players have trillions of warships shrouded in dimensional teleportation fields.

On Meng Ze's side, all the warships are concentrated near the base planet, covering a super large dimensional field with a volume of one trillion cubic kilometers, enveloping all of Meng Ze's warships.

The strong fluctuations have hit even planets millions of kilometers away.

As the fluctuations get stronger and stronger, finally if the soap bubble is punctured, Meng Ze's battleships all disappear in an instant.

The picture that the player sees on this side is like this, but in the vision of the cloud platform Dream Star Night Glow.

The various beacon positions in the Zerg territory show that the figures of the players' warships appear, but they are completely disembodied, like holographic projection screens, but if you enlarge the battleships, you will find that these ghosts are detailed to every skeleton and every line.

Then a huge amount of energy suddenly appeared from the void, quickly filling these battleship projections.

No materials are needed, and it doesn't matter what materials the ship needs.

Just like a super-powerful 4D printer, in just a few minutes, the player's huge fleet is generated out of thin air, which is no different from the player battleship of the interstellar world.

Command Center.

Meng Ze kept his eyes on his console.

A few minutes later, holographic projections reappeared on the console.

Meng Ze's vast fleet group appears in an unknown void.

In this world mission, Meng Ze used a total of 415325 Starfire-class frigates (including Amber), 72,564 Starfire-class destroyers, 10,356 Starfire-class battleships, 964 Starfire-class cruisers, 50 planet-class motherships, 596 Amber supply centers, 4,360 Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships, 313 Amber-class space shields, and hundreds of millions of troops on the planet.

The entire battleship group formed a spherical array, with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers alone.

But Meng Ze found that the world of this mission was huge, and the extensive detection range of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship was one light-year, empty, and nothing.

"It seems that you must first build a star map, use the planet as a positioning, and make a space jump to find the Zerg." Meng Ze said heartily.

For Meng Ze, who has Level 4 technology, building a planet-level star map is not a difficult task.

It's just that this kind of star map can only locate permanently existing planets, and cannot accurately display things that change frequently.

But just for navigation, it is still enough.

Just as Meng Ze was building the star map.

The battle for power in the interstellar world is already in full swing.

Acre's side, at the moment when the world teleportation began, cut into the authority of the Imperial Federation, and through information collusion, the core fragments he owned were easily connected with the fragments of the Imperial Federation.

Akka, who came from an eighth-level civilization, was simply pure in the operation of information authority, and soon left a hidden mark in the fragments of the Imperial Federation through the connection between the two fragments, and continued to strengthen it.

Compared to the light clouds and breeze on Acre's side, Abelik's operation is quite rough.

Unlike the previous operations that needed to be concealed, Abelik felt that since it had been exposed, he had to take advantage of the fact that the Imperial Federation could not free up 743 hands to grab as much authority as possible.

The cloud platform, the interstellar world control center of the Imperial Federation, was full of alarms at this time.

The rule system built by the entire Imperial Federation is on fire everywhere.

"What's going on?" The face that has not changed for thousands of years has changed color.

It is clear that he did not feel the crisis, why did such a big basket appear.

"It's the Zerg, the relic Zerg of the 89 war zone, it's fighting with us for control." The technical person in charge replied loudly.

"Can you resist?" Dream Star Night Light asked urgently.

"It's very difficult, now we are doing world teleportation, many people are restricted and can't spare their hands at all, but our people are defending with all their might, and the progress on the relic Zerg side is not fast."

"How long is teleportation turned on now?"

"8 minutes.

It seems that it will take a long time to maintain, and the situation is quite bad.

"How is the commander's teleportation?" Dream Star Night Light asked.

"The transfer is 60 percent complete, and it will take time, and there will be people who continue to apply. The technical person in charge replied.

"Make every effort to maintain the world teleportation, and you must not fail." "

Dream Star Night Hui frowned, his own directness is obviously not risky, how did such a situation occur, is there something else that has changed? .

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