My Starcraft World

Chapter 184 Loss-making Business\r

Meng Ze, on its side, has just destroyed the planet.

In the interstellar world, a loud alarm sounded on the cloud platform.

"What's going on?" Dream Star Night Light hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"Colonel, positioning." The technician turned his head slightly, found that it was Dream Starry Night Glow, and quickly replied.

"Find out why." "

The cloud platform sends an alert indicating that there is a special situation that must be dealt with immediately.

"Positioning successful, in the Zerg BCZ** river system Y49372 star field, the source of the alarm is being queried." 5

"Alert source query successful, locator successful, Commander 4th Class Meng Ze.

"Find out the reason right away."

"No need, I'll ask directly." Dream Star Night Light interrupted.

After that, through the communication network of the cloud platform, Meng Ze's communication was directly dialed.

As soon as it was connected, Dream Star Night Hui asked directly: "Meng "Seven Five Zero" Ze, what did you do just now?"

Meng Ze was stunned for a moment, and immediately returned to his senses: "Just now I destroyed a fifth-level zerg.

"That's it? Nothing else?" Dream Star Night Light asked.

"In order to prevent the resurgence of the Zerg, I destroyed the planet by the way." Meng Ze thought about it.

Meng Ze, isn't the World Mission introduction specifically stated not to destroy the planet?35 Phantasy Star Night Glow is very irritable.

"I didn't care too much, big guy, I destroyed the planet of the big bastard in the West City District before?

Meng Ze did see such a rule before, but thought of cutting the grass and roots, and not giving the Zerg a chance to come again, so he did it.

"How can that be the same!" Dream Star Night Light almost told the truth directly, but finally held back.

"From now on, you are not allowed to destroy the planet again, understand?" Dream Star Night Light said very seriously.

"Okay, big guy." Meng Ze stalls his hands.

"In addition, because of your actions this time, deduct a million merits!" Dream Star Night Glowing added.

"No, big guy, I only have 500,000 merits for a fifth-level Zerg planet!" Meng Ze shouted.

Co-authoring this attack was not only in vain, but also owed the world platform half a million merits.

"No negotiation! This time is just a warning, next time a million merits will not be enough! Dream Star Night Hui finished speaking with a black face and hung up the communication directly.

I rubbed my face vigorously with both hands.

"Damn, shame."

In fact, there is no mandatory rule that cannot destroy the planet, but the Imperial Federation has been fighting for years in successive years, first with the Star Spirit Race for thousands of years, and then with the Zerg for hundreds of years, which has really destroyed too many planets.

The surrounding high-level civilizations intervened under the pretext of putting a lot of pressure on the Imperial Federation.

Although the Imperial Federation is not particularly afraid, it has not yet reached the point of ignoring all civilizations, especially when it involves seventh-level civilizations.

So now to war, if it is not particularly necessary, if you can destroy one less, you will destroy one less.

Besides, in the future, maybe these places will be the territory of the Imperial Federation, if you let go, with the destructive ability of starships, even these players, every world mission is afraid that it will destroy millions of planets.

Meng Ze's side, taking out a fifth-level zerg planet, not only did not reap the benefits, but also provoked a fishy body, and was also quite speechless.

Fortunately, this small galaxy has four more planets.

These planets all belong to the territory of the same level five Zerg, and the Zerg leader concentrates all the interstellar forces on the periphery, so once destroyed by Meng Ze, the other four planets become lambs to be slaughtered.

Planet after planet passed, and in less than a day, the remaining four planets were reduced to ruins by Meng Ze.

I don't know how the mission system calculates, originally Meng Ze thought that after the battle, he should be able to have a balance of 1.5 million merits, but in fact, those four planets only have one million merits, that is, all halved.

After paying off the 500,000 owed, Meng Ze now only has 500,000 merits.

Meng Ze is not worried about promotion at all, promotion to level five, as long as one million merits, that is, one or two more planets.

Especially after fighting the first battle of the fifth-level Zerg, the spatial shield of the Amber tribe gave Meng Ze great confidence.

After the fleet accelerated out of this star field, it jumped in detachments and quickly disappeared.

The next target small galaxy, more than ten light-years away.

Meng Ze's side got off to a good start, and the dog head buns and dog head dumplings were also lucky.

The first battle between the two was a fourth-level zerg, and the huge fleet made it easier for both of them to win.

Around this time, players are in the first battle, the unlucky may have returned home, lucky, have won the first battle, but the vast majority, is still fierce battle.

The smoke in the Zerg territory has seriously affected the resource supply of the lower Zerg to the superior Zerg, although there will be no effect for a while and a half, but for a long time, it will inevitably affect the continuation of the first-line Zerg troops 0..

But it is not so easy for the Zerg to send the main forces back to support, in order to cooperate with these player commanders in the rear, the Imperial Federation front-line battlefield is fully attacked, and the Zerg are fighting on a million-light-year front.

The front can't open a hand, naturally it can only be made from the rear, and it can be dominated by the fifth-level interstellar arms.

This is also the experience of the Zerg in dealing with the raids of the Imperial Federation many times.

The sixth-level arms have a long production time and consume too many resources, and the fourth-level arms cannot occupy too much advantage, and the fifth-level arms are just right.

On each level five planet, a vast number of giant "mushrooms" began to grow and expand, all of which were evolving level five interstellar forces.

On the fourth-level planets, all the troops produced are intra-planetary troops, and the purpose of these planets is not to fight back, but only to drag down the human fleet.

From the start of production of level five classes to the possession of sufficient quantities, the time is about ten days, and this time is the golden time of the player commander.

After this time, the player's fleet will face the encirclement and suppression of countless level five interstellar zergs.

This is something that anyone who has participated in World Quests knows.

As for Meng Ze, it is certainly not known.

At this time, Meng Ze has begun to attack the second Zerg galaxy.

This is just a level four Zerg.

Meng Ze didn't even pay attention to the changes on the Zerg planet from 3.5, so he directly used the frigate death tactic to easily demolish the Zerg planet.

Faced with an attack from space, the vast ground forces on the surface of the planet were dumbfounded.

"Why don't you follow the routine?" This was the last thought in the mind of the fourth-level Zerg leader Karis.

Command Center, Meng Ze looked at the increase of 300,000 feats, a little disgusted - too little.

This galaxy, except for this fourth-level zerg, several other planets are still undeveloped, I don't know if it is specially allocated to the territory of this zerg branch.

An unexplored planet is naturally unattractive to Meng Ze.

So Meng Ze's fleet hurried to the next place.

"Gently I go, as I come gently, except to leave a ruin, not a cloud! Good poem!

Meng Ze comfortably liked his writing!.

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