My Starcraft World

Chapter 188 Mission Completed\r

"Akha, what about the world mission?" This is the ability Meng Ze is most looking forward to.

"That's not a world mission, it's just that the Imperial Federation borrows the cross-border projection function of the interstellar world to fight the relic zerg." Aka explained and continued: "I know what you think, don't worry, we will only use it better and stronger than the Imperial Federation, and the blue star is as stable as Mount Tai." "

"Well, then I'll go and finish the task first." With Akko's assurance, Meng Ze is naturally relieved.

Refocusing his energy on the world mission, although his mind is no longer here at this time, he still forces ~ to settle his mind.

"I am a commander, not only now, but also in the future, not seduced by external things, not moved by emotions, and use every bit of strength in my hands." Meng Ze used these words to tell himself not to get carried away by the sudden shocking joy.

When his mood calmed down, Meng Ze earnestly directed the remaining fleet to continue flying towards the next target.

In the next two battles, Meng Ze clearly felt the pressure.

Obviously, now the Zerg are more and more free, and they themselves must also be the target of the Zerg's key attack.

However, even if Meng Ze made such a big move, the Zerg did not appear in the sixth-level class.

Perhaps, for the entire Zerg, dozens of small galaxies are just a disease of scabies.

Three days later, with the explosion of the last Amber supply center, Meng Ze lost sight of the world mission.

"Dear Commander, you have performed extremely well in this world mission, and the results of the systematic evaluation show that this time you will receive world points ** points, which can be used to exchange points for any level of point items, and you will also receive ** merit points.

"It's finally over." Meng Ze stood up and stretched.

"Aka, I'll go out to rest for a while, if someone calls me, especially the Dream Star Night Glow, you have to notify me immediately."

"Don't worry, you go and rest, I know." Aka replied.

"Aka, don't you need to rest?" Meng Ze asked curiously.

"My way of being is different from yours, and for me, rest is tantamount to death. 35 Akadao.

"Uh... Then I wish you never rest. ""

"That's a good word, right?" Aka said in his heart.

Meng Ze didn't sleep long, and was called up by Aka after more than two hours.

The messenger was Dream Starry Nightglow.

"Big guy. 39

"Well, all the architectural drawings of the fifth level are sent to you, a total of 48 billion, and you need to pay 144 billion. After receiving it, complete the five-level promotion as soon as possible, and then the five-level technology does not matter, promote the sixth level, and the Imperial Federation will rematch you with the corresponding technology. 35 Dream Star Night Glow no nonsense.

"No problem." Meng Ze replied dryly.

"In addition, there is no need to go to the point system to buy level five planets, when you reach level six, you will have other ways to obtain planets, I hope you take that path, otherwise if you buy planets now, they will all be replaced at that time." Dream Star Night Light continued.

"I listen to the big guy." This is a rule of thumb, and Meng Ze naturally listens.

"I'm fine, I'll tell you when the time comes."

"Thank you big guy, by the way, the full set of fifth-level battleship drawings I bought before, now I can't use it, the big guy help me give it away." Meng Ze said.

"You keep it first, the five-level full set of mysterious-level battleship drawings are of high value, but there are not many people who can use them, if anyone needs it, I will find you again." Dream Star Night Light glanced at Meng Ze and did not politely treat him.

Meng Ze, after hanging up the communication, began to apply for promotion to the fifth level command center.

The five-level command center was unlocked at an unimaginable speed, almost as soon as Meng Ze applied, then the merit verification deducted 1 million, and after three minutes, the progress bar was finished.

The command center was successfully promoted, and Meng Ze then received architectural drawings from Dreamstar Night Glow.

Meng Ze loaded various level five drawings into it while building the engineering army.

The various hyperspace technologies of the fifth level, including architecture, once made Meng Ze salivate, but now, these things are just transitional products, and they don't even need attention.

The fifth-level command center manufactures engineers extremely quickly, with more than 20 command centers and hundreds of thousands of engineers in many places every hour.

Meng Ze started working everywhere, and both planets became big construction sites.

But Meng Ze ran into a problem.

The Amber are a race that Meng Ze got from the Adventures Battlefield, and Meng Ze didn't know how to upgrade them.

If anything else is fine, the space shield of the Amber clan, Meng Ze is really reluctant.

0.....Asking for flowers··

This kind of peculiar technology is estimated to be rare at the sixth level, and this is still a sharp weapon to deal with the Zerg.

Meng Ze can fully predict that in the future, not only in the interstellar world, but also in the real world, he will most likely encounter the Zerg.

"Aka, do you have any good solutions?" Meng Ze asked Aka in his mind.

The Miracle Battlefield is also a part of the interstellar world, didn't Aka say that he completely mastered the authority of the interstellar world, this problem may be able to find a way.

"Yes, yes, but not I have, you have." Akadao.

"I have?"

Meng Ze is very skeptical, can Aka do it himself?

"Remember that undetectable chip you got a long time ago?

.... 0

As soon as Aka said this, Meng Ze immediately remembered that the chip should have been eating ash in his console storage box for a long time.

It was the first time he explored the ruins and found chips in underground research.

"What can this chip be for?" Meng Ze took the chip out with a questioning look.

"Not yet, when your command center advances to level six, you can load and use it." Aka said mysteriously.

Meng Ze didn't care about Acre's mystery, he was not curious to the point where he had to ask immediately, since Acre said, then wait until the sixth level to know.

Putting aside this matter in his heart, Meng Ze looked at the more than 100,000 newly produced fourth-class warships in the starry sky, and these warships will not be used in the future.

I don't know if these warships can be modified after being promoted to the sixth level.

Things on the base planet were straightened out, and Meng Ze took the initiative to send a communication to the two of Doghead Bun and Doghead Dumpling.

Both of them had been concerned about Meng Ze's mission progress before, but Meng Ze was still busy at the time and didn't talk much.

Compared to the two, Meng Ze's world mission lasted much longer than the two, and the dog-headed bun lasted for six days, and the troops were almost depleted.

This is still his luck, and he has not encountered a fifth-level zerg for six days.

The dog-headed dumplings only lasted for two days, and the next day they ran into a fifth-level zerg.

Although it won in the end by fighting more and less, the fleet also suffered heavy losses, and on the third day, a fourth-level Zerg group was destroyed.

Even so, both of them were promoted to level five players with .

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