My Starcraft World

Chapter 201: Blue Star Raiders and Dealing with Future Father-in-law\r

Some answers don't need to be guessed at all, just listen to Aka's smug tone.

Meng Ze refocused his gaze on A**'s star system.

There are seven planets in this star system, and in addition to five solid planets, one is a gas planet and one liquid planet.

Gas planets and liquid planets are of no use to Meng Ze, and he doesn't need to collect resources.

Meng Ze observed for a while and felt that the orbits of the five solid planets were quite good, and he was ready to build an observation system from this star system first.

Within 100 light years around the local galaxy (solar system) of the blue star, there are many star systems and more planets, but there is no living planet.

This star system is naturally the same, according to the standards of the interstellar world, the planets of this star system are all death stars.

But Meng Ze only needs to be a solid planet, and it doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

Countless new transport assault ships flew out of the various exits of the Stellar class mothership and landed on the five solid planets in this small galaxy.

As a death star, the environment is all particularly harsh, high temperature of hundreds of degrees, low temperature of more than one hundred and two hundred degrees is a common thing, and some are also toxic gas, corrosion and the like.

However, as a sixth-level civilization, one energy shield technology can solve most problems, not to mention Meng Ze's shield technology is still one of the best.

There are no mines in the real world, and Meng Ze sent engineers just to lay the foundation and level the land.

Wait until the foundation is laid, and then let Aka teleport out the buildings in the interstellar world, and create voids in the real world like spawning warships.

The buildings to be transmitted by Meng Ze are observational and surveillance, such as hyperspace observatories, cosmic star observatories, starry sky detection micron radars, and hyperspace optical detection radars.

He will not arrange all the observation buildings for each planet, and there may be at least one or as many as four for a planet, mainly depending on the needs.

For example, the hyperspace observatory and the cosmic star observatory, this small galaxy can arrange one.

Starry sky detection micron radar, and hyperspace optical detection radar, in order to avoid detecting dead ends, a planet must be arranged several.

As for defense, only a small number of planetary troops will remain on the ground, mainly relying on space warships and radiance-class superfortresses.

The reason is also obvious, the Death Star does not have a strong planetary force field shield, and the ground forces can only be slaughtered by others in the face of the attack of space warships.

As for the dimensional force field shield, this can be set, but the dimensional force field shield can only defend against ultra-long-range attacks, at least tens of millions of kilometers away.

If it is close, millions of kilometers away, the strength of the dimensional force field shield is too weak, and it will not have an effect at all.

This is not a defect of the dimensional force field shield, but the battle of the sixth-level civilization is rarely solved so closely, and the relic zerg is an exception.

The real world isn't built as fast as the interstellar world, but it's definitely not slow.

Meng Ze estimates that the foundation construction of so many buildings is estimated to take only two or three days.

This is not only because the engineering troops have high operational efficiency, but also because all the construction is dispatched by the brain, and more than 100,000 operating units can be done in good order.

Meng Ze thinks of his Blue Star's homeland, and is recognized as a Blue Star infrastructure madman.

At this time, compared to these engineering soldiers under his command, it is naturally far behind, but I don't know if Blue Star will become a cosmic infrastructure madman when he reaches the advanced civilization.

As for whether Blue Star can be upgraded to an advanced civilization, Meng Ze feels that as long as he has his own escort, there is no problem.

The only question is whether I will survive until then.

In addition to the A** star system, Meng Ze also selected the five star systems A**, A**, A**, A**, and A** as its new monitoring points.

These monitoring points, located exactly six directions (plane four plus below), are all around 100 light-years away, shrouding the solar system in its center.

With the ability of a sixth-tier battleship to operate up to 5,000 light-years per blue star, support will soon arrive no matter which direction it hits.

And when Meng Ze has more fleets in the interstellar world, he will recruit more warships into the galaxy until the star field around the blue star is built like an iron barrel.

Doing this, Meng Ze suddenly thought that what he did today may not be visible to the Blue Star people a hundred years later, and he doesn't know if he can be regarded as a behind-the-scenes hero.

However, Meng Ze will definitely not wait until a hundred years later for the Blue Star people to notice, and when the time is right, Meng Ze will take the initiative to expose himself, open a window to the Blue Star, and also give the Blue Star people some sense of crisis, so as not to do some eagles and chickens and the like every day in the Blue Star.

Leaving the monitoring of the fleet and the construction of the planet to the small card, Meng Ze dressed in the regular uniform issued by the Imperial Federation, changed to a style on the blue star, and prepared to pick up his girlfriend.

It was the weekend, and Vivi made an appointment with him and came to his house.

It is said that the girl has been running more and more diligently recently, and I don't know what reason to prevaricate Luo's father and mother.

At the corner intersection outside the Locke neighborhood, Meng Ze picked up his girlfriend, but soon after the car took off, Meng Ze sensed that someone was following him.

Meng Ze now has better eyesight than a goshawk, and he can tell at a glance through the mirror that the person is Father Locke.

Meng Ze mused for a while, feeling that some things should be faced head-on, and that always avoiding was not the way.

Then in a dozen directions, the car was parked in front of a coffee house.

"Brother Xiaobai, are you going to take me for coffee?" The girl hugged Meng Ze's arm affectionately and looked at Meng Ze.

"Wait a minute, see someone.

"See who?" Luo Wei asked curiously.

"Your dad." Meng Ze said calmly.

"I... My dad ?!!" Luo Wei suddenly felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day in her mind.

"Don't worry, it's all with me." Meng Ze patted Luo Wei and comforted.

Meng Ze then walked towards an old-fashioned Crown not far away.

Father Luo watched Meng Ze walking towards his car, and was slightly shocked: "Could it be that this kid found out about my tracking?"

Looking carefully at Meng Ze, I found that Meng Ze looks straight, has a handsome and slender figure, and his steps are not fast, but very even, giving people a calm and reliable feeling.

Even if it was his own daughter who fell in love with him early, Father Luo had to secretly praise a good young man.

Meng Ze gently knocked on the car window, and when Luo's father lowered the window, Meng Ze said politely: "Uncle Luo, can you please have a cup of coffee."

"You know me?" Luo Xiang was stunned.

"I saw Uncle Luo when you were dropping off Luo Wei at the airport, but it was inconvenient to disturb at that time, so I couldn't see him. 39

"Then it's convenient now?"

The kid in front of him spoke without humility or arrogance, without the slightest consciousness of abducting his own daughter, Luo Xiang did not give Meng Ze a good face.

"It just so happened that I met today, and I felt it was necessary to give Uncle Luo an explanation and an explanation."

"Well, I'll hear what you have to say."

"Uncle Locke, please.

Meng Ze leaned forward slightly to lead the way, while waving at the girl.

Luo Wei grinded forward and shouted 'Dad'

Luo Xiang looked at his daughter, really loving and angry, want to scold, in public, hurt his daughter's self-esteem, and he was even more reluctant to beat.

In the end, I could only "snort".

Finding a corner to sit in the coffee house, Meng Ze called the waiter, asked Locke's father's opinion, and asked for three cups of coffee.

Father Luo did not deliberately embarrass Meng Ze at this time, he really wanted to know what was going on between his daughter and this young man.

After the waiter brought coffee and left, Meng Ze introduced himself.

"Uncle Luo, my name is Meng Ze, 24 years old, my home is also in Taiyuan, just over there in the Jingyuan community of the third ring road..."

"After that, how the hell are you with my daughter?" Father Luo interrupted directly.

"Uncle Luo, the specific situation is like this..." Meng Ze saw that Luo's father was impatient, so he directly talked about the ins and outs of his relationship with Luo Wei.

"You two have been talking for so long?" Father Luo felt that he was so angry that his brain hurt.

According to this stinky boy named Meng Ze, the two have known each other on the Internet for almost two years.

At first, my daughter was afraid that she was not yet 16 years old.

If the age is not clear on the Internet, it is understandable.

But after meeting, can't you see that your daughter is young, and it is clear that this kid is interested in taking advantage of his daughter.

Meng Ze knew what he was most worried about as a parent, and did not wait for Luo's father to continue to speak, and said directly: "Uncle Luo, I have a deep relationship with Weiwei, I know what parents are most worried about, I don't have any idea of deceiving Weiwei, I will marry her, and I also have the ability to give Vivi a lifetime of happiness." If Uncle Locke has any questions, I will reply to you until you are satisfied. ”

"Well, let me ask you, Vivi is so young, you are with her, how do you ensure that her studies are not affected?" Father Luo asked sharply.

"Uncle Luo, don't you know this best? Ever since I was with Vivi, her grades have skyrocketed. ”

Meng Ze's answer made Luo's father stunned, and then thinking about the time Meng Ze said about the time the two were dating before, he found that he asked a stupid question.

"How is this possible?" Father Luo was momentum.

One of the problems of early love, which parents worry about the most, has proven to be not a problem at all.

"It was my relationship with Vivi that made Vivi grow, and since we got along, she has worked harder and harder in her studies, which has led to such changes." Meng Ze said in a serious way.

Luo Wei on the side pinched her thighs hard, so that she must not laugh, and the tension and fear in her heart certainly disappeared for a while.

"Well, even if Weiwei's studies are not affected, you are so young, how can you ensure your future, do you have a house, do you have a car, do you have a reliable source of income?"

After speaking, Father Luo remembered Meng Ze's Crown and immediately added: "Do you want to rely on your parents for a lifetime?"

"Uncle Luo, what you said is not a problem, I have a car and a house, I bought it myself, I have enough financial management ability, and economic problems are the least worrying." 35 Meng Ze said confidently.

"Hmph, what is a Crown Diddil? Jingyuan's houses are all outside the third ring road, and they are not good houses, as for your economic strength, who will brag about? Father Luo retorted one by one.

"Dad, Brother Xiaobai's house is 180 square meters." Luo Wei couldn't help but interject next to him.

"180 flat?" Luo Xiang was shocked in his heart.

Although Luo Xiang has not paid much attention to housing prices recently, the general room type can have 180 square meters, at least high-end communities, to say the least, it is three million or more.

"No, didn't I come to stop them? Consider the room rate!" Luo Xiang felt that his thoughts were off track.

"Housing aside, what about stable financial resources? In addition, Vivi has at least five years to study, how do you prove that you can have a stable relationship. Father Luo asked.

"Uncle Luo, the latter question, I don't know how to prove it, Vivi must believe me, so be it, I will give you a condition to make you feel at ease." Meng Ze said.

"You say." "

"You and your aunt open a bank account, and I will deposit 100 million yuan into it, which is my dowry to Weiwei, no matter what the future holds, this fund is at your disposal." 99

"I... A hundred million? Boy, don't blow the cowhide so big. Luo Xiang was a little frightened at first, and then felt that Meng Ze was bragging.

"Believe it or not, Uncle Luo will naturally know when he opens an account.

Seeing Meng Ze's vows, Luo Xiang didn't know what to say for a while.

Others took 100 million to prove their feelings with their daughter, and also promised to marry Weiwei, which made him oppose it.

If you talk about age and strongly oppose it, what kind of attitude your daughter will have is not easy to say, even if the opposition (Zhao Qian's) is successful, you can really meet better ones in the future.

"A rich second generation like you, treats feelings like grass, what should you do if you cheat on Weiwei?" Father Luo finally struggled and said.

"Uncle Luo, first of all, I am a rich generation, and secondly, Vivi is my first love, I am not as bad as you say." Meng Ze solemnly justified himself.

Luo Xiang looked at Meng Ze for a while, and sighed: "Well, I believe you, I hope you can always be good to Weiwei, as for the money you said, if you have a heart, save it for Weiwei."

"Uncle Luo, please rest assured, I will always cherish Weiwei, in addition, that fee, or according to what I said before, you can open an account and save it, and rest assured, let Vivi give me the account number, in my heart, Vivi is far from being replaced by money." 35

Seeing Meng Ze's insistence, Luo Xiang nodded, Meng Ze's attitude really made him feel more at ease.

One hundred million is astronomical for the Luo family, but Luo Xiang has not yet reached the point of selling his daughter.

He is in his early forties, has a stable job, a happy family, and values his family more than money.

"Vivi, are you going back with me now?" Luo Xiang stood up and asked his daughter.

"Dad, can I be with Brother Xiaobai? We spend very little time together. Luo Wei said a little pleadingly.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Luo Xiang has a feeling that the little cabbage has grown up and is about to become someone else's family.

"Well, go home early in the evening." This is Father Luo's last insistence.

Meng Ze pulled Luo Wei to stand up and sent Luo Xiang to the car.

Luo Xiang wanted to say when Meng Ze's parents would gradually become Meng Ze, but thinking about his daughter's age, he finally did not speak.

After getting into the car, Luo Xiang nodded at the two and drove away.

PS: Big chapter, lazy score chapter, half of it is counted as tomorrow's plus purer (^^) .

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