My Starcraft World

Chapter 25: Actually Became Someone Else's Boss (Part Two)

Thinking of this, Dream Bend Overtaking answered Meng Ze's question first.

"The big guy sends a private transaction through the free market, trade whatever you want, and make a consideration."

Knowing that there is this function, Meng Ze can easily find it through the intelligent search of the command center.

Seeing that Meng Ze understood, Dream Bend overtook and hurriedly said: "That, big guy, or shall we sign an agreement?" ”

"What agreement?" Meng Ze didn't react for a moment.

"It is an agreement that I voluntarily confessed to the big guy and voluntarily attached to it."

"This rushed to the door as a little brother, actually afraid that I will regret it?"

After thinking about it, Meng Ze guessed that the other party was afraid that he would regret it in the future.

Feeling that he didn't want anything from him, Meng Ze readily agreed.

The proposed terms of the agreement are simple, just a few articles:

1. Dream Bend overtaking pays 30% of the mining resources in its main mining area on time.

2. The two parties are dependent on each other and shall not attack each other.

3. Dream Bend Overtaking must provide Meng Ze with intelligence when Meng Ze needs it, and Meng Ze shall give Dream Bend overtaking a certain degree of protection when it is attacked and cannot resist on its own.

4. This agreement is certified by StarCraft Sim World, and defaulters are prohibited from trading for one year.

After reading it, Meng Ze felt that the terms were very relaxed, but as you can see from the first article, this kid has a lot of ideas.

Sensing Meng Ze's gaze, he was nervous under his heart for overtaking in the corner, and unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"How long have you been in this world?" Meng Ze asked.

"Big guy, twenty-eight days, I came in as soon as the area opened." Dream Bend overtook cautiously replied.

"Do you know how much crystal ore I spent in more than half a month?"

"The big guy has only been in for more than half a month?" Dream Bend overtaking was a little shocked, and then hurriedly said: "I don't know." ”

He was a little confused about what Meng Ze meant by that.

"More than seven hundred million."


This amount is completely beyond the imagination of overtaking on dream corners.

"So, those careful thoughts of yours are completely unnecessary."

Meng Ze nodded at the agreement, and then lightly left the imprint of the command center on the agreement.

Dream corner overtaking understands what Meng Ze means, the big guy can't look at his little commission, no wonder others only need him thirty percent of the resources.

It can be determined that this big guy named Meng Ze must be the second generation of interstellar, and it seems that the family lineage is not ordinary.

Dream corner overtaking suddenly regretted a little, the agreement signed just now is not reliable enough, this thigh is not held tightly.

When the Dream Bend overtaking also leaves the imprint of the command center, the signed agreement will be automatically transmitted to the official platform of Interstellar World for retention.

The two sides ended the communication, and Meng Ze found an extra field of view on the map.

"This newly acquired little brother is very good at things!" Meng Ze said heartily.

The other party directly shared his vision with him, showing his intention to surrender to him in disguise.

Although the agreement clarifies the dependence of the two and also states that the dream corner overtaking is obliged to provide Meng Ze with hostile intelligence, the difference between active and passive is still very large.

The younger brother's approach undoubtedly made Meng Ze very satisfied.

Switching his vision and seeing the base facilities for overtaking on Dream Bend, Meng Ze felt that it was actually developing well.

The mine seems to be full-fledged, with all kinds of buildings, of course, more than one level higher than Meng Ze's.

In order to reassure his little brother and at the same time have a little shock, Meng Ze shared his vision for ten minutes of overtaking on the dream corner.

He believes that his new brother will feel something when he sees the construction of his own base.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a message was sent from the dream corner overtaking, without text, just a series of exclamation marks and kneeling expressions to the boss.

After loading a wave in the interstellar world, Meng Ze retreated in a happy mood.

It seems that the interstellar world is not as he imagined, full of dangers and big guys.

His new little brother dreams of overtaking in a corner, it seems that he knows the interstellar world very well, if it is not for his need to recuperate, so as to maintain a good state tomorrow, today he must pull him to dig deep into the information of the interstellar world and thoroughly investigate.

However, if you don't ask today, it's not a big problem, now the relationship between the big brother and the younger brother has been clear, and the party has come to Japan for a long time.

Meng Ze lay on the bed and slept beautifully.

The next day, Meng Ze got up early in the morning and prepared to go out to buy a car.

This thing also came to mind suddenly.

Luo Wei and they will come over today, and Meng Ze is going to earn a performance and pick it up himself.

But in this way, when you take a taxi, you don't feel that way.

Thinking about it this way, it is natural to have a car.

Meng Ze has a driver's license, and when he went to school, he listened to the ghost stories of his classmates, saying that it was a necessary skill for society, and it was good to learn it in advance.

So several students made a group purchase package and learned the car at a seven-fold discount.

The car is learned, but it is not counted as a driving school practice car, and until now, the number of touching the car is no more than one hand.

However, Meng Ze is not weak in his heart, after genetic strengthening, Meng Ze at this time, the ability in all aspects is not half a star.

Even if he is a novice driving now, the operation is certainly not skillful, but with his super fast reaction speed, he can greatly compensate for this. *

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