My Starcraft World

Chapter 27: The Party (Part II)

"Brother Xiaobai, I found that you are handsome today? Are you going for beauty? ”

Hearing Zhang Lingling's question, Luo Wei also looked at Meng Ze with curious eyes.

As soon as Meng Ze came today, Luo Wei noticed his change.

Not to mention that it is a change of person, but whether it is skin color and temperament, it seems to have changed a lot, which makes the girl's heartbeat a little faster.

"Haha, I'm a man, what kind of beauty is it, is it really as good as you say?" Then I will be proud. ”

Meng Ze laughed and brought the topic over.

Zhang Lingling and Luo Wei muttered across the chair for a while, and finally concluded that Meng Ze had indeed become handsome.

The party did not say, Zhang Lingling directly attributed the reason to Luo Wei.

Zhang Hao, who was sitting next to his sister, listened with discouragement.

Although he also knew that in Luo Wei, he only had the identity of Zhang Lingling's younger brother, but it did not hinder his dislike of Meng Ze at all.

Now seeing that Meng Ze has always been the center of the girls' conversation, I couldn't help but 'snort', but she was instantly suppressed by her sister.

Meng Ze saw this scene, his heart was funny, Zhang Hao, who was tall and tall, was actually bullied by his sister like a little boy.

I don't know if every sibling family has a domineering sister.

Drive straight to Meng Ze's new home.

The curious girls ran in the first moment Meng Ze opened the door.

"Wow, that's big."

Looking at Meng Ze's newly purchased house, the 180-square-meter apartment looks very spacious.

"Brother Xiaobai, did you really buy it?"

Zhang Lingling pulled her girlfriend and walked through all the rooms.

Meng Ze greeted the reluctant Zhang Hao, handing him fruits and cigarettes.

Seeing the cigarette, Zhang Hao's face darkened a little, this man is an adult, much older than them, and actually the old cow gnaws tender flowers.

Meng Ze and Zhang Hao stared at each other wide-eyed, and when they heard Zhang Lingling's question, they got up and took out the real estate deed from the room.

"I didn't lie to you."

This is not Meng Ze deliberately showing off, he can see that although Zhang Lingling seems to talk a lot, in fact, this girl is very suspicious, and simply takes out the real estate certificate as proof.

After flipping through the real estate deed, Luo Wei glanced at Zhang Lingling.

I remembered that my girlfriend was still saying when she was in the bedroom just now, she was so beautiful, although Brother Bai looked reliable, but she also had to guard against being routined, and now Lingling should be relieved.

"Brother Xiaobai, are you really sure you have made your home in Taiyuan?"

"I told you you didn't believe it."

"I believe, I believe, we Vivi also believe, hee, are you for Vivi?"

Zhang Lingling's words Meng Ze did not deny and gave the girl a gentle look.

"Oops, a sour smell of love."

Zhang Lingling slapped her nose playfully, Luo Wei's face turned red, and she couldn't help but pat her girlfriend a few times.

Several people laughed for a while, and it was close to noon.

Meng Ze's pre-ordered meals were delivered in time and set on a slow table.

Zhang Lingling was quite satisfied with Meng Ze's big hand, and even Zhang Hao, who was originally unhappy, ate with relish.

After eating and sitting for a while, the girls took their leave, just like Meng Ze.

Meng Ze had the intention to keep Luo Wei for a while, but couldn't find a good reason.

Saying that he wanted to send several people home, the girls refused.

Watching Luo Wei leave, Meng Ze felt that her heart was empty.

Pack up the rest of your meals and put them in the refrigerator.

The dishes and chopsticks were packed into a box, placed outside the door, and hung up with the hotel staff and asked them to come and collect them.

Closing the door, Meng Ze lay in bed for a moment and re-entered the interstellar world.

Immersed in this almost chaotic world, Meng Ze's mind gradually recovered.

The girl is good, but it's a pity that the two are still in a hazy relationship, say it's in love, no one has officially admitted it, say it's not in love, when Zhang Lingling joked, no one denied it.

After feeling the beauty of the real world, in the interstellar world, Meng Ze feels the iron-blooded Jinge.

Sitting in the commander's seat, wearing the commander's exclusive cool outfit, Meng Ze seems to be able to feel that he is slowly retreating from the youth on his body, and gradually entering the role of a general who holds a thousand armies.

There are still eight or nine million short of purchasing the 50 million crystal ore stocks of the secondary command center.

Meng Ze suspended all production and research pending upgrades.

Idle, Meng Ze pulled his dream corner out to overtake and chat.

Dream Bend overtaking is on call and has a very good attitude.

"Big guy, you're finally here."

When Meng Ze was not in the game, Dream Bend overtook and called Meng Ze several times.

Meng Ze saw this information on the virtual projection screen, but first, it was inconvenient, and second, dreaming of overtaking on a corner didn't seem to be too important, just wanted to have a relationship with the big guy Lara.

So Meng Ze ignored it at the time.

This makes Dream Bend overtaking mistakenly believe that the big guy doesn't care so much about this game at all, otherwise, how can people be absent all day long.

Even if there are no resources to spend, reconnaissance, pathfinding, understanding the latest interstellar information, contact relationships, there is always something to do. *

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