My Starcraft World

Chapter 30: The Locke Family's Routine

Luo Wei's house.

"Husband, something is wrong with Vivi recently!"

Luo Wei's mother pushed her husband who was working.

"What's wrong? Is there anything uncomfortable about Vivi? ”

Luo Xiang asked without raising his head.

Luo Wei's mother slapped her husband hatefully, and said, "I know about work, and I don't care about my daughter at all." ”

Luo Xiang raised his head helplessly.

He was studying the circuit diagram designed by others, and finally sorted it out, but was slapped by his wife.

"What's wrong with Vivi? I see that she is fine when she eats. ”

"Who said she was sick." Mother Luo looked at her husband angrily and said, "Didn't you notice that my daughter has a lot more time playing with her mobile phone now?" From time to time, he is still laughing inexplicably. ”

"What does it matter, she usually doesn't bring her mobile phone to school, at most, she just plays with the holidays at night for a while."

"Hey, you're such a wooden head, don't you think Vivi is in love?"

Her husband is also too insensitive, and Mother Luo is so angry.

"Really in love?! And his classmates? ”

Hearing his wife's words, Luo Xiang finally became serious.

If her daughter is older, it is normal to fall in love, but Luo Wei is still in the second year of high school, and these two years are the key moments for learning, and it is definitely not possible to fall in love at this time.

"I'm not sure, but the way she looks now, it looks like she's in love." Tonight she went back to the house as soon as she had eaten, giggling a few times from time to time, and I went several times and each time I saw her playing with her phone. ”

Luo Wei's mother did not say death, but only talked about the phenomenon she saw.

But women are quite sensitive to this, especially their own daughters.

"So what are you going to do? First of all, you can't use tough means, Vivi knows her nature, don't hurt her. ”

Luo Xiang first gave his wife a vaccination, if Luo Wei is really in love, it is okay to correct, but pay attention to the method.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll observe again, and you should pay more attention when you pick up Vivi from school to see if there are any boys who are closer to her."

Luo Wei's mother confessed to her husband.

Listening to his wife talk about this, Luo Xiang was a little big: "How can I see this, you don't know how popular we Vivi are at school, when I pick her up every day, I don't know how many boys greet her, and I am bold, and I run to me to call uncle." ”

Raising an excellent daughter, Luo Xiang has long been accustomed to the fact that many boys like their daughters, but his daughter's performance before made him very relieved.

If a new situation suddenly appears in his wife's mouth, and he has to distinguish it, it is simply fatal.

If he is sociable and observant, can he only be a technical team leader for decades?

With his technical skills, he is long overdue to become a manager.

However, his wife has an explanation, no matter how difficult it is, Luo Xiang feels that his hair is going to be less again.

"If you know which guy is tempting your daughter, you must always give him a good look." Luo Xiangxin said.

Meng Ze didn't know that because Luo Wei was not good at covering up, he had been worried about Luo's father and Luo's mother.

Lying in bed, Meng Ze tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep.

"Now I have too little time with Vivi and I have to find a chance to ask Vivi where she works, and if we can pick her up and commute to work, then we will spend a lot more time together, which will also prevent being poached."

Before falling asleep, Meng Ze made a decision in his heart.

Zhang Lingling said that she and Luo Wei couldn't use their mobile phones when they went to work.

Meng Ze knows that some companies do have such regulations and has no doubts.

The next Monday, it was Luo Wei's time to 'go to work', and Meng Ze left a message for Luo Wei on her mobile phone.

Then he refocused on the situation in the interstellar world.

The novice area is generally peaceful, perhaps because everyone has not yet developed.

But the war zone is very lively, there is information about the war every day, and scolding is even more common for those who have been attacked by sneak attacks.

As soon as I got up today, the virtual projection screen showed that the dream corner overtaking brother and the dog-headed bun boss all sent him messages.

Perhaps judging that the information was not urgent, the system did not disturb Meng Ze's sleep.

Meng Ze first opened the dog's head bun's message.

"Brother Meng Ze, I remember you have only just entered the game, which new district are you in?" Is it 320 New District? ”

Meng Ze did not reply for the time being, and then clicked on the message of overtaking on Dream Bend, there were dozens of messages, almost every half an hour.

"Big guy, are you there?"

"Big guy, appear soon, big event!"


Meng Ze did not read the message, seeing that the dream corner overtook so quickly, simply dialed his video communication directly.

As soon as the video was connected, Dream Bend overtook and said impatiently: "Big guy, you are finally here, and large ruins have been found in our area." ”

PS: Big guy, urge more words to be less, 6000 is just right, 9000 to fight, 12000 is simply fatal. *

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