My Starcraft World

Chapter 40: Advancing is not easy

For example: if it is a mysterious-level biochemical arsenal at the first level, then you must also be a mysterious-level biochemical arsenal at the second level to build a third-level mysterious-level biochemical arsenal.

If you choose the legendary level when you are at the second level, then after you reach the third level, the highest level can only build a legendary-level biochemical arsenal.

The rules of the world do not allow the third-level command center to return to building a second-level mysterious building.

That is to say, there is no such thing as your high level, and then go back to make up the basics.

Meng Ze's choice represents a tenfold and hundredfold investment in the future.

Of course, once successful, then the future Meng Ze's legion, the combat ability must be incomparably strong.

In the impression of minus ninety degrees, it is not that no one chooses to go this way, but in the end, either relegate or be dragged to death.

Think about it, with the same resources, others can rise to level four, and you, most likely, are still spinning at level two.

And the fourth-level elite class, fighting the second-level mysterious-level class, is basically more than wrong.

In this case, who can insist?

Even if the player has a firm heart, you will not hit you when someone else!

Therefore, from the beginning of the entire interstellar world to the present, no one can go to the fourth level of the entire mysterious legion.

After seeing Meng Ze's base, minus 90 degrees silently sent a series of exclamation points to Meng Ze.

Their new allies either have many planets at home, or they have brain problems.

However, judging from the process just understood, minus 90 degrees Celsius estimates that the former is still more likely.

God, I can't afford to provoke!

Ninety degrees below zero didn't know, Meng Ze didn't understand the rules of this world at all, he just used his own magical mine to be reckless.

Of course, this beautiful misunderstanding may never have a chance to be solved.

After watching the situation at home at minus 90 degrees, Meng Ze sighed, really can't underestimate anyone, even if it is a new district, there are still strongmen.

After sighing, Meng Ze took out a chip from the storage compartment of the console.

This chip is one of Meng Ze's takeaways from the battle for the underground research institute.

But compared to the dazzling strengthening gene reagents, this poor chip was almost forgotten by his own commander.

Now it's hard to remember, and finally I can see the light of day again.

"I don't know what this chip is."

Meng Ze put the chip into the console's detector with anticipation.

Through the console's detector, any chip that is not higher than the command center level can be identified.

This level does not refer to the level unlocked by the commander, but to the level of the command center when it was made - level five.

So, Meng Ze never imagined that there would be chips that the command center could not recognize.

But that's how bizarre it is.

The detector in the command center scanned for several minutes and could not recognize the chip information.

Only a helpless alarm sounds.

Meng Ze was taken aback, but he did not expect that in his harvest, the chip was the highest-end thing.

However, it was only so much surprise.

Because this thing is too high-end, there is no need to think about this matter for the expected time at present.

At levels one and five and above, the gap is not just a small number.

Think about it, countless people will not reach level three, let alone level five, when the time for the protection of the new area passes and they merge into the chaotic battlefield.

Now throughout the interstellar world, there are tens of billions of players.

In the 117 war zone alone, there are now 320 new zones, each of which has at least 100,000 people, that is, there are more than 300 million players in the 117 war zone alone.

But among so many players, how many of the fifth level, according to the information Meng Ze knows, does not exceed a thousand, less than one in three hundred thousand.

Therefore, it is not surprising that only level four dog-headed buns can become regional hegemons.

Re-storing the chip, Meng Ze is temporarily relaxed.

Arrangements have been made, and the transport plane that has gone to support the player with whom he died has set sail.

To be on the safe side, Meng Ze chose to fly straight straight and instead chose to detour from the direction of the kindergarten master base.

The Zerg's multi-armor snake has the ability to fight the air, and now the Zerg vanguard has crossed the base of these two, especially with whom I died.

So transport planes are becoming less and less safe to fly.

Fortunately, because the base of these two people is like a nail nailed to the path of Zerg expansion, most of the Zerg troops have been attracted to the past, and there are not many scattered troops.

Meng Ze opened the way with a thousand Ghost fighters, followed by five thousand transport aircraft.

The purpose of the Ghost Fighter to open the way is not to annihilate the scattered forces of the Zerg, but to serve as a bait to attract fire and ensure the safe passage of transport aircraft.

Five thousand transport planes can almost cover the entire sky, full of oppression.

Although the players on the road have been numbed by Meng Ze's previous transport planes, this time there are 5,000 transport planes, which still shocks these novice players.

In this wave of transported tank legions, it is enough to outperform more than 90% of the players in the new district. *

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