My Starcraft World

Chapter 42: Nuclear Bomb Strike

When Meng Ze entered the interstellar world again, he didn't wait for Luo Wei's text message.

He didn't know that the girl he was worried about was reading and studying under the 'accompaniment' of his mother, and he couldn't even touch his mobile phone.

Arriving at the command center, Meng Ze could immediately feel the tension of the entire interstellar world.

On the side of the big screen, there are countless message tips.

There is a dream corner overtaking brother to report the latest progress of the relic zerg.

There are kindergarten masters and I who are in the same relationship with the same big guy to contact and feel, and then complain about the pain by the way.

There are bun bosses who care about the situation in the new district.

There are also their allies who inform themselves of their action plans at minus ninety degrees.

Meng Ze replied one by one, and finally switched the screen to the front-line base at minus 90 degrees.

The mining area where this base is located was just snatched from the Zerg at minus 90 degrees.

Now this base is suffering from a fierce counterattack from the Zerg.

The current classes of minus ninety degrees are already second-level soldiers, Meng Ze circled and clicked, the legendary level biochemical spearmen, the vitality of the first-level soldiers has increased by four times, but the attack power is still very low.

Bio-Lancer (Legendary), Level: Level 2, Population: 1 unit, Health Force: 400, Attack Power: 20, Defense: 5, Speed: 20.

However, attack and defense are not much related to soldier level, because Terrans belong to a scientific and technological race, and the most relevant to combat effectiveness is the technology of individual weapon technology level and weapon enhancement.

The same second-level legendary biochemical spearman, the vitality is the same, but one is still holding chemical weapons, the other is holding electromagnetic weapons, and the attack power of the latter is likely to be several times more than the former.

Of course, weapons also need scientific and technological support, just like the concentrated power pack that Meng Ze once bought, which is the precondition related to electromagnetic weapons, if your energy output is limited, then no matter how good the weapon in your hand is, it cannot fully play its role.

And the level of the class determines what kind of technology he can be equipped with.

Legendary-level troops cannot be equipped with mysterious-level weapons.

This is a complete set of system linkages, and it is also the reason why many people love and hate high-level buildings and classes - it is too expensive.

However, although the second-level legendary soldiers at minus 90 degrees are still not the opponents of the third-level Zerg class, combined with the data of the Zerg class detected by Meng Ze before, several fights should still be able to fight.

Now the Zerg soldiers are still at the ordinary level.

But for the same reason, the reason why the relic zerg is a headache is that it is not too restricted by the rules.

After players have reached a higher level, they cannot go back to make up the foundation of the lower level.

However, the third-level relic zerg can increase its class level from scratch.

If you don't consume the Zerg economy, maybe in a few days, ordinary Zerg will become elites or even legendary Zerg.

Players speculate that it may be because the relic zerg belong to the natural birth of the interstellar world, and the players belong to the aliens.

The battle situation is very fierce, and the entire highland plain below is densely packed with Zerg legions.

Not only are there fierce battles at the mining intersection, but the Zerg are also inflicting damage on the minus ninety degrees Legion through the long-range attacks of the multi-armored thorny snakes under the cliffs along the edge of various highlands.

And it is different from the situation of the kindergarten master base.

The act of robbing the mining area at minus 90 degrees this time, like stabbing a hornet's nest, not only attracted a large number of Zerg troops, but also occupied various key positions, completely cutting off the route of reinforcement at minus 90 degrees.

"It seems that this attack should be commanded by high-level zergs."

Meng Ze patrols the battlefield and sees something suspended in the air like a jellyfish, which is the Zerg host.

However, until now, players have not figured out whether the zerg host is the brain of the command or the relay station.

But no matter which one, defeat all the hosts on the battlefield, and the command of the Zerg will inevitably be chaotic.

But it's easier said than done to knock out the host in the midst of protection.

Just as Meng Ze was worried about the minus 90 degree defense, suddenly a message came from the command center.

"A nuclear bomb strike has been detected on the battlefield."

Meng Ze instantly thought of the strategic weapons building that he had temporarily abandoned because there was no command center, the nuclear bomb well.

As an ally of minus 90 degrees, Meng Ze easily discovers the ghost soldiers in stealth, and the information of the nuclear bomb strike is provided by him, and once the ghost soldiers are destroyed before the nuclear bomb completely locks on the target, the nuclear bomb will self-destruct due to the loss of the target.

Now because the ghost soldiers are under heavy protection in the base, there is obviously no such problem.

The Zerg apparently also sensed the danger and were evacuating the Legion with all their might, but due to the large number of troops, it was crowded.

Before the Zerg could completely evacuate, nuclear bombs fell from the sky.

With a loud explosion, a mushroom cloud soared into the air.

Within a radius of 1 kilometer, there are no bones of the Zerg class.

Further out, the Zerg within a radius of more than 3 kilometers were severely damaged, and the closer they got to the center of the explosion, the more severely they were damaged.

PS: Today's 8th more, scatter flowers ~~ everyone vote up*

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