My Starcraft World

Chapter 44: Feeling Poverty Again

Then Meng Ze found another big guy, Dream Star Night Glow.

Phantasy Star Night is a cold-faced person who occasionally pays attention to Meng Ze during this time, especially when there are special circumstances in the new district.

In the face of Meng Ze's request and knowing Meng Ze's situation, Dream Star Night Light directly gave almost a full set of second-level mysterious technology, allowing Meng Ze to choose.

The second-level mysterious drawings of the architectural category, the nine types of biochemical arsenals, forges, airports, biochemical research institutes, engineering research institutes, heavy equipment research institutes, missile launch pads, fortresses, and scientific stations, are all sold at a price of 20 million, and the prices of these buildings in the free market are high and low, but on the whole, at least Meng Ze is given a nine-fold discount.

Of course, Meng Ze is embarrassed to buy one of them separately, but I can't afford them all!

In addition, Dream Star Night Glow also provides a full set of evolution technology for the second-level soldier type.

Composite armor (single soldier, mysterious level): individual defense armor, basic defense ability 5 points;

Strong Magnetic Gauss Rifle (Lancer, Mystery Level): A powerful individual weapon with an attack limit of 50 points;

Composite Armor (Heavy Armor, Mystery Level): New heavy equipment defensive armor, basic defense ability 10 points;

Concentrated power package (land-based, mysterious level): A device that uses fusion energy as the core power, with an instantaneous power output limit of 120 cts

Strong electromagnetic cannon (reloaded, mysterious level): high-energy electromagnetic cannon, depending on the size of the magnetic force, the power of the electromagnetic cannon changes accordingly, and the attack limit is 200.

Concentrated power package (space-based, mysterious level): A device that uses fusion energy as the core power, with an instantaneous power output limit of 60 cts

Light alloy (air-based, mysterious level): a light alloy material with excellent defense ability, defense ability 5 points;

High-energy ammunition (air-based, mysterious level): greatly increases the power of air-based ammunition, with an attack limit of 100 points;

Out Meng Ze has already bought the power pack, and the others are all available, 15 million each, quite a favorable price.

Meng Ze calculated that if he wanted to buy all these things, he would need 300 million crystal mines.

Not much, when the new Meng Ze mine is fully operational, Meng Ze will have more than 360 million in revenue a day.

Less is not a lot, after Meng Ze upgraded the command center, the remaining crystal mines are now about 40 million, which is too far away.

"Big guy, can you help me keep these things? I want them all, but now there are only 40 million crystal mines, and I won't be able to make them up until tomorrow. Meng Ze asked.

After listening to Meng Ze's words, Dream Star Night Hui waved his hand and said, "You give 40 million first, and the rest will give you two days to make up for it, if you can't do it, you are ready to say goodbye to this game." ”

Although the big guy's words were very polite, Meng Ze ignored the latter part and only felt the atmosphere and domineering spirit of the dream star night glow boss.

"Thank you big guy for taking care of you, don't worry, within two days, I will definitely make up a lot of crystal ore." Meng Ze promised solemnly.

Dream Star Night Hui nodded indifferently and said, "Then that's it, the things will be sent to you later, and it will be hung up if it's okay." ”

Watching the video cut, Meng Ze didn't know what to say.

Then Meng Ze and others came to a purchase agreement, which was the conditions that had just been determined with the Dream Star Night Glow.

Meng Ze signed the agreement, and within a few minutes, Phantasy Star Night Light transmitted all the things Meng Ze had purchased.

Meng Ze took out the second-level technology concentrated power pack that he had purchased from the dog head bun earlier.

Concentrated Power Pack (Single Soldier, Mysterious Level): A device that uses fusion energy as the core power, with an instantaneous power output limit of 30 cts.

Now, the full set of secondary technologies is complete.

Of course, the cost is also enormous.

Just the purchase of drawings and technical chips has already cost three hundred million.

The next step was to renovate and upgrade the original building, which was more expensive than buying drawings due to the large number of Meng Ze buildings.

Then create troops, and the mysterious-level troops are several times more expensive than ordinary troops.

It can be said that the core of this whole set of operations is two words - burning mines.

With such a huge consumption, who can withstand it without the support of huge resources?!

Meng Ze imported the same drawings as chips into the core brain of the command center, and the heart was dripping blood with each import.

Instantly in debt, Meng Ze once again felt the taste of poverty that he had almost forgotten.

After the import was completed, Meng Ze looked at the conditions for upgrading each building.

The supply station does not count, the cheapest other buildings should be missile launch pads and fortresses, and one can be upgraded for 300,000.

And the class building, the cheapest biochemical arsenal, costs four million upgrades.

Forges and airfields, upgrades are eight million.

If it is newly built, the price of the second-level mysterious-level biochemical arsenal is 5 million, and the second-level mysterious-level forge and airport are 10 million.

These three buildings alone cost nearly 200 million.

Now Meng Ze sees his own buildings and feels like each one has the word 'lack of money' written on it.

PS: Thank you brothers for tipping, voting, urging more support! Flowers are full, and another chapter will be added today! *

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