My Starcraft World

Chapter 62: On the Battlefield

Meng Ze opened the information given by the Dream Star Night Glow, which introduced in great detail the attributes and lineups of the various classes of the Zerg, as well as some commonly used coping methods.

The information about the scorpion surprised Meng Ze.

Unexpectedly, the scorpion is actually a natural legendary class.

That is to say, no matter what level of the Zerg building is, as long as the scorpion stack is built, it must be a legendary building.

And the scorpions produced are legendary at the beginning, there is no so-called ordinary scorpion and elite scorpion, and the scorpion only has two levels: legendary and mysterious.

The Legendary-level Scorpion consumes 40,000 crystal ores per piece, twice as much as the Meng Ze2 mysterious science ship.

Although the level difference between the two is one level, considering that one is a legendary class and the other is a mysterious class, it is calculated that the scorpion is indeed an expensive class.

It didn't take much time for Meng Ze to read all the information of the third-level Zerg.

With this detailed information, Meng Ze is more certain about the war with the Relic Zerg.

Returning to the large map, focusing on the current position of his troops, Meng Ze rubbed his forehead slightly.

After this time in command, Meng Ze found that as a commander, there are so many aspects to consider.

Especially when there are many branch troops, it is difficult to pay attention to specific details, and we can only grasp the entire war situation from the overall situation.

Now, for example, Meng Ze has more than a hundred troops operating simultaneously.

The largest main forces, tens of thousands of people.

The smallest reconnaissance detachment, a group of 10 people, many reconnaissance units are now less than 10 people, and even some have been completely destroyed.

Unless Zhi Brain called up the video at that time, Meng Ze didn't even know how they sacrificed.

On the Zerg side, such a big movement of Meng Ze's troops was naturally detected by them.

But the Zerg, unlike the Terrans, have ultra-long-range detection capabilities.

Zerg detection is extremely dependent on the host.

Thanks to Meng Ze's numerous Lancer Scout Squads, the movement of the Zerg host is greatly restricted.

At this time, Meng Ze's three main forces, only the most protruding Biochemical Team 1 was exposed to the eyes of the Zerg.

The position of Meng Ze's main force was determined, and the main Zerg force began to move in the direction of Biochemical Team 1.

The Lancer reconnaissance detachment along the way, without even having a chance to retreat, all died in the mouth of the Zerg jumping worm.

As the main forces of both sides approached, Meng Ze put the screen of the 1st Lancer Team into the center of the field of vision, and the pictures of the other main forces and bases formed a small interface distributed around.

Meng Ze's vision is a composite picture formed by the image transmitted back by all the soldiers and science ships on the scene, and synthesized by the wisdom brain.

It can be down to the details, but it can also form a vision like God's perspective.

Commanders often use the latter view because they have better control over the overall situation.

At this time, in Meng Ze's eyes, the main forces of the Zerg surged forward like a tide.

It seems that the host has detected that Meng Ze does not have an ultra-long-range class.

This huge mixed corps did not temporarily stop and adjust its formation until it came to a distance of more than twenty kilometers from Meng Ze.

"Sure enough, it is a race of wisdom."

There is no recklessness in the mind of real-world bugs acting on instinct.

Meng Ze reminded himself in his heart that the other party is a zerg, not a bug, and the wisdom of the other party is not necessarily lower than his own, maybe higher.

Wisdom Brain quickly counted the types and numbers of Zerg troops.

The total number of units is more than 60,000, not counting self-detonating bats.

Among them, the berserk jumping insects account for more than half, more than 40,000; Because the multi-nailed spiny snake is not completely in the detection range, it is estimated that there are more than 20,000 individuals; There are 3,000 multi-legged lurkers, 3,000 thunder beasts, and more than thirty scorpions have been detected.

The number of Zerg troops is several times higher than the number of Meng Ze Lancers, but the Zerg still do not act blindly.

Seeing Meng Ze's science ship, the Zerg's self-detonating bat tentatively rushes forward in an attempt to find an opportunity to destroy the science ship.

But Meng Ze had seen videos of the two communities fighting and couldn't be wary of this.

All science ships are under the protection of the sea of gunners.

"Biochemical Team 1, echelon mode."

With the order, the 10,000-strong biochemical soldier phalanx of biochemical 1 began to form an echelon-type skirmish formation.

In addition to the berserk jumping insects, the size of other types of troops is often relatively large, and the multi-armored thorn snake is more than three meters tall, which is half taller than the biochemical soldiers wearing armor that reach more than two meters tall.

The large military thunder beast, with a body size of more than ten meters and a length of nearly thirty meters, is like a moving hill.

Biochemical soldiers, if they want to form a large amount of damage as soon as possible, often need to gather fire.

This requires the biochemical soldiers to ensure a certain formation density.

However, in order to reduce the impact damage of a large zerg such as a thunder beast, a certain distance between biochemical soldiers must be guaranteed.

This is something that only experienced commanders can master.

The echelon mode used by Meng Ze is just drawing a scoop according to the gourd, and I see such a formation from the information given by the Dream Star Night Glow, which is intuitively suitable for the current situation and temporarily taken out for use. *

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