My Starcraft World

Chapter 64: Doubts

But the sacrifices of these lancers were valuable.

Relying on those broken warriors, the Zerg rushed out of the fog and were directly cut off by a layer.

All the stumps and broken arms were piled up, forming a wall of flesh and blood.

But the commander of the swarm did not care, ate the broken spearmen, and began to charge again.

Meng Ze let the strongest lancers keep firing, steadily retreating, and began to gather the gunmen of the fourth echelon to prepare for support.

The entire crossfire line was almost five kilometers wide, and Meng Ze had about a thousand biochemical soldiers per echelon.

After two rounds of attacks, Meng Ze found that this formation, the distance between the soldiers, was very particular.

It not only ensures the space for the activities of the lancer fighters, but also has sufficient fire density.

At the same time, echeloned support will not affect the fire route of the rear troops.

But this echelon formation is not completely without problems, it has corresponding requirements for the number of soldiers and enemies, and the width of the battlefield.

Meng Ze happened to be blind when the cat ran into a dead rat and caught it squarely.

"Boom" and two yellow mist exploded.

Shrouded Meng Ze's front row of gunners.

This time Meng Ze had experience, and directly left nearly three hundred gunners broken, and the other lancers quickly retreated.

"Smart brain, collect data."

Soon, the remaining forces of Meng Ze withdrew from Huangyun and joined the fourth echelon.

In the yellow clouds, the gunfire continued, but gradually thinned.

Soon the gunfire stopped, and only the hissing of the swarm remained.

Meng Ze's face was a little heavy, but his tone was cold.


"4 minutes and 38 seconds."

This is the evacuation time that can be obtained after 300 Lancer fighters are broken.

Zhi Brain understands the commander's intentions and wants to arrange the number of people after the break in the most optimal way.

It was a cruel decision, but Meng Ze couldn't help it.

The same as the information known in advance.

The dark fog of scorpions is almost insoluble for human arms.

If it weren't for the Meng Ze raid before the war began.

Now Meng Ze is not encountering a few yellow clouds, but a yellow fog that directly obscures the sky.

After a few rounds of testing, Meng Ze and the swarm have figured out the details of both sides.

The war began to enter the war of attrition mode.

Gather fire, cover the dark bugs, break off, retreat, then withdraw from the dark bugs skill range, and start another round of tug-of-war.


Meng Ze has always kept a distance from the main forces of the Zerg, so that they cannot form a circle, and above the sky, scientific spacecraft are cruising around, detecting movements in all directions.

He has been playing a game of cat and mouse with the self-detonating bat.

During the engagement, Meng Ze intentionally or unintentionally led the main force of the swarm in the direction of the Biochemical Team 3.

In the southeast direction of the battlefield, the Biochemical 2 team, which was originally the main force of the reserve, also quickly rushed to the direction of the battlefield.

After many rounds of tug-of-war, by this time, Meng Ze's biochemical soldiers had lost more than 3,000 people, and more than sixty science ships had been lost scatteredly.

On the Zerg side, the losses were only a lot more than Meng Ze.

It's not that the Zerg don't want to rush quickly, but due to the existence of scientific spacecraft, the scorpion is deterred and must keep a safe enough distance.

Therefore, its dark swarm skills can only be advanced and exerted one after another, and cannot cover a wide area, or even cover the back path of the lancer unit.

While fighting on the frontal battlefield, Meng Ze is also constantly updating the intelligence of the Zerg through the minus ninety degrees.

Don't look at the Zerg suddenly produced so many main forces, but from the detected situation, the defense of the Zerg base did not have a shortage of troops.

During the reconnaissance, at least several units numbering tens of thousands were found on standby.

Meng Ze took his own life and felt that the Zerg should not have so many troops.

Although the resource requirements of the Zerg's ordinary third-level soldiers are less than Meng Ze's second-level mysterious soldiers.

But the Zerg have been waging wars and fighting for territory, and there will be more or less attrition.

Its own mining area is equivalent to nearly 400 poor mines.

The area occupied by the Zerg, there are less than two hundred mines, and there can't be multiple bonanzas and super bonanzas in that area.

There must be some reason for this.

While exchanging information, Meng Ze told him about his doubts at minus ninety degrees.

"Will the problem arise in the ruins?"

Ninety degrees below zero knows more about the Zerg's occupation zone than Meng Ze, after all, his headquarters is closer.

Meng Ze's doubts also reminded him that he had been fighting the Zerg for nearly two days before Meng Ze and the Zerg went to war.

The Zerg lost troops, how can there be tens of thousands of units.

As a result, Meng Ze's side was stimulated, and after a round of Zerg troops, not only more than 60,000 troops were fighting Meng Ze, but also the defensive forces detected in other bases, the total number of Zerg troops exceeded 200,000.

Converted into resources, there are definitely hundreds of millions.

This amount, even if all the mines of the Zerg are fully mined, they cannot be collected in the past few days.

PS: Today's last chapter, thank you guys for all kinds of tickets*

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