My Starcraft World

Chapter 72 A Sense of Crisis

Meng Ze arranged the construction of the No. 1 forward base and the manufacture of other bases, and withdrew from the interstellar world.

He was fainting from hunger now.

As a result, I stayed in the interstellar world for four or five hours, and the fast food I booked had not yet arrived.

Meng Ze counted the time before he came to his senses.

It's only been half an hour outside.

While waiting for food delivery, Meng Ze took out his mobile phone and looked through it, except for the group chat, there was no personal information.

Although I have spent a long time in the interstellar world, the real world is actually only seven or eight hours.

But even after seven or eight hours, not a single message was received, and Meng Ze's relationships were pitiful.

Bored swiping the phone, suddenly saw a person who had not been paid attention to for a long time - Qi Mei.

Since Meng Ze met Luo Wei, Meng Ze did not think about entanglement, and basically did not return Qi Mei's information, and the relationship between the two naturally broke off.

Flipping it by chance, Meng Ze felt a little emotional.

Life is in a hurry, how many people will be passers-by, and how many people will only have traces.

Finally waiting for the fast food to arrive, Meng Ze sat on his favorite balcony and savoured it.

Looking at the busy city below, the peaceful community, as if the interstellar world is fighting to death, suddenly very far away from itself.

After eating slowly, I cleaned up the house again, took a bath of 640, and there were already thousands of lights outside.

The size of the house may be this is not good, and it takes a long time to do a random hygiene.

After busy, he sat back on the balcony and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Meng Ze suddenly thought that the Imperial Federation, which created the StarCraft simulation world, would also be somewhere in this universe.

Perhaps, a certain star field in the sky is the Imperial Federation.

Thinking of this, Meng Ze felt a very insecure feeling in his heart.

In comparison, the blue star is too weak to even be an ant.

As soon as this feeling appeared, it even affected Meng Ze's mood of looking at the scenery, and all the peace and beauty that had been before seemed to have become a void pavilion, which would easily dissipate with the wind.

Enter the interstellar world again.

The command center full of science and technology gradually settled Meng Ze's heart.

Some smiled helplessly, people, the more they know, the more they understand fear.

Although the interstellar world does not seem to be a completely real world, the Imperial Federation does exist.

Just the tip of the iceberg that I learned, I knew that the gap between the Imperial Federation and the Blue Star was completely incalculable.

(afdf) Putting aside these messy emotions, Meng Ze refocused on the current situation.

First of all, I paid attention to the minus 90 degrees side.

During the time when he went out by himself, he actually took two mining areas of the Zerg at minus 90 degrees.

The individual combat power of minus 90 degrees is much worse than Meng Ze.

The fact that he was able to take two mines so quickly shows that the situation of the Zerg is already stretched.

"I'm going to speed up myself." Meng Ze said heartily.

In five or six hours in the real world, Meng Ze's resources are approaching 100 million.

Lancers, tanks, science ships and even ghost fighters, Meng Ze has it all.

However, the main force is still biochemical lancers, after all, from the perspective of three consecutive wars, the combination of the sea of lancers and scientific spaceships is still very useful against the Zerg.

In addition to these classes, Meng Ze's eyes also fell on other new classes.

In addition to tanks, the forge can actually produce two other arms.

However, Meng Ze's financial resources were limited before, and even the production of gunners was tight, so he temporarily put these two unfamiliar arms on hold.

Now that he has plenty of money, Meng Ze is ready to make a batch to come out and see.

Robot, level: level 2 mysterious, population: 1 unit, vitality: 1500, attack power: 50+18 to the ground / 100+36 to the air, defense: 10+5 (technology bonus), speed: 40+10 (technology bonus), manufacturing demand: 4000 units of crystal ore, description: the use of portable air defense missile air defense, air attack range is large.

Minelayer, level: level 2 mysterious, population: 1 unit, vitality: 1000, attack power: 50+18 (halving the hit rate of individual soldiers), defense power: 5+5 (technology bonus), speed: 60+10 (technology bonus), manufacturing demand: 2000 units of crystal ore, description: carrying three intelligent spider mines, power 300 points.

From the attributes of the two classes alone, Meng Ze can judge that robots should be the main force of Terran ground battlefield air defense.

The robot's ground attack ability is very weak, which is equivalent to a gunner, but the air attack ability is very prominent, especially in the attributes, the air attack range is particularly emphasized.

The other attributes of the minelayer are very general, but the speed is particularly fast, and the spider thunder power it carries is also good, which should be used as a force for harassment or rapid maneuver assault.

There are two skills in the Annex's Mechanical Arsenal, one is the portable missile skill and the other is the buried weapon skill.

These two skills Meng Ze have not been upgraded, and now it seems that they are the skills corresponding to robots and minelayers, respectively.

Meng Ze clicked on the mechanical library research list and looked at the skill description, upgrading portable missiles can increase the robot's anti-air missile load.

Meng Ze never realized this.

Think about it, the bullet used in the Gauss electromagnetic rifle is only 1 cm long and five mm in diameter, and the amount of ammunition carried by the biochemical rifleman can be as much as 100,000 rounds, and after one or even several fierce battles, there is no need to consider the supply problem.

The tank attack speed is slow, the amount of ammunition is also a lot, and most of the tanks did not finish the shells until they died.

Scientific spaceships and medical soldiers only need to have enough energy.

Even the Ghost fighter, because of its large size, can carry enough missiles.

Only this robot is about four meters tall, so it is particularly concerned about the problem of the amount of ammunition, and a technology has been specially prepared for this.

The buried armament is to upgrade the sensing range and power of the spider mine.

Both skills are practical, and Meng Ze opted straight for the upgrade.

The robot and minelayer Meng Ze were selected to build 1,000 units each, initially mainly for testing purposes.

It took some time to replenish the troops, so Meng Ze simply set off with 10,000 gunmen from Base 1.

To speed things up, all the gunners were transported by transport aircraft.

Three consecutive long-range detections were used to detect the three mining areas of the Zerg in the northeast, due east and southeast of Base 1.

The defensive forces in the mines are empty, and it seems that the Zerg abandoned these places.

However, due to the existence of insect colony nets, it is difficult to say.

Meng Ze was not obsessed with this information, no matter how the Zerg reacted, he was not afraid at all now, and this time when he went out, he sent a whole five hundred science ships to follow.

Meng Ze first chose the mine to the northeast, and in his opinion, the Zerg should be the most sensitive to this mine, because this mine is the starting point of a large-scale war between the two sides.

Meng Ze chose this place to test the reaction of the Zerg.

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