My Starcraft World

Chapter 83: Meng Ze's Fame

Meng Ze doesn't know what kind of goods I have the most, but from the other party's formation, Meng Ze can also see that this is a garbage product.

Meng Ze's ghost fighters had not yet arrived, but unexpectedly, just more than six hundred gunmen had blinded the opposite side.

In fact, logically speaking, even if the level of the opposite class is not high, but the number is more than ten times that of Meng Ze, Meng Ze should not be so easy.

But the command of the other side is really bad.

There is no formation at all in all the various arms, you block me and I block you, and the firepower of the legion cannot be exported at all.

Meng Ze's gunmen always faced only a small number of frontal men.

So it looks like the soldiers on the opposite side are vulnerable, rows of them fall, and the tanks are continuously blown up, which is extremely miserable.

Uncle I am the most assy in the face of this situation, at a loss, do not know how to deal with it at all.

I can only make the legion retreat and retreat again, wanting ~ to run back directly.

Meng Ze's Lancer Legion was doped, faster than the opponent, and kept following the pursuit, eating the opponent's troops bite by bite.

"What kind of rubbish is this!

Meng Ze simply feels sad for the other side's - soldiers.

One will be incapable of exhausting a thousand troops.

When I meet such a commander, I really don't know how to die.

"Commander, you have stranger communication, the other party is my biggest cock, do you connect?"

The command center remembered the prompt of the wisdom brain.

"Let's connect it"

Meng Ze was also curious about what kind of fool the other party was.

The communication was connected, and Meng Ze could not see the other person's face clearly, and the other party's words flew over.

"Meng Ze, you can't hit me, do you know who my brother is? You quickly return the soldiers, and then give me that mine, and I will not count with you." ”

Hearing this, Meng Ze was dumbfounded.

If you don't know, you think that the party being hunted down and killed now is me.

There are all kinds of birds when the forest is big, but this is the first time Meng Ze has seen such a strange one.

Meng Ze only replied with the word "roll" and hung up the communication.

"I don't care who your brother is, your brother is the Jade Emperor, and I have the final say in the new district."

Meng Ze simply feels like a grate, how did this garbage survive until now?

Uncle I looked at Meng Ze with only one "roll" word, then hung up the communication directly, and was stunned for a while before I came to my senses.

"Am I being scolded? Also hung up my newsletter directly. "5

After reacting, uncle I was most angry.

"For so long in the new district, no one dares to do this to me, Meng Ze, you wait for me, I'll go and call my brother."

Hurriedly dialed the communication of the big bastard in Xicheng District.

"Brother, I'm being bullied!

"Why does someone in the new district dare to bully you?"

For his younger brother, the big bastard in Xicheng District is also helpless.

Logically speaking, with the technological level of the Imperial Federation, all babies born can be completely guaranteed without defects.

His brother had also checked countless times, and everything was normal, but when he did something, it seemed that a tendon was missing in his head.

Of course, things are good and bad.

The good thing is that in the family, he has been determined to be the heir, and his brother has no threat to him.

The downside is that he has to be a good brother and wipe his brother's ass twice in three days.

In order to keep my uncle from being killed in the new district, he also specially warned all the people around him before.

"Does anyone dare to ignore their own warning?" The big bastard in Xicheng District frowned.

It is said that it depends on the owner to beat the dog, and if he clearly warns that someone dares to ignore it, then the big bastard in his Xicheng district is also ready to teach him a lesson.

Don't think that if you can't go to the new district, there is no way, borrow a knife to kill people, drive the wolf and devour the tiger, these means, he Xicheng District big bastard is not impossible.

"Tell me, who is bullying you?" The big bastard in Xicheng District asked.

"It's a guy named Meng Ze, he's chasing me now, it's too bullying." Uncle, I was most busy reporting Meng Ze's name.

Hearing the other party's name, the big bastard in Xicheng District felt a little impressed, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

After thinking for a while, I had no clue.

But the big bastard in Xicheng District is not a reckless person, he can mix to this level now, and caution is also an important reason.

He first calmed his brother, thought about it, and dialed the communication of another player, the old ghost of Montenegro.

"Montenegro, have you heard of this man Meng Ze? 117 theater 320 new area." The big bastard in Xicheng District asked directly.

The old ghost of Montenegro on the opposite side has a good relationship with him, and the other party has people who need to be taken care of in the new area 320, which should be more concerned.

0.....ask for flowers...

Unlike himself, although he has a younger brother there, he is basically raised as waste, so he hardly pays attention to it.

Meng Ze huh? I want to think. "After all, the new area is separated from the war zone, and although the old ghost of Montenegro is familiar with the name, he did not react for a while.

"Oh, I know, 320 New Area Meng Ze, a very fierce newcomer, only two levels can harden the third-level relic zerg, it's amazing. 99

After thinking about it for a while, the old ghost of Black Mountain had an impression, after all, the appearance of a third-level relic zerg in the new area has attracted much attention, and there is still a relic zerg forbidden area.

And Meng Ze, this person, actually relied on second-level technology and third-level Zerg for several consecutive waves, and all of them won.

This incident also caused a small sensation on a small scale.

Even he, a fourth-level boss, had to express his admiration after seeing the battle report.

"Why did you ask about him?" The old Montenegrin ghost asked.

As soon as I heard the old ghost of Montenegro talk about it, the big bastard in Xicheng District also remembered who Meng Ze was, and things were more difficult to deal with now.

Hearing the other party's question, the big bastard in Xicheng District said with a headache: "It's not because of my brother, specifically, I don't know what's going on now, but now Meng Ze is beating him."

Seeing the expression of the big bastard in Xicheng District, the old ghost of Montenegro expressed sympathy, and anyone who met such a younger brother was very annoyed.

Just hung up my friend's communication and unlocked my uncle's most fucking communication ban.

Uncle and my most loud voice came over.

"Big brother, have you been listening to what I've been talking about for so long? Don't you want to worry about me? Ah, how can I have such a big brother, I don't even care about the death or life of the little brother.

If you can, the big bastard in Xicheng really wants to pull this guy over from the opposite side and give him a good beating.

"You shut me up, I'm not helping you out!

As soon as I heard that the big bastard in Xicheng District said that it was being solved, the uncle and I immediately stopped arguing, but he finally added: "Brother, you want him to apologize to me, well... Well... And give me that mine, you can't just count it.


The big bastard in Xicheng District was speechless in his heart.

Now there is no need to ask, the co-author went to rob the mine of the mine himself, and he couldn't grab it and was beaten up.

Bureau G

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