My Starcraft World

Chapter 86 Hunt and Kill Order

Hanging up the communication, Meng Ze was getting ready to go back to sleep.

Meng Ze didn't pay much attention to the threat of the big punks in the West Side.

In the new district, Meng Ze has no fear of anyone.

Just then, a communication came from Dream Bend overtaking.

Meng Ze asked Zhi Brain to connect, and saw his little brother opposite him with an anxious face.

"Big guy, there is a player named Xicheng District Bastard, who issued a hunt and kill order to you in the war zone!" Dream corners overtaking anxious road.

"Oh, I see."

"Hey?!!" Seeing that Meng Ze didn't react, he thought that his big guy didn't know the seriousness of the matter when he dreamed of overtaking, and hurriedly said: "Big guy, the big bastard in Xicheng District offered a price, as long as he takes a piece of your mine, he doesn't change owners in a month, he pays 50 million!"

"Yo, it seems a little arrogant! It's okay, everyone play slowly. ”

Meng Ze finally reacted, but it was completely different from what he imagined when he overtook on a dream corner.

Dream of overtaking on a bend and then understand that it is not that his boss did not hear, but that he did not care at all.

Seeing that the big guy was so calm, the dream corner overtaking also calmed down.

"Big guy, what have you done, making people angry like this, and even issued a chase and kill order." Dream Bend Overtaking asked curiously.

"Kill a guy named Uncle and my cunt, it seems to be his brother."

"Did you rob the mine?" Dream Bend Overtaking wasn't sure what it meant to finish off, or maybe he didn't dare to think so.

"Of course, the mine was robbed, and the people were cleared out."

"The big guy is awesome.

"I'll hang up if it's okay."

Woke up in the early hours of the morning by a mallet, and after being busy for so long, Meng Ze felt like it was affecting sleep.

Dream Bend overtaking to see that the big guy has no interest in chatting, and disconnects the communication with interest.

Turn around and pay attention to the information of various communication channels, screen and summarize, in case the big guy needs, so as to provide it in time.

Meng Ze, on his part, saw that he had some money on the books, so he used it for building upgrades according to the previous plan.

The stored resources were finally zeroed out again, and Meng Ze withdrew from the interstellar world contentedly.

Within a few hours of sleep, Meng Ze woke up, his biological clock on time.

But even if he doesn't sleep for a long time, Meng Ze is in good spirits.

Had breakfast and looked at the time - 8 o'clock.

"At this time, Vivi should start the first class." Thinking of his girlfriend, his future wife, who is still in high school, Meng Ze still feels a little dreamy.

There used to be a meme on the Internet, as long as you work hard to make money, your other half is still in kindergarten.

Although this is not so exaggerated, it is still a little strange.

But if any girl is still young, wants Meng Ze to let go or something, wants to fart.

Retracting the gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, Meng Ze enters the interstellar world, where he is just a commander.

As soon as he came in, Zhi Brain gave a lot of prompt messages, all sent by various friends.

There are minus ninety degrees, dog-headed buns, who I die with, kindergarten masters, dream corner overtaking, and even dream starry night glow.

Meng Ze first dialed the call of Dream Star Night Glow, and the big guy's temper was not very good.

Sure enough, as soon as the communication was connected, I immediately saw a black-faced Bao Gong.

"How long has it taken so long? You're out again?"

Dream Star Night Light is almost angry, this special guarantee has not yet arrived in the day, and the problem has been committed again.

"Big guy, I'm sleeping, really." Meng Ze said quickly.

Dream Star Night Hui will be suspicious, sleep for so long?

You must know that the people of the Imperial Federation not only have an extremely long lifespan, but also can use various technological products, as long as you want, you can not sleep for a lifetime, and the energy can be completely replenished.

Of course, there are also people who do retain instinctive habits, this is a personal choice, and Dream Star Night Light thought that Meng Ze said this.

However, sleeping for dozens of hours can sleep better than a sleeping bear, so Dream Star Night Light has reservations about Meng Ze's words.

Seeing that Meng Ze seemed sincere, Dream Star Night Light decided to ignore this matter for the time being.

"What's going on with the big bastard in Xicheng District?" Dream Star Night Light asked.

"Big guy, it's him who deceives people too much." Meng Ze recounted what happened, emphasizing the attitude of the big bastards in the West End.

Dream Star Night Hui was noncommittal after hearing this, and was silent for a while before saying: "Do I need to say hello to you?35"

"Big guy, thank you, but no need, if he has any means, I will continue." Meng Ze said nonchalantly.

Seeing Meng Ze so confident, Dream Star Night Hui looked up at him again in his heart.

He is optimistic about Meng Ze, but in fact, Dream Star Night Hui is not very willing to mix this matter in his heart.

The growth of every commander should not be smooth sailing, only through wind and rain, can it grow into a towering tree.

The reason why he will mention it is also because the gap between the two sides is too big this time, and he is afraid that Meng Ze will really not be able to withstand his premature death.

But Meng Ze's performance impressed him.

It's a pity that this guy is just too lazy, otherwise he is really a good seedling.

At the end of the Dream Star Night Glow, Meng Ze busily sent a communication to minus 90 degrees.

"Meng Ze, I admire you, you can still go out and wander after such a big thing. Ninety degrees below zero speaks in admiration.

"''Sleep.'" Meng Ze said.

Ninety degrees below zero gave Meng Ze a 'I believe you ghost' look.

In these years, who will waste dozens of hours going to sleep, even if there is, it should not be Meng Ze.

"How did you provoke that Xicheng bastard? He was willing to pay for blood. Ninety degrees below zero asked.

"Just clear his brother out." 35

Saying that, Meng Ze suddenly pondered for a while and said, "You say, will that big bastard in Xicheng District not know how many mines I have?"

I was stunned at minus ninety degrees, and suddenly realized that this was probably the case, and it was difficult to know how many mines each person had unless they were investigated on a large scale.

Especially like Meng Ze, not only is there a lot of change, but it is also an enclave.

Thinking of this, minus ninety degrees laughed, and the other side seemed to have dug a big hole for itself!

If he knew that Meng Ze had dozens of nearly a hundred mines, would he dare to make such a profit?

Fifty million pieces, at least several billion bonuses!

"I think, since he (Wang Li's) is so arrogant, I can't save him money, I decided to accelerate the expansion during this period of time, and first clear out all the people in the south who have occupied the Zerg territory mines." Meng Ze said.

Ninety degrees below zero nodded and said, "Speaking of this, after the chase and killing order of the big bastards in Xicheng District was issued, the gang of the Northern Alliance and some people in the south jumped very high, and you Meng Ze were described by them as a bully in the 320 New District, shouting and shouting to kill." "

"Haha, this is not just right, you don't even have to find excuses, bullies, don't do what a bully should do, how can you be worthy of this reputation." Meng Ze laughed.

Hearing Meng Ze's words, minus ninety degrees also showed a smile.

Interstellar world, if you want to develop, you have to grab mines, being described as a bully, can only show that you are strong enough, those people still think that this can have any impact on Meng Ze, can only say, really naïve.

Of course, it may be that those people are just trying to make excuses for themselves.

But Meng Ze is not a soft persimmon, you can pinch it whenever you want.

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