My Starcraft World

Chapter 88: The Last Line of Defense (Part I)

Seeing the bitter expression of overtaking on the dream corner, Meng Ze realized that he dealt with the big guys every day and forgot the gap between ordinary players and them.

It seems that the dream corner overtaking may not be able to catch up with your own plans.

I originally thought of playing the southern player, and I could also let the dream corner overtake to pick up a wave of cheap, but now, I don't know if the time will come.

After roughly talking about his next plan with Dream Bend Overtaking, the little brother understood it and immediately went to help the big guy collect the information of those players' mine ~ area.

But Meng Ze's own reconnaissance won't stop, either by doing both.

The production of the Wagret fighter has been completed and the production of the technology ball has been completed, because some of it is produced at the airfield on the headquarters side, so it will take some time to fly over.

However, Meng Ze's infantry regiment has now begun to form and prepare for operation.

Meng Ze did not intend to press all his forces to the Zerg mine in the direction of the ruins, and it was not necessary to attack a single mine, after all, the territory outside the mine was limited, unless it was a field battle.

However, according to the current situation, it is estimated that the Zerg do not dare to come out and fight a field battle with Meng Ze.

This time Meng Ze had four goals.

The first is the Meng Ze 3 mine directly east, tentatively numbered the Zerg Base 1 mine, which is also the most heavily defended area of the Zerg today.

Meng Ze previously thought that the water grinding war was most likely to occur in this mining area.

The second base is in the Bug 2 base mining area directly east of Meng Ze4 base, which is located a little farther away from the ruins than the Zerg 1 base, but it is also a gateway to the ruins.

The third base is due east of Base 5, and the Zerg have only a small amount of defense, seemingly ready to abandon this base at any time.

Meng Ze attacked here to occupy the mining area, and the other purpose was to see if he could use this base to mobilize the Zerg forces.

The fourth base is northeast of Base 3, and laying this base Meng Ze may cut off the connection between the ruins and the northern mining area at any time.

According to minus 90 degrees, the ruins are like a small world, the zerg's insect colony land network cannot penetrate the ruins, once Meng Ze cuts off all its road to the north, the zerg in the ruins become an urn to catch turtles, and there is no escape.

With Meng Ze's current strength, he is not prepared to fight four mining areas at the same time.

Meng Ze was divided into three routes, with 25,000 gunners in the center, 4,000 Spitfires, 3,000 medics, 2,000 tanks, 3,000 science ships, and 5,000 Wagret fighters, some of which were still on their way.

The initial task of this main force is to deter the Zerg No. 1 base and prevent other roads from suddenly deploying a large number of troops to support when they attack.

On the road to fight the Zerg No. 4 base, there are 15,000 lancers, 3,000 Spitfires, 1,000 medical soldiers, 1,000 scientific spaceships, and 5,000 ghost fighters.

This main force, the advance force first moved to the vicinity of Base No. 4 to stand by, waiting for operational instructions.

Go down the road to hit the Zerg No. 3 base first, and after taking it, go up to attack the Zerg No. 2 base, this way there are 10,000 gunners, 1,000 Spitfires, 1,000 medical soldiers, and 1,000 scientific spaceships.

In addition to Meng Ze's side, minus ninety degrees also mobilized nearly 100,000 troops at the same time to attack the three Zerg bases east of the ruins.

Once both sides have achieved their strategic objectives, the Zerg relics are basically completely isolated.

However, like Meng Ze, the mining area where the Zerg can go north will also be left for the last attack, forcing the Zerg to make a choice.

Of all the arms, the biological and chemical units are the slowest to move, and if they all move on the ground, it will take eight or nine hours for all these main forces to reach the attack position.

But fortunately, Meng Ze's military operations are basically based on airlift.

At the speed of transport aircraft, in more than an hour, these troops can complete the preparation for attack.

Meng Ze's massive troop movements are impossible to hide from the eyes of the Zerg.

However, Meng Ze's action this time was originally justified, and even deliberately let the Zerg know his goal.

This process is also putting pressure on the Zerg.

After communicating with minus 90 degrees, Meng Ze launched an attack at the same time at Zerg Base 1 and Zerg Base 3.

Zerg Base 3 is the target that Meng Ze decided to take in the first wave.

The defense of this base itself is not very sufficient, there are only a few air defense spore buildings, and the troops are small, and it is mainly based on berserk jumping insects, a small number of multi-beetle snakes and thunder beasts, and only a dozen scorpions.

Meng Ze wanted a quick victory, and some transport planes and science ships directly added a defense matrix to forcibly storm the mine.

0.....Asking for flowers·

Relying on airborne biochemical soldiers to attract firepower, the first wave radiates all the scorpions.

As soon as the scorpion died, although some of the mining area was still covered by the dark insect swarm it had cast before death, Meng Ze's subsequent airdropped gunners stood directly in a corner of the mine.

Relying on the defense matrix imposed by the science spacecraft, the biochemical soldiers resisted the zerg attacks and attracted a large number of zerg troops.

Fighting in this position, Meng Ze's Spitfires shine with dazzling brilliance again.

The battlefield itself is very small, and more than a hundred Spitfires are holding the defensive matrix and spraying ion flames in front of the battle.

The death of the Zerg troops, especially the Berserk Jumping Insects, is even more vulnerable.

Originally, the berserk jumping bug was fast, difficult to aim, easy to get close, and the attack power was also good, which can be regarded as a gunner's nemesis.

..... 0

But in the face of such an unreasonable large-scale attack as a Spitfire, the berserk jumping worm could not rush far in the flames, and was burned into char.

As fierce fighting broke out inside, the remaining troops began to forcibly storm the intersection.

Under the internal and external attacks, the Zerg mining area soon crumbled.

Compared with the fierce exchange of fire at Zerg Base 3, Base 1 is a little painless.

The science spacecraft is against the defense matrix, and the position is in the front, except for the berserk jumping insects and multi-armored spiny snakes that are not worth anything, and the other zergs, as long as they show their heads, come one by one.

The Zerg tried to drive these science ships several times, but when they saw the thousands of Wagre fighters around them, they retreated.

On the ground, Meng Ze's tank was only halfway deployed.

Two echelons of 200 vehicles each are lined up at the frontal intersection, 10 kilometers apart from each other, slowly bombarding the defensive ground thorns at the Zerg intersection.

And along the perimeter of the highland mine, there are 3 additional positions, relying on the vision of the science spacecraft, bombarding all the buildings that can be hit on the highland.

In the mine, the Zerg just used the Dark Bug Swarm skill to cover the junction and the edge of the high ground and delay time.

Meng Ze can't do much about this kind of response of the Zerg.

As soon as the fog opens, the tank basically misses the hit, and for the Zerg building, the splash damage of the tank can only be said to be better than nothing.

However, with such a large legion of Meng Ze outside, the Zerg did not dare to mobilize the troops in the mining area, so as not to be taken advantage of.

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