My Starcraft World

Chapter 9: Explosive Troops

Back at his apartment, Meng Ze turned on his long-lost computer and logged in to the game called Swordsman again.

Meng Ze's game is called Xiaobai, and there are dozens of messages in the game's chat history.

Meng Ze flipped through it, and most of them were occasionally melancholy, occasionally mixed with messages from the big guy, the wolf of the big wolf.

Occasionally a little melancholy was not there during this time, and Meng Ze left her a message, telling her that she was running out of time to play games in the future, and left her phone number.

As for whether the other party will contact him, it is not forced.

Meng Ze also realized that when he was in the interstellar world, it was inconvenient to not be able to receive information from the outside world, and it could be exposed or troublesome.

When Meng Ze is aware of this, the system automatically generates information and external status reminders.

For the intelligence of the system, Meng Ze has long experienced it and silently praised it in his heart.

Before going to bed at night, Meng Ze built the Biochemical Research Institute in Interstellar World, adding two new classes, Spitfires and Medics.

Category: Spitfire

Level: Level 1

Population: 1 unit

Life force: 100

Attack power: 20

Defense: 1

Combat endurance: 5 hours

Manufacturing demand: 500 units of crystal ore

Category: Paramedics

Level: Level 1

Population: 1 unit

Life force: 100

Resilience: 10 vitality/min

Defense: 1

Manufacturing demand: 200 units of crystal ore

Spitfires are small-coverage troops, using high-explosive fuel, and the flames spewed out can continue to burn on the surface of water, rocks, and steel, which is powerful and has a range of up to 100 meters.

Meng Ze allocated part of the remaining resources to the supply station, and some of them were converted into arms.

By the time Meng Ze woke up in the morning, there would be sixty supply stations, ten thousand biochemical lancers, two thousand Spitfires, and five hundred medics.

Meng Ze slept beautifully, and when he ate in the morning and entered the interstellar world again, the scene inside made Meng Ze extremely shocked.

As the saying goes: there are more than 10,000 people, and there is no bound.

When the army of more than 10,000 people gathered neatly in the source square of the biochemical arsenal, a fierce momentum came overwhelming.

Unlike the Three Kingdoms games that Meng Ze played on the computer in the past, the pure God vision will not make people feel any special feelings, just think that they are densely packed villains, but in the interstellar world, these armies can be said to be real.

If Meng Ze wants, he can touch them up close, one by one.

The biochemical arms were armored together, with a height of two meters and five meters, and Meng Ze stood in front of them, even with a sense of insignificance.

However, all these troops, all under his command and completely loyal to him, made Meng Ze can't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart, and the eldest husband should not be like this.

Compared to these, Meng Ze suddenly felt that the real money was not so fragrant.

Throughout the morning, Meng Ze was busy.

First, drawings of missile launch pads and bastions were purchased.

After that, the construction of defenses around the base began.

When the buildings were built and soldiers were stationed, Meng Ze felt that he was finally not running naked.

In order to speed up the construction process, the engineering corps was expanded by Meng Ze to 5,000 units, and the number of supply stations continued to increase.

When this batch of construction is completed, Meng Ze will have a hundred mysterious supply depots that can sustain an army of 100,000 people.

This wave of consumption, Meng Ze's resources are exhausted again.

After the initial excitement of the game, Meng Ze is now able to organize his time more rationally.

If there are no special circumstances, in the future, you can basically build a wave in the morning and another wave in the evening, and you can reasonably transform all resources into buildings and combat power.

The rest of the time, you only need to pay attention to it occasionally through virtual screen projection.

Meng Ze is still different from other players after all.

After side understanding, Meng Ze found that other people in the StarCraft simulation world stayed in the interstellar world almost around the clock, and Meng Ze couldn't even find out if they had ever rested.

Meng Ze is skeptical that the players of the Federation Empire have any other way to maintain their status.

But Meng Ze himself can't, his own biological life cycle is synchronized with real-world time, not affected by the interstellar world.

But this also makes Meng Ze feel that he is still a living person, not a character in the interstellar world.

Arrange today's mission, before exiting the interstellar world, Meng Ze arranged a mission to explore the surrounding area.

He now has more and more buildings, and he must explore more areas in advance to prevent possible dangers.

When the arranged troops began to walk out of the base and explore the designated area as ordered, Meng Ze withdrew from the interstellar world.

Call the landlord to inform him that Meng Ze is ready to leave the city.

For Dongguan, Meng Ze has nothing to be nostalgic about, and the reason for staying here before is just because of work.

Meng Ze plans to go to see his little brother at the first stop, and also go out for a walk by the way, according to the literary point, that is: the motherland is so big, I want to see it.

In less than an hour, the landlord arrived.

After checking the situation of the house a little, he agreed to Meng Ze to quit the rent, and in Dongguan City, the house is still rented.

After chatting with the landlord for a while, Meng Ze left all the living utensils he had purchased with the landlord, leaving only his clothes and laptop.

For the rest of the day, Meng Ze did nothing, not even entering the interstellar world.

The next morning, Meng Ze sold all the crystal ore he had saved and exchanged it for cash, a total of 220,000.

When he arrived at the high-speed rail station, Meng Ze received the occasional melancholy text message, with only one sentence: "Brother Xiaobai, will you come to Taiyuan to find me?" ”

Meng Ze did not reply, maybe you can go to see, but first go to Wuhan City.

Sitting on the high-speed train, looking at the lake and mountains flashing rapidly outside, Meng Ze was in a bit of a trance.

Suddenly thought crankily: "Fortunately, the army of the Federation Empire cannot come to the earth, otherwise all the countries on the earth will not be easily wiped out." ”

Meng Ze thought that he was only a first-level commander, with sufficient resources, he could be almost unlimited thugs, and even a first-level biochemical lancer was almost invincible on Earth.

Therefore, Meng Ze believes that he must not expose his abnormality.

No one knows if the Federation Empire can find out the location of the earth through him, after all, this is a powerful country that can create a semi-real world. *

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