My Starcraft World

Chapter 91: Clues, Rapid Wealth

As the brain worm left, the Zerg troops who were fighting Meng Ze and minus 90 degrees in front quickly retreated through the insect net.

Not only that, the Zerg even did even better, even giving up more than a dozen mines in the north of the ruins.

Meng Ze faced the Zerg base 4, and under his reconnaissance vision, except for the buildings left by the Zerg, it quickly became empty.

A communication was sent at minus 90 degrees, and the two looked at each other after connecting.

"This Zerg is really doing it!" Minus ninety degrees sighed.


Meng Ze also did not expect that this brain worm would either not leave, but would walk cleanly.

Even in order to avoid Meng Ze and the two, they directly gave up more than a dozen mines.

When they discovered that the Zerg troops had moved and detected through remote detection, they were deeply shocked by the decisiveness of the brain worm.

"So what now?" Ninety degrees below zero asked.

"The mine is divided, one and a half, I looked at it, exactly sixteen mines, I am west of you and you east." 35 Meng Ze Road.

When I was assigned to the mine, I should be more excited, but minus 90 degrees is really helpless.

Without him, eat and support.

Not to mention minus ninety degrees, even Meng Ze, there are still dozens of mines that have not been developed.

However, Meng Ze has a lot of resource income, and if he only focuses on the development of the mining area, it is estimated that it will be completed in two or three days.

But the problem is that the mining area alone cannot be developed, you have to do fortifications, and you have to send troops to garrison.

This series of expenses is simply an astronomical amount.

Under normal circumstances, it takes at least a year for players in the new district to develop to occupy the scale of so many mines, which is still particularly smooth and supported.

Now in less than two months, both of them are close to a hundred mines.

Meng Ze's side, if it hadn't sent dozens of mines out, would have exceeded a hundred.

So both are now in a state of indigestion.

Terrans are not like Zergs, and the brood of the race is multi-purpose, both as a base and as a barracks.

Anyway, the worms produced by the mother nest only need to be genetically modulated, as long as it has something in the technology tree, it can evolve, including buildings.

This makes the Zerg expand very quickly and the cost is very low.

Not only that, because of the existence of the insect breeding land network, the speed of the Zerg support everywhere is extremely fast, and the requirements for the fortifications in the mining area are naturally much lower.

Therefore, compared to expansion, the Terrans cannot be compared with the Zerg.

Even now Meng Ze is a little wondering if it was hasty to let the Zerg go.

If other players have no resistance at all, it even feels a bit like a tiger returning to the mountain.

Since the Zerg have retreated, there is naturally no longer a need for so many troops near the ruins.

Meng Ze asked Zhi Brain to analyze the areas he occupied, selecting several or more key mines as his legion station.

It is necessary to make each key location as much as possible to radiate more mines.

After analysis, Zhi Brain set up 12 key garrison points and 4 core bases in the territory other than the perimeter of the headquarters, each of which is planned to garrison more than 10,000 troops and the core base garrison more than 50,000.

However, Meng Ze's judgment is not entirely agreed.

The choice of stationing points is no problem, but in terms of the number of garrisons, at the current level of players, Meng Ze believes that it is not needed for the time being.

Meng Ze suffered heavy losses in this war.

The original 63,000-strong biological and chemical soldier unit lost more than 20,000 people, including more than 16,000 gunners alone, more than 2,000 Spitfires, and about 1,000 medical soldiers.

In addition to the biological and chemical soldier units, more than a thousand Wagre fighters were lost, mainly the hard anti-zerg anti-spore battery was destroyed.

More than six hundred scientific spacecraft, more than two hundred tanks, more than a hundred ghost fighters, and more than six hundred transport planes.

All the battle losses add up, at least seventy or eighty million resource losses.

Fortunately, this war did not last long, after the Zerg was attacked by Base 1, they took the initiative to retreat, if they hit the Zerg Base No. 2 first, and then the Zerg Base No. 1, the losses would inevitably be much greater.

Leaving the remaining troops with 3,000 gunners, 1,000 Spitfires, 500 medics, a small number of tanks and scientific spacecraft, the rest began to be scattered according to the important garrisons just planned.

Due to the lack of troops, even if the previously produced 10,000 gunners were replenished, each garrison could only be divided into a few thousand people.

Meng Ze also did not distribute evenly according to quantity, but gave priority to mining areas close to the edge of the area it occupied.

After dealing with the affairs on his side, Meng Ze looked at the time, took the opportunity to have lunch, and then waited until minus 90 degrees to arrange things.

The two set up a special channel for the war zone and entered the ruins to explore, which required real-time communication.

When the troops of the two entered the ruins, it was like entering a small world.

Among this ruins, you can even see the sky, which is completely different from the ruins that Meng Ze encountered for the first time.

At some unknown void node.

When Meng Ze's soldiers officially stepped into the world of relics, a strange group of life made entirely of information appeared excited.

"The wheel of cause and effect has finally begun, the ninth level!

The inexplicable creature sighed.

The ethereal causal civilization, the ultimate dream of many people.

Then, without seeing how he moved, the small piece of diamond-shaped spar missing in the ruins began to become foggy, as if ice was volatilizing.

Soon, the diamond-shaped spar became smaller and smaller, and eventually, disappeared.

At the moment when the diamond-shaped spar completely disappeared, Meng Ze, who knew nothing about it, suddenly felt a violent vibration in the command center.

The intensity is so great that it is almost like a magnitude nine earthquake.

Occasionally, the command center jumped.

Meng Ze had to quickly order Zhi Brain to let the command center fly.

Moving the map, Meng Ze saw that the entire highland mine below was rapidly expanding and growing.

The entire highland plain expanded by more than a third in just a minute or two.

And that's not even the most important thing, but more importantly, Meng Ze's crystal mine, which is now a full eight hundred piles.

Meng Ze rubbed his eyes, repeatedly confirming.

That's right, it's really eight hundred piles!

Meng Ze's heart was beating violently, and it was just heartbreaking.


That's three times more than before.

The main mine is under the violent ground movement, and now there is a mess (Wang Wang Hao), and many buildings are on fire.

But all this, in front of three times more crystal ore piles, is simply not worth mentioning.

As the crystal pile was fully formed, the movement of the highland mines disappeared completely.

Meng Ze hurriedly ordered the command center to descend.

Before the command center could completely calm down, Meng Ze directly opened the base door and rushed out.

It was one of the few times Meng Ze had stepped out of base.

After becoming a commander, he will have a feeling of extreme uneasiness outside the base, because the commander can only control everything in the command center.

As far as the eye can see, the huge crystal ore pile towering into the clouds is densely packed, flashing with a cold and cold light.

But Meng Ze didn't feel unwell, but his blood boiled.

All of this is his cornerstone in the interstellar world.

There are countless battles abroad, but it is not comparable to the ground movement in the mining area of the headquarters.

Meng Ze has a somewhat complicated mood, it seems that in this life, he can only continue to live a life with a mine at home, and it is difficult to rely on his own efforts.

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