My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-six Tuna Battle

It’s not like celebrity chef groups have never done this kind of offshore farm before.

However, although the scale of those we had done before was not small, it could not compare with the scale of this time.

This time, they really made this fishery too big.

Moreover, those fishing grounds in the past were mainly located on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

There, taking advantage of the local cold water, a large number of salmon are cultured.

In fact, when it comes to sea fish, many people may think that salmon is very high-end.

In fact, this was not the case. Early salmon was actually not expensive.

Even in Europe, it's fish in general, because people like cod more than salmon.

The reason why the price of salmon has risen is mainly because of the economic development of Dragon Kingdom.

The surge in demand for seafood among the people of the Dragon Kingdom, coupled with Japanese cuisine, was the beginning of an international pandemic.

This has expanded the demand and market for salmon in all aspects.

Therefore, the price of salmon has also risen accordingly.

In fact, when it comes to the truly nutritious and delicious fish in the sea, it is far more than just salmon.

Tuna is one of them.

Speaking of tuna, the nutritional value of this fish is even higher than that of salmon.

Because this is a fighting fish, why do you say that, because this fish swims crazily in the sea throughout its life.

He couldn't stop this kind of fish, and it was extremely fast.

Moreover, after analysis, some biologists called this fish a perfect fish.

Because this guy fully explains what life and movement are. As long as he is alive, he will swim non-stop.

It is this kind of crazy movement that also makes this fish have a very high protein content in its body.

Some people have even compared the meat of this fish with beef. Its protein content is even higher than that of beef, and it is also rich in active substances such as EDA and FDA.

It has great benefits for the human brain and cardiovascular system.

But just a few decades ago, this fish was an extremely cheap fish.

Even before the 1950s, not many people ate this fish at all.

So much so that this kind of fish overflows in the sea.

At that time, Americans who liked sea fishing specialized in fishing for this kind of fish.

It's just that after they catch this kind of fish, they don't do it to eat them, but to use it as a measuring tool.

It is just to compare the fishermen to see who catches the bigger fish.

After being weighed, photographed, and ranked, the fish is thrown away.

So much so that for a while, the area around Atlanta in the United States was smelly because that city was the city with the most organized fishing competitions.

Later, some manufacturers began to purchase this fish and used it to make various canned cats and canned dogs.

Therefore, during that period, all kinds of tuna could be said to be active in all corners of the world’s oceans.

It was not until the 1960s, after Japan's economic rise.

At that time, the Japanese would transport a large amount of goods to the United States for sale every day.

These goods also earned the Japanese a lot of dollars, but in the United States, there was nothing that the Japanese could appreciate at that time.

They are unwilling to buy goods from the United States, but they cannot let the planes carrying the goods go back empty.

At that time, there was an expert from ANA who was thinking about finding something good in the United States that could be shipped back to Japan and sold at a high price.

Just then he discovered this big fish that even Americans don't eat.

It easily weighs 700 to 800 kilograms, has extremely low fat content, and has extremely high nutritional value.

Isn’t this the perfect fish to use for yusheng?

You must know that at that time, as the Japanese's wallets became bigger and bigger, the sashimi they ate became more and more high-end.

They were tired of eating the traditional domestic fish dishes over and over again.

It just so happens that this kind of tuna perfectly fills a gap in the Japanese market.

So the Japanese imported a large amount of tuna from the United States.

Then the Americans were surprised, what's going on?

How come something that no one wanted before suddenly becomes a hot commodity?

Later, at a glance, I thought, Damn it, we really wasted everything we had before in our relationship!

This tuna is actually such a good thing!

So Americans also started to eat it, and many Japanese even opened Japanese food shops to the United States and Europe.

Eventually it even spread all over the world, so tuna became the target of a large number of fishes.

In just a few years, this stuff has gone from being a widely available piece of worthless junk to a sought-after expensive ingredient.

Even now, many tuna have been eaten to extinction.

In the past, because this tuna was too expensive, not many people in our country ate it.

However, in recent years, with the continuous improvement of domestic quality of life, various precious marine fish have gradually begun to appear on the dining tables of Chinese people.

In the past, celebrity chef groups raised large quantities of salmon, but now salmon has become a classic dish in the fast food made by celebrity chefs.

For example, there is a fish steak set, which uses salmon.

There are also braised fish nuggets, fish ball soup, smoked salmon set meal, etc. These are now classic dishes created by famous chefs.

Of course, the price is a little bit expensive, about thirty yuan a serving.

But even so, it is still a set meal that many people are flocking to.

Because everyone is not stupid, although the price of this set meal is expensive, compared with other places, they are too affordable.

If you don’t believe it, go to a Japanese restaurant and you’ll find two pieces of sushi for eight yuan, with just sliced ​​salmon on top.

But here you are, for the price of four plates of sushi, you can eat enough rice and a large piece of salmon.

The most important thing is that this salmon can be fried, braised, steamed or fried.

Various flavors, that’s pretty wow!

There are also two vegetable side dishes, plus a side dish, and a drink.

Such a set meal only costs more than 30 yuan. Do you think this is not more cost-effective than that sushi restaurant?

Although eating in a sushi restaurant is about the atmosphere, making it with famous chefs is about life!

And they not only have this kind of set meal, they also have boxes of canned fish.

It’s only five yuan a portion, so you can buy it and add it to your meal when you take it home.

In recent years, with the increase in the number of fitness people, many people regard their canned fish as the best nutritional supplement for building muscle.

Because they use real gold and silver salmon.

But now, they are finally no longer limited to salmon, but have reached out to more expensive tuna.

After all, tuna is more valuable than salmon.

This area of ​​the southern Indian Ocean is a very suitable water area for tuna farming.

Because in the past, there was a fishing company in Kangaroo Country that raised fish in this area...

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