My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand one hundred and seventy-four came back to life

Well now, let's see what those people say, electric vehicles will also pollute the environment.

On the Dragon Country side, even now the technology for recycling lithium batteries has been developed for you.

Although I dare not say that zero pollution can be achieved, they have indeed reduced pollution to a minimum.

Even much lower than the previous lead-acid batteries, these trolls always have nothing to say.

As for the hydrogen energy they are touting, this technology is really good, but everyone knows that this technology cannot be achieved without it for 30 to 50 years, or even a hundred years.

If nothing else, just the danger of hydrogen diffusion, not many people dare to use this stuff.

The detonation ratio of this substance is really too broad, from four percent to more than seventy percent.

That is to say, in a certain confined space, as long as the hydrogen content exceeds 4%, it can be detonated.

This is really dangerous. Before this problem is solved, it should not be feasible for this kind of energy to be popularized on a large scale.

So at least, the battery is more reliable now.

And now, as Spark Technology has also begun to join the power battery track, this field will only be more fun in the future.

Even two German car companies are now eagerly waiting for the battery factory of Xinghuo Technology to be completed soon.

Because once Xinghuo Technology's battery factory can be built, they can get power batteries from here.

As for the electronic control system, it depends on whether they are willing or not.

If you want, Spark Technology will naturally sell them to them.

It's just that the price sold to them is naturally more expensive.

Think back then, how did your Bosch make our money?

We sell this technology to our own company, 4,000 sets, but 14,000 sets can be sold to you, which is not too much!

Buy it if you like it, pull it down if you don't!

At the same time, several large ports in the south of the Dragon Kingdom are now having countless cargo ships, which are entering the ports continuously.

And these freighters brought ship after ship of various mineral powders.

From the very beginning of copper concentrate, to later nickel and cobalt ore, and now to various rare earth ore.

Anyway, it is one ship after another, and it is endless and endless.

With the arrival of these mineral powders, our economic development will also enter a stage of speeding up.

The shortage of raw materials in many factories has been greatly alleviated.

In recent years, as central banks around the world have started flooding, printing a lot of money to stimulate the economy.

This has led to the flood of banknotes all over the world, and these extra banknotes naturally stimulated the rise in commodity prices.

If you say that there is more money, the wages of workers will naturally rise, and as wages rise, the prices of assets will naturally rise.

What's more, the price of oil has risen, so why don't the prices of various rare minerals not rise?

Especially when there are so many factories in Longguo, when the demand is so strong, it naturally attracts a surge of various commodities.

The most powerful growth here is related to the raw materials required by various high-precision industrial chains.

Such as nickel, cobalt, copper, rare metals that are in short supply for power batteries.

There is also rare earth, which is an indispensable and important raw material for manufacturing chips and various special materials.

Now the international price has grown tremendously.

The rise in the prices of these commodities has also put many domestic enterprises in a difficult position. Valley

After all, we have not yet completed a complete industrial upgrade. Many companies originally made mid-range products, and there were no special technical skills.

In this way, it is difficult to have the ability to negotiate prices with European and American companies. In the past, we were able to get orders from Europe and the United States.

The main thing is that our price is affordable, but now we don't even have a price advantage.

Business survival is naturally difficult.

In particular, the raw materials produced by enterprises mainly rely on imports. Overseas commodity prices change three times a day, and almost every upward fluctuation will bring them huge losses.

But now, the prices of these raw materials mined from the seabed, copper, nickel, cobalt, and various non-ferrous metals in the domestic market have begun to stabilize.

Some are even slightly lower than overseas prices, which has rejuvenated domestic companies.

The cost of raw materials has been controlled, so the competitiveness of their products will naturally come up.

In the past, many European and American companies moved their factories to Southeast Asia for the sake of the local ultra-low human resource advantages.

Because of economic development, wages here are indeed much higher than those in Southeast Asia.

Therefore, in the past few years, our products were indeed unable to compete with others, because their products were cheaper.

But now our labor costs have not changed, but with the deployment of a large number of new energy sources, we have more and more power supplies.

Our electricity costs are falling, and our raw material costs are getting cheaper.

In this way, the competitiveness of our products will come up again.

To make the same product, we have more experience and more mature workers.

The quality of the product is naturally better, and the price is the same, which makes it difficult for European and American merchants to choose.

You say buy Southeast Asian products, everyone knows that the quality is not good.

In fact, as a dealer, everyone is more willing to use Longguo products, but the problem is that the cost is so high.

But now, people have put the cost down again, how do you choose under the same circumstances?

Of course it is of good quality!

Of course, except for some products affected by tariffs, for other products, we have regained our market position.

And it is not only our products that are competitive in overseas markets.

In the domestic market, the quality of our products has also improved.

In the past, in our domestic market, the quality of many domestic products was far worse than the quality of foreign products.

And the real gap with those foreign products is not actually in terms of craftsmanship, but mainly in materials.

Because domestic companies all understand the truth of what you get for every penny.

But now their cost is cheap, in order to seize the market of foreign products, it is natural to transfer the dividends to consumers.

Under the condition that the price remains the same, the materials used for my own products are also better, and I am no longer confused as before.

In this way, foreign products are naturally defeated by our own products.

And the people also benefited from it.

Ultimately these feed back into a series of data on economic representation.

For example, the purchasing data of our professional managers has rebounded significantly by the end of this month.

This shows that our domestic manufacturing industry has come to life again...

You must know that many domestic enterprises have been forced to die by the high raw material costs and the non-rising sales prices...

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