My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand two hundred and twelve come prepared

All the way, the convoy went straight to the back road of the gangsters who blocked the police at the gate.

The other two cars rushed in the direction of Pier 3.

That's where the gangsters go first after they storm into the dock...

And those gangsters were surrounding the Sky Whale at this time, and it seemed that they wanted to forcibly board the Sky Whale.

As for the Sky Whale, as early as the beginning of the gang of gangsters breaking into the port, they were already vigilant.

The man on duty on the ship, very elf, started the ship right away and began to quietly leave the dock.

This is also beyond the gangsters' expectations, because according to normal understanding.

Ordinary ships, if they dock at the dock, will turn off the fire, and then seize the time to repair the ship.

And the ships during this period are often the most vulnerable, because the ships at this time basically do not have any power.

If your boat wants to move, start the boiler ahead of time, fire it up, and heat and pressurize the boat's power system.

When the temperature rises to a certain level, the boat can be driven.

And this process can take up to half an hour.

This is still the effect that those warships using gas turbines can achieve.

For heavy cargo ships like the Sky Whale, which uses ordinary diesel engines, it often takes hours to start.

It even takes a long time to adjust the engine state to the best.

In fact, their previous guesses were not wrong.

The Sky Whale is indeed using an ordinary diesel engine, but the problem is that they forgot that the ship used a dual power system.

In addition to the diesel engine, the boat has another fuel-driven system.

Moreover, this boat also has an electric drive, and a motor is added to the main shaft.

The role of this motor on weekdays is to increase the speed of the ship.

But at a critical moment, when the diesel unit cannot provide power, the motor can also drive the boat.

So when the gangsters threw down the dock where the ship was docked, the whale had left the dock several dozen meters that day.

Although the motor played a role at a critical moment, the problem is that this is a large ship of more than 100,000 tons.

At this time, the purpose of the gang of bandits pounced on the Sky Whale was also obvious, that is, to rush to the ship to kidnap the ship.

Then search for the robot on the transfer, as well as various information about the robot.

Even if they can't take the robots in the end, they're going to blow them up.

Anyway, if you can't get it, you will destroy it. This is also a trick used by those capitals.

Of course, if you can get first-hand information about this robot, it is obviously better.

That's why they planned this desperate action...

At this time, Xiao Feng, who was far away in China, was also woken up by someone and informed him of the news immediately.

And Xiao Feng fell into deep thought after learning the news.

This is the first time that the Calapag Islands have suffered such a serious terrorist attack since they became the Plum Blossom City and the western gate of the South American continent.

Moreover, this attack was obviously prepared, and the target of the other party was very clear.

Obviously, the other party has been eyeing the whale for a long time.

It seems that he is still negligent!

It's been a long time since he conquered the Calapag Islands.

And with a large number of domestic development companies and the influx of domestic capital, it has become a new investment paradise.

In just a few years, it has changed from a small island with a population of just over 20,000 to a large island with a population of one million.

And rise up flat,

A large city was built.

Moreover, the financial institutions here have also robbed the Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands.

If you want to say that those capitals have not paid attention to this place, it is naturally impossible.

It's just that in the past, they didn't pay much attention to this place, thinking that they could crush it with just a few fingers, so they didn't take it seriously.

But later, as the place got better and better, those Western capitals changed their minds and planned to let this place fatten first, and then come here to pick peaches.

In fact, Xiao Feng understands their thoughts.

It's just that what he thinks is that what he is fighting against is speed.

The other party must have never imagined that their island would grow so fast.

By the time the other party reacts, the island must have developed to the point where they cannot move.

So these days, he did not go to Karapag, but has been developing remote control in China.

In fact, it is also to reduce the attention of where.

But no one thought that they would still be targeted by those Western capitals!

And this time, the other party also caught them off guard.

Previously, he had been focusing on economic development, urban construction, port construction, and financial system construction.

For the security aspect, his investment is really not much.

This group of guys found the fate right now, Mad, it seems that if the tiger doesn't show his power, you really think I'm a sick cat!

When he thought that the other party dared to make trouble on his own territory, the look in Xiao Feng's eyes immediately became fierce.

It seems that the dormancy of the past few years has really made those guys more courageous.

I really thought I was being bullied, didn't I?

Obviously they forgot how they educated them on their territory back then.

That's good, I'll cut off their claws today and let them go back and forth.

The next step is to visit their old nest. Thinking of this, Xiao Feng picked up the phone...

At this time, on the pier of Plum Blossom Island, the two sides were fighting fiercely.

The policemen who broke through the outer wall and rushed into the pier were divided into two groups.

And the policeman who went straight to the gate, which was behind the bandits, quickly collided with the bandits who had withdrawn from the main gate.

The two sides were soon there, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out in the area at the door.

And the fighting power shown by these bandits can be said to be quite amazing.

It completely exceeded everyone's expectations. In the impression of ordinary people, no matter how powerful you are.

When encountering this group of police officers who are fully armed, it is inevitable that they will panic, and not many dare to face hard steel.

But the performance of these gangsters today is not at all what everyone thinks.

It can be said that the combat power they showed is not at the level of ordinary bandits at all.

Even though they were all heavily armed to the teeth, they were still orderly and not panicking.

More than a dozen bandits used the complex terrain of the dock area and various large containers as bunkers.

They launched a shootout with these police officers, and their performance was not weak in terms of the cooperation of the personnel, the combat quality, and the sophistication of the weapons.

The two sides quickly entered a state of anxiety, and the other side did the same...

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