My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Eight hundred and ten surfaced

It seemed a simple inspection, but it made him smell something different inside.

His financial company is a small loan company on the surface, but in fact it is engaged in the business of routine loans. Recently, the higher authorities are cracking down on routine loans.

Moreover, his company can't stand the investigation at all. If something happens, it must be a big deal.

So he changed his plan early this morning, to speed up, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Originally, Tianhuan Technology's share price would reach 8 yuan within a week, but he planned to complete the plan within a day.

It's a pity that when the market closed today, he failed to break 8, which made him very unhappy!

"Boss, we already made a move an hour before the market closed, but so far, the effect is very mediocre, and the upside potential of Tianhuan Technology has basically been exhausted. Hey! The main reason is that the market is not good!"

The man with golden glasses sat in front of Ma Wanli, swiped the tablet, and reported to Ma Wanli.

Ma Wanli also nodded, and now the US stock market is in full swing.

Some people say every day that the U.S. stock market is inflated and that it is about to explode. President Trump came to power just to mess around and mess up the U.S. economy.

But what about the actual situation?

The stock market hits new highs every day, and Chuan is always fooling around, but he didn't paralyze the U.S. economy. Instead, he created the highest employment rate and economic growth rate in history.

Although the relationship with many allies is a little bit worse, they really got benefits!

It is in this way that the financial market in the United States has prospered, and now it has attracted a lot of hot money from all over the world.

Even Xiangjiang's side has been drained a lot, so their performance in this operation is not satisfactory, which is understandable.

However, in the last sentence of Jinsi Glasses, Tianhuan Technology's upside potential has basically been exhausted, which makes Ma Wanli very worried.

The amount of funds he wants to raise this time is not a small amount. Today, the stock price of Tianhuan Technology is not high enough, and the plate is not big enough, so what's the point?

If it is an acquisition through formal channels, the acquirer must hope that the lower the stock price of the acquired party, the better, so as to greatly save costs.

However, the routine he played was reversed. The higher the stock price of the acquired Tianhuan Technology, the better, so that his other ambush in the country could spend more money...

He pinched the bridge of his nose: "Forget it, since the potential has been exhausted, let's arrange for Shengfeng to enter the venue tomorrow! Give me the valuation!"


The gold-rimmed glasses are also eager to try, and finally entered the second stage. What a good thing!

The task is finally completed. I have been in this villa for more than three weeks. Although everyone eats and drinks well, but they are stuck in such a small yard every day, and they cannot play mobile phones or communicate with the outside world. Almost crazy.

The next day, the Hong Kong stock market opened.

Tianhuan Technology's stock received a lot of enthusiasm, and a lot of funds from the mainland, along the channels of H-Hong Kong Stock Connect and S-Hong Kong Stock Connect, began to sweep up Tianhuan Technology's stocks on the market in large numbers.

In just one hour, the stock price of Tianhuan Technology rose from 7.9 yuan when the market opened to 10 yuan!

The ferocity of the rise,

It can definitely be said to be rare in half a year.

The change in Tianhuan Technology's stock this time has naturally attracted the attention of many investors and investment institutions, and everyone can't help but look sideways at this stock.

Could it be that this company is trying to figure out something else?

The farce between Yinghuan Technology and Tianneng Technology has just ended not long ago, but what is going on now?

Could it be that someone wants to...

Many investors and investment institutions also understood it, and began to join the army one after another, and began to sweep up the shares of Tianhuan Technology in the market.

As much as you want, by noon, it is almost difficult to see the shares of Tianhuan Technology on the market, and the offer price has already reached 15 yuan a share, but there are still not many people willing to sell.

Because at this time, everyone has already smelled something wrong.

The wave of raptors that came across the river in the morning was really ferocious.

The bulk stocks with only a few million shares on the market were basically wiped out by them, and some organizations even tentatively released some bulk stocks for fishing, which were also eaten by them.

The price was abruptly raised from less than eight yuan to ten yuan. Even a fool, seeing such a situation, can guess that Tianhuan Technology must be doing something again.

By noon, the major financial institutions had already sent people to pass the customs and went straight to the headquarters of Tianhuan Technology in China, the former headquarters of Tianneng Technology.

But this time, everyone went in vain, not to mention seeing people from Tianneng Technology, and they couldn't even enter the company.

Even fifty meters away from his factory, he was expelled by the security of the industrial park.

And the more Tianhuan Technology behaved like this, the more people below felt that something big was going to happen.

Although the information sent back by many people is ambiguous, it is enough to make many investment institutions boil. After more than half a year, they finally have meat to eat.

And looking at it like this, it seems that this time is still a big event!


At the same time, Ma Wanli and his team in the villa on the outskirts of Greentown looked at the graph on the screen with a sneer on their lips.

A bunch of sand sculptures, just thinking about coming to play at this time? What are you playing with me?

All the chips are in my hands!

Now he holds shares in Tianhuan Technology through a number of companies, and the total value can be as high as 90%. Only about 10% of the stocks are actually in the hands of some other investment institutions and retail investors.

Now Tianhuan Technology's stock is basically priceless!

If you want to buy it, you can't buy it in the market at all, so the major investment institutions and investors can only continuously increase the invitation price.

But 90% of the stocks are in Ma Wanli's hands, so how could he let them out easily? The higher the offer price, the higher the value of these stocks in his hands.

In addition, the investors and institutions that control 10% will not release it easily at this time.

Because everyone wants to know, where is the limit of Tianhuan's technology?

At least until the matter is clear, everyone will not release these stocks, because no one knows whether the current stock price is halfway up the mountain or at the foot of the mountain!

In the afternoon, many investment institutions still failed to understand the truth of the whole matter, but there were already some rumors on the market.

Those agency investigators were not paid for nothing, and through some channel they got the surveillance video in front of Tianneng Technology.

As you can see from the Tongguo surveillance video, in those few days, several Buick commercial vehicles and Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles entered and exited Tianneng Technology's office area almost every day.

And Tongguo's license plate verification shows that these cars belong to Shengfeng Energy!

And this Shengfeng Energy used to be a colleague of Tianneng Technology, and also made lithium batteries, but Tianneng Technology chose to enter the upstream of the industrial chain because of its poor technology.

However, Shengfeng Energy chose to stay and has been concentrating on the research and development of lithium batteries over the years.

It is said that in the first half of this year, they also invented a major patent, which greatly improved the charging and discharging efficiency of lithium batteries, and it is said that they have won supply contracts from many domestic electric vehicle companies.

And now they started to have frequent contact with Tianhuan Technology, which explained a lot of problems.

Either Tianhuan Technology wants to acquire them, or they are trying to get Tianhuan Technology's attention!

A series of analytical articles and photos were quickly posted on the Internet, and the financial market on the Xiangjiang side immediately boiled.

Now everyone finally understands what's going on, there is another merger and acquisition for feelings!

But no matter who buys who this time, everyone will not miss it this time.

Shengfeng Company has not been listed before, and it is not particularly famous in the market, but it belongs to the kind of enterprise with very solid technology.

It seems low-key, but the annual profit is not low.

But the problem now is that they are not listed companies, so they don't have to publish financial reports.

The only data that everyone can understand about this company is to check his tax payment certificate, the warehouse entry and exit list of the factory, and the electricity consumption.

Only in this way can we roughly estimate its size. Of course, if you have resources and energy, you can still find out the strength of this company through the local bank that cooperates with this company.

And if you understand the size of this company, then everyone can basically understand who is the Raptor who crossed the river this time!

The next day, before the Hong Kong stock market opened, someone was suddenly selling information on the Internet, which was said to be about Shengfeng's bank data.

Such things are very common in Xiangjiang. Anyway, some banks in China are keeping secrets... haha...

Many people spent a sum of money to purchase an electronic document.

And when everyone saw the data of the electronic bank, they couldn't help being excited.

Because Shengfeng was in that bank account, and there were billions in the account alone! ! ! cash! ! !

Special code, are all domestic companies so rich?

However, considering the crazy promotion of electric vehicles in China in the past few years, it is hard to say whether overtaking on detours has been completed, but there are a large number of companies, so there are a lot of state subsidies.

As one of the main suppliers of lithium batteries, Shengfeng is also considered upstream in the industrial chain, so it is not surprising that Shengfeng also followed suit.

Now that they are focusing on Tianhuan Technology, this is only normal!

After all, didn't Tianhuan Technology just set up some kind of Piscana Salt Lake in Copper Country, which is said to have 800,000 tons of lithium reserves?

If you think about it this way, all the logic makes sense.

It is normal for a company that produces lithium batteries to merge with a company that has mining qualifications and mineral reserves, and then goes public through a backdoor!

And when a line was deduced, the market's reaction went crazy. When the market was closed yesterday, the offer price of Tianhuan Technology was only 15, but by the noon of the next day, the offer price had already risen to 21!

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