My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Eight hundred and sixteenth miracle

In fact, local protectionism is very serious for the industry of chain drugstores.

Generally, chain pharmacies in each province and even each city are quite different.

Many pharmacies can only operate within the scope of one city, and it is very difficult to cross cities. If they can cover the entire province, they are already considered very large chain pharmacies.

However, in China, there are few, or even none, that can truly achieve a national chain.

And Mr. Wan actually wanted to be the first person to eat crabs this time, this courage really made Li Zhiyang look a little different.

But thinking about his reliance on Yida Real Estate, funds, channels, and relationship networks are not a problem. The only difficult thing is to be able to compete fairly with local chain drugstores in other cities.

However, Xiao Feng believes that fair competition is not a big problem for Wan Gongzi, the only difficulty is how to stand out from the competition.

If the rejuvenation series of health care products can become the exclusive product of their chain pharmacy, it will definitely greatly enhance the competitiveness of Wan Gongzi's Neptune pharmacy.

Xiao Feng quickly finished flipping through the stack of proposals in his hand. Seeing that he had put down the proposals, Mr. Wan asked him with a smile.

"How? Any ideas?"

"Well, the plan is very careful, but the key still depends on the implementation!"

"Haha, don't worry bro, look at this picture."

While Young Master Wan was speaking, he took out a tablet computer and called up an electronic map.

Xiao Feng took a look and saw that the major cities across the country were marked on the map, and each city was marked with an Arabic numeral.

Clicking on those numbers turned out to be the number of Neptune Drugstores planning to open stores in that city.

And after clicking again, it will enter a new interface, which will display Neptune's new store. In those cities, many stores have entered the stage of decoration, and they are not far away from the industry.

This can be said to be an absolute commercial secret, and Mr. Wan actually showed it to himself, obviously he really trusted him.

And he roughly took a look. In the new year, they plan to open more than 700 new stores across the country. They are not bragging, but they are really advancing.

At present, more than 300 people have installed it, and there are more than 300 more, and they will start to follow up around the middle of the year.

In this way, if we cooperate with them, the problem of offline cooperation will be solved.

Xiao Feng nodded, and at this time Mr. Wan also saw that Xiao Feng's attitude was a little loose, so he laughed.

"Brother, I came here today with great sincerity, and I'll give you a gift later!"

"Oh? What gift?"

When Xiao Feng heard Mr. Wan say this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and became interested.

A businessman whose business has reached his level can be said to have everything. He really can't think of what kind of gift Wan Gongzi will give him.

And Mr. Wan gave a godlike smile, then raised his hand to look at his watch, then turned on the TV and tuned to a channel.

This is a European news channel. It happened to be broadcasting a news program at this time, and suddenly the screen changed.

"Mr. Maher, an internationally renowned car king, has recently woken up from a coma and is recovering well. The day before yesterday at his home in Switzerland, he accepted an exclusive interview with our reporter Emily Meris..."

As soon as the camera turned, the famous car king appeared on the TV screen. Seeing this person's appearance, Xiao Feng was also extremely surprised.

This is a legend in the history of world racing. He has won the championship of Formula 1 many times.

Dominated the car industry for more than ten years.

But a few years ago, while skiing in the Alps, he had an accident and hit his head on a rock.

It is said that the situation was very critical at that time, and even after many times of rescue, he has become a vegetable.

At that time, many neurosurgery experts expressed their opinions on his injury, but most of them were pessimistic, according to the predictions of the experts.

It was a blessing that Che Wang could be rescued. Being in a vegetative state for a long time was the best result. As for the chance of returning to a normal person, it was almost zero.

To be honest, Xiao Feng was quite sad when he heard such news.

Even though he doesn't know much about racing and the King of Cars himself, he still respects his character very much.

Because he is a true internationalist, he has donated generously to various charitable projects many times, even when there was a severe earthquake in Xichuan Province, China, and there were a large number of casualties.

This car king is still one of the few international superstars who has donated money to the earthquake victims in Huaguo.

Donated 10 million US dollars, although the money was first given to the German government, and then transferred to the people in the disaster area in the form of donations from the German government.

Another sports superstar who has donated money is the basketball superstar Kobe Bryant, who donated five million dollars. Unfortunately, the superstar passed away unexpectedly a few days ago, leaving only his fans with endless regrets.

Another international superstar who donated money is Antetokounmpo. Although the donation is not much, it also reflects his heart.

So Xiao Feng absolutely respects the three international superstars.

As for the other so-called international giants, no matter how many ball awards they get, they will only make money from Huaguo, and even despise Huaguo people while making money.

In Xiao Feng's mind, there were only four words: To hell!

In his whole life, he would definitely not spend a penny for those guys.

So Xiao Feng was also very happy to see this great driver recovering from a coma and recovering quite well.

"Tell me, Mr. Che Wang, you were in a coma for four years, when exactly did you wake up?"

The reporter smiled and asked about the car king. The camera on the TV turned and pointed at the car king.

Che Wang's mental state is very good, and his face is still young. If it weren't for seeing him still sitting in a wheelchair, it would be hard to believe that he has just recovered from a serious injury.

"Hmm! About half a year ago! I only woke up half a year ago..."

The hostess on the opposite side stretched out her hand to cover her mouth pretending to be exaggerated: "Oh! My God! Mr. Che Wang, do you know how serious your injury was at that time? Many experts in brain neurology, after getting to know you You've been sentenced to death since then. They said you'd be in a vegetable if you survived. So you know what, when the news broke that you were sober, we all thought it was an April Fool's day Joke. Do you know what a miracle you have performed?"

"Haha, what I am best at is creating miracles..."

The car king actually knows how to joke, which is not at all like a person who has suffered a severe brain injury.

Although Che Wang's injury was not made public at the time, the gossip reporters with super energy can inquire about the details of many Che Wang's injuries.

It is said that the car king was descending from the mountain at a very fast speed, but because of an accident, his head hit a rock.

It is said that his head was crushed and his brains came out.

If it were an ordinary person, he must have died, but I still want to thank the champion of the car king for many years for not saving his money in vain.

"Here, first of all, I would like to thank my wife. When everyone persuaded her to give up, she chose to persist in saving me..."

Che Wang said affectionately.

This is indeed true. During his four years in a coma, many car fans, even his relatives, advised his wife to give up, but his wife insisted on giving him treatment.

He even went bankrupt and even sold his mansion and jewelry. It is said that the cost of treatment alone cost more than 200 million pounds.

This kind of persistence, I believe many people can't do it.

"In addition, I would like to thank the Ninth Laboratory of Huaguo. It is the products they launched that saved me..."

wait! What?

Thanks to Huaguo's Ninth Laboratory?

At this time, not only Emily, the show host, was flashed by the words of the car king, but even Xiao Feng, who was sitting in front of the TV, was also flashed by the words of the car king?

Why did he thank the Ninth Laboratory?

"Mr. Che Wang, as far as I know, this ninth laboratory is a famous cosmetics company in Huaguo? Why do you want to thank them? What products did they launch to save you?"

The female reporter Emily also reacted very quickly, and immediately grasped the key to the topic.

"It's like this. Six months ago, I was still in a coma. Because of being in a coma for a long time, my physical condition was very high. Although I took in a lot of nutrients every day, the absorption had always been a problem. At that time, my height had already It shrank to only 1.6 meters, and weighed only 30 kilograms..."

"Oh my goodness!"

Hearing Che Wang talking about the situation at that time, the female reporter couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand again, but this time her surprise was real.

You must know that when Che Wang was healthy, he was a strong man with a height of 1.75 meters and a weight of more than 150.

But after being bedridden in a coma for four years, his height has shrunk by more than ten centimeters, and his weight has also dropped to sixty kilograms. Isn't that a mummy?

Thinking of this, the female reporter couldn't help but tremble all over, she didn't dare to think about that scene anymore, it was really terrible.

"Later, I learned from the doctor that my condition was very bad at that time. Due to the long-term coma, multiple organs in my body failed, and my nutrition was severely malnourished. To heal my brain, I must find the most suitable way to supplement nutrition. Only when my body can absorb enough nutrients can I recover. Later, someone recommended to my wife a health product launched by the Ninth Laboratory, Rejuvenation Capsules, which is said to be very beneficial to patients with severe injuries after surgery. So my The wife accepts..."

Although Che Wang said it very easily, the female reporter could better understand the helplessness of his wife who treated a dead horse as a living horse doctor at that time!

"Unexpectedly, when I started taking the Huichun Capsules from the Ninth Laboratory, a miracle happened, and my weight began to recover. The organs that had failed due to malnutrition before also began to recover, and even my height also followed suit. It started to recover..."

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