My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 107 Late at night! Master Jiushan! !

Deep in the deep mountains.

In a mysterious cave.

Jiang Shi, who had been sitting cross-legged for a long time, opened his eyes again. His face was very pale, his brows were furrowed, and his whole body was extremely tingling. He felt as if all the bones in his body were falling apart, and he felt extremely uncomfortable at the slightest movement.

Two days passed and his injuries were still serious.

Two days of recovery with minimal results.

Seven or eight huge palm prints appeared all over his body, three of which were extremely terrifying, going several centimeters deep, breaking many of his ribs, and even causing serious injuries to his internal organs.

The blood exchange realm is the blood exchange realm after all!

If he hadn't used the secret technique at the critical moment, I'm afraid he would have died.

Even so, he has now met a terrible end.

"This can't go on like this. If I rely on myself to recover, I probably won't be able to recover for a few months. I have to find some pills to help. But there have been many masters following me secretly. They are suspected of being hostile. In my current state , even if I can kill them, it will aggravate my injuries, and if experts from the Kunshan Long Family and the Longxi Zhang Family arrive, I will die."

Jiang Shi's heart surged and he was secretly anxious.

This state of weakness is really disturbing.

You can be discovered at any time.

Moreover, after two days, the reputation value has just reached 8990 points. Although it is still rising rapidly, it will take at least another day to completely break through 10,000 points.

The improvement of reputation value cannot be increased in one day.

This is an ongoing process.

Jiang Shi had no choice but to continue to use his Zhenwu Gang Jin and began to recover slowly.

Some time passed.

Jiang Shi opened his eyes and began to try to connect the broken bones. He pressed the broken bones back with his palms to bring them back together.

This process seemed extremely painful, causing him to break out in cold sweat and his face was distorted. The injury that had just healed before began to bleed again.

However, he gritted his teeth and persisted, continuing slowly.

The entire cave was filled with a faint layer of blood.

Several hours passed before he finally stopped, breathing heavily, and his entire face was indescribably pale.

Fortunately, the situation is not particularly serious and the broken bone has been reset.

All it takes is a slow recovery.

Jiang Shi felt his mouth go dry for a while, and his body swayed. He walked out of the cave, found the water source, and prepared to take a swig.

But suddenly, his pupils narrowed and he looked at the stream in front of him.

Above the stream, I saw dead fish with white bellies lying on them, floating down the water.


Did he remember that the stream was not like this before?

But now there are a lot of dead fish?

Someone poisoned the stream?

"Could it be that the people who wanted to deal with me before deliberately poisoned me in order to force me to come out?"

Jiang Shi felt a deep chill in his heart.

Who are those strong men who suddenly appeared?

He tried so hard to deal with himself, even using poison, which can be described as extremely vicious.

Although his [Chiyang Hegemony Skill] has the function of poison resistance, he is seriously injured now and does not dare to gamble rashly. If the injury is compounded, it will be in trouble.

Jiang Shi turned around and ran towards the distance, preparing to leave this place.

If someone poisons the stream, it means that someone has chased him nearby and the place is no longer safe.

However, he still underestimated the speed of the man in the dark.

When Jiang Shi just rushed out of the forest, he still heard some subtle movements. His face changed slightly, his body suddenly stopped, and he listened.

"Do you think there are really other secrets about that kid?"

A man's voice sounded vaguely.

"There must be, otherwise even if he is a natural King Kong, he would not be able to improve his strength so quickly. The superiors have checked his origins and background several times. It has only been more than half a year since he became famous. This Behemoth The record back then was even more terrible.”

Another man whispered.

"I really can't believe that there is actually a second innate King Kong. If our Qingyi Tower can catch him, I believe many aristocratic families will be very interested in him."

"Don't be careless. Now even the notorious [Three Saints Association] has been dispatched. In addition, the Jiushan Master, the Kunshan Long Family, the Longxi Zhang Family, and other people from the world are on the way. Our Qingyi House really has nothing to do. Too much confidence."

"That's right. Anyway, let's find that kid first. Old Liu, can your poison really be effective?"

"Don't worry, one drop of my poison can kill a whole river of fish. If I poured three bottles in a row, even if he drank it, he would be seriously injured."

"That's fine, hehe. If we really can't force him out, we might have to set fire to the mountain..."

"Set the mountain on fire? Haha, no matter how powerful this kid is, he can't survive the raging fire, right?"


Jiang Shi's eyes were cold and he stared at the direction of the sound from a distance.

Tsing Yi Building?

It's this force again!

How poisonous!

Still want to set the mountain on fire?

However, he also heard other news by the way, and couldn't help but feel cold.

Sanshenghui, Kunshan Long Family, Longxi Zhang Family, and another Jiushan Zhenren?

Jiang Shi felt the need to find out all this.

His body suddenly jumped out from here like a cheetah.

Even if he has been seriously injured, the foundation of his physical body is still beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In a forest.

At this moment, four or five people in green clothes and armed with various weapons gathered here and talked about it. Suddenly they heard a terrifying roar, their expressions changed, and they quickly turned around.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he came up, Jiang Shi quickly took action with his palm force, directly killing three of them, beating their bodies to pieces and flying upside down. Only an old man was left, his face was pale, he was extremely frightened, and he was trembling. He looked at Jiang Shi who was like an evil star in front of him.

"Jiang...Jiang Demon..."


Jiang Shi's face was gloomy, and he slapped the old man's head, which almost exploded. Blood spurted out, four or five teeth flew out at once, and his body was hit hard to one side.

"Want to die or live?"

Jiang Shi asked gloomily.

"I want to live, I want to live, please spare my life, Young Master Jiang!"

The old man quickly got up and wailed desperately.

"If you want to live, answer the question honestly. Besides your Qingyi Tower, who else wants to deal with me? Who is this Master Jiushan? What kind of force is the Three Saints Association?"

Jiang Shi said coldly.

"Master Jiushan is a friend of Ancestor Wang. He is also an old monster in the blood exchange realm. He was invited out by Ancestor Wang and wanted to kill you while you were seriously injured. The Three Saints Association is the most powerful one in the world. The notorious killer organization has the support of many aristocratic families behind the scenes. Some people...some people don't want to see the second innate King Kong grow up, so they bribed the [Three Saints Association] and let the killers of the Three Saints Association come to kill you. !”

The old man's voice trembled as he responded.


Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes and felt deeply heavy in his heart.

Another old monster who has been replaced!

And it involves other aristocratic families!

"Then who are the people who come out of the [Three Saints Association]? Are there any who are in the blood-changing realm?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"I don't know. It hasn't been found out yet. Maybe it has been found out, but people at my level don't know this kind of secret. Please spare me, hero."

The old man trembled.


Jiang Shi's tone was cold and he said, "Have any experts from the Kunshan Long Family and the Longxi Zhang Family come over?"

"Yes, according to the news, the old monsters from the Kunshan Long family and the Longxi Zhang family are coming here..."

The old man said tremblingly.

"The news was also betrayed by your Qingyi Building?"

Jiang Shi stared at the old man with cold eyes.

Not long ago, he heard Gongsun Yi mention that this force could sell out all kinds of information for the sake of profit.

"It was betrayed by the Blue and White Messenger, it has nothing to do with me..."

The old man opened his mouth in panic.

"court death!"

When Jiang Shi got the accurate answer, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and continued to ask, "Where are the people who entered the mountain now?"

"South, east."

The old man spoke quickly.


Jiang Shi slapped him to death and knocked the old man's body flying. Then he took a water bag from one person's waist and began to drink heavily. He drank the entire water bag in one breath and dug out dry food from these people. , ate a lot of food, and after eating together, the body fled directly into the depths of the mountain forest.

The old man just said that the enemies were all in the south and east, but he didn't dare to believe it too much. What he said might not be true.

Therefore, it was better to rely on his original idea and continue to escape deeper into the forest.

But the rest of the journey was not easy at all.

Just at dusk, Jiang Shi was assassinated.

The killers of the Three Saints Society came very quickly.

To be precise, he was already ambushed deep in the forest.

He had just rushed out of a forest when two figures suddenly emerged from the mountain road. Their faces were covered with black scarves and they held long and strange weapons in their hands. Their eyes were cold and they said nothing. When he came up, he attacked Jiang Shi.

With this move, his strength was immediately revealed, and the air flow from his body exploded with great momentum. It was clear that he was also a strong warrior at the martial saint level.

However, Jiang Shi didn't dodge, and rushed past. In a quick battle, he shot out his palms and slapped them directly on the weapons of the two people. With two bangs, the weapons in the hands of the two people were shaken and flew high into the air, causing the tiger's mouth to burst. , with a shocked expression on his face, and quickly dodge.

But once Jiang Shi takes action, how can he let them leave again?

Almost the next moment, the body quickly chased out, grabbed their bodies one by one, and threw them directly towards the mountain wall in the distance.

The two powerful killers suddenly let out bursts of exclamations. They could not stop themselves no matter what, and could only watch as they crashed into the top.

Snapped! Snapped!

The sound was crisp, blood splattered, and the tragic bones shattered like an egg cracking.

Both of the two highly skilled killers died tragically.

But Jiang Shi was also affected by his injuries again. He couldn't help but bleed from the corner of his mouth and his body was shaking. He said: "I don't know whether to live or die. Even if the tiger is seriously injured, it is not something that the sick cat can deal with."

He suddenly rushed over, picked up a weapon from the ground, and left quickly.

It's a pity that his mace was left in the cottage. Time was short and he couldn't retrieve it. He could only wait for his injuries to recover and defeat the powerful enemy before trying to find a way to retrieve the mace.

The weapon in his hand at this moment was a wide water-milled Zen staff, which was almost exactly the same as Luti Xiati's weapon in the film and television series. The weight of seventy or eighty kilograms was as if it was nothing in Jiang Shi's hand.

He just left not long ago.

There was movement again from behind, and several figures in black quickly came over and appeared in this area.

When they saw the two killers under the mountain wall, their eyes changed slightly and they hurried over.

"There were no other injuries. Did he fall to death?"

"Is Demon Jiang nearby? Quickly, notify the red-level killer!!"

"Send a signal and let people elsewhere pay attention!"


They shouted low and moved quickly.

Some time passed.

The entire forest became darker, blurry, and the atmosphere was suppressed. The big trees swayed gently under the night, like demons clawing at them with their teeth bared.

Jiang Shi just ran forward. Suddenly, the sound of rapid and weak wind came to his ears again, and he quickly looked up.

I saw two figures in black suddenly above the thick tree crown, both of them were extremely fast, with cold eyes and no words. The long swords in their hands came out of their bodies like lightning, as fast as a whirlwind, and they came up and enveloped Jiang Shiduotou. .

Jiang Shi did not dodge, and suddenly swung the thick Zen staff in his hand. Almost one stick at a time, all of them landed firmly on the two killers. With two bangs, the two killers were beaten to the point where blood spurted out and they flew away. Go out and die a tragic death.

At the same time, the long swords in the hands of the two killers pierced his body directly, making a clanging sound and two light red marks appearing. At the same time, a sharp sword energy also poured into Jiang Shi's body, making Jiang Shi once again Qi and blood surge up.

He ignored it and continued running forward.

In this way, the area in front of him was like a dragnet. No matter how he continued to move forward, a killer would suddenly jump out and rush towards his body as if he was not afraid of death.

The weakest is only half-step martial saint.

The strongest one is already at the peak of Martial Saint.

After a battle, Jiang Shi's wounds began to crack again, blood appeared at the corners of his mouth, and his face became paler.

That's not the worst.

The worst thing is that all the traces left along the way made the red-level killers of the [Three Saints Association] chase after him at a high speed.

The one chasing him from the other direction in unison with him was the Master Jiushan.

There are two old monsters in the blood exchange realm.

They seemed to be chasing and intercepting him, approaching Jiang Shi at high speed.

For a time, Jiang Shi's situation was extremely critical.

After rushing forward for a while, he finally failed to rush out completely and was blocked by the Jiushan Master first.

This is an old man wearing a pure white Taoist robe. He has dark skin and a gray beard. His specific age cannot be seen. His body is tall and thin, like a thin bamboo pole, but the energy contained in his eyes is extremely amazing.

The two eyes were like sparkling flashlights in the dark night, thrilling, and his skin was faintly glowing with a dark golden light.

This all shows that the opponent's physical body is very strong and his energy is terrifying.

At this moment, he was standing not far away, his eyes looking towards Jiang Shi. He first carefully compared the scrolls in his hands, and then started to nod directly.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

After saying "good luck" three times, he tore up the scroll, looked at Jiang Shi again, and said: "Junior, you can defeat the ancestor of the Wang family with a mere martial arts cultivation level, which is unprecedented. Except for Meng Fang back then, no one else It can be done, but you are seriously injured now and are about to die, and I don’t want to take action. You take the initiative to surrender and come with me, so as not to suffer anymore!"

"Are you the friend of the ancestor of the Wang family?"

Jiang Shi stared at the other party closely, his expression gloomy.

"It's me!"

Master Jiushan's tone was indifferent.

"You want me to go with you, unless I die!"

Jiang Shi's tone was cold.

"So, you really want to die?"

Master Jiushan frowned and said coldly: "In that case, I will grant you your wish."


As soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, the rocks exploded, and his tall and thin body rushed over instantly. The moment he almost rushed over, his body began to explode with anger. Muscles appeared, and veins appeared. His whole body grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, regardless of strength. The momentum suddenly increased.

A palm struck Jiang Shi hard in the face.

His eyes were cold and extremely decisive. He directly chose to fight quickly and never gave Jiang Shi any chance.

It’s the strongest combat power right from the start!

Excellent martial arts.

Jiang Shi's eyes narrowed, and almost as soon as the opponent rushed towards him, he once again quickly detonated the flame energy and blood regardless of life and death, and used the Hunyuan Divine Palm, combining strength and brute force, to rush directly towards the opponent.

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