Ho ho ho...

Kong Xiang's eyes were wide open, blood was pouring out from his mouth crazily, veins appeared all over his body, and the blood was scorching red, and the blood on his neck was gushing out like a fountain.

His intact palm tried to cover his neck to stop the flow of blood, but it was of no use.

A section of his neck bone was pulled out by Jiang Shisheng, and his entire head seemed to have turned into a rootless tree, unable to stand up at all. The rich vitality continued to drain from his body.

A pair of huge eyes were filled with deep unwillingness and resentment, and he wanted to remember Jiang Shi firmly before he died.

Kong Sheng, who was not far away from him, widened his eyes in horror.

"Manager Kong!"

All this is simply bizarre.

Can Jiang Shi kill Mr. Kong who has had three blood exchanges?

Horror arose in his heart, and without thinking, he turned around and fled away into the distance at all costs.

Jiang Shi had a thick smile on his face, staring at the manager Kong who had lost his neck bone in front of him, and said: "It's time to end!"


He grabbed the opponent's neck with both hands and tore it open with all his strength, tearing open the opponent's entire neck on the spot. Suddenly, the huge head could no longer hold up and rolled down from his shoulders.

Jiang Shi kicked out, treating the huge head like a ball on the spot, and kicked it seven or eight miles away. A pair of eyes suddenly stared coldly at Kong Sheng.


His voice was cold, and he suddenly picked up the cooked copper stick on the ground and quickly chased Kong Sheng.

At this moment, his entire body was painful and swollen, and every inch of flesh and blood seemed to burst. Blood began to overflow from the pores, staining his body red.

Even if he had the talent to return to his original state, he couldn't stop the pain at this moment.

There is no doubt that these are the effects of strength overload.

After all, he has not exchanged blood. The force that his flesh and blood can bear is limited. Once it reaches a certain limit, it will cause tearing.

Whirring whirring!

In the dense forest, Jiang Shi chased him all the way out, his voice harsh.

The panic in Kong Sheng's heart was beyond description.

At this moment, he felt exactly the same as the third master of the Zhang family before. He just wanted to escape from this place at all costs, and there was a slight psychological shadow in his heart towards Jiang Shi.


Finally, he rushed out of the dark woods ahead.

The whole person suddenly rushed to an official road, and saw a huge caravan suddenly appeared in the front area. The crowd was dense, holding high flags, walking on the road.

"I am a descendant of the Kong family in Quzhou, come and help me..."

He quickly shouted, trying to ask for help from this group of martial arts people.

However, soon there was a harsh roar from behind, and a wrought copper rod cut through the air, burning like a meteorite, and shot towards Kong Sheng's back.

Kong Sheng's expression changed. He had no time to dodge. He had no choice but to turn around and resist quickly. However, he was instantly shot through the chest by a thick cooked copper rod. With a bang, his body was sent flying backwards. On the ground.

The caravan ahead was in chaos.

Everyone was shocked, reining in their horses and drawing their swords.

"There's a situation!"

"Defend quickly!"


"Jiang...Jiang Shi, if you have something to say, please spare my life..."

Kong Sheng's mouth was filled with blood and he was nailed to the ground. He looked deep into the forest in great horror.

Deep in the forest, an extremely tall figure with blood-stained body rushed out quickly, his aura burning, and he soon appeared in front of Kong Sheng.

The violent bloody aura made everyone in the caravan even more frightened. The horses under their crotches could not help but neigh. They stood upright with their cold hair standing upright, as if they were facing some extremely terrifying monster.

Jiang Shi forced out a warm smile, but did not say any words. Instead, he quickly rushed forward and quickly tore off Kong Sheng's arms and legs in front of everyone in the caravan, causing Kong Sheng to Sheng screamed miserably and blood sprayed out crazily.

After all of Kong Sheng's limbs were torn off, Jiang Shi directly lifted up Kong Sheng's body and rushed away quickly, disappearing quickly.

No words were spoken from beginning to end.

The whole person came and went like the wind, which was extremely terrifying.

Everyone in the caravan was in an uproar, and they were all shocked.

"Jiang Shi? What did that man say just now? Is he Jiang Shi?"

"Oh my God, that Jiang Shi who caused a bloody storm in the world has appeared again?"

"What a terrifying power. Is this a monster?"


The leader of the bodyguards was also dumbfounded. He suddenly reacted and murmured: "Quzhou Kong family? Oh no, that middle-aged man seems to say he is Quzhou Kong family?"

His heart trembled, and he felt as if he had witnessed something extremely terrible, and he just wanted to leave here at all costs.


far away.

As soon as Jiang Shi rushed into the dense forest, the black demon horse held his mace and carried his package, and rushed over quickly, as if it automatically knew the way.

Jiang Shi laughed, got on the black demon horse, and quickly left the place with Kong Sheng's body.

During this period, he quickly released his state, the white light on his body kept flashing, and the [Return to Origin] talent continued to treat various injuries on his body.

He once again rushed over three hundred miles in one breath.

The black demon horse finally stopped again.


In a desolate village.

Jiang Shi's injuries finally recovered to some extent.

Like a huge meat stick, Kong Sheng's body was lifted into an abandoned village by Jiang Shi. At this moment, Kong Sheng's wounds had already begun to scab, and his whole face was full of panic.

"Brother Jiang...Jiang, what are you going to do to stop killing me? Can you let me go? As long as you let me go, I promise that from now on, the Quzhou Kong family will never cause trouble for you again."

"Don't worry, I usually don't kill people easily."

A smile appeared on Jiang Shi's face and he said: "Brother Kong, you and I have not known each other for a long time. Now I have a few questions that I would like to ask. I am sure Brother Kong will never refuse."

"Don't worry, I will tell you everything I know. Brother Jiang, please ask questions."

Kong Sheng said quickly.

"Then I'll ask."

Jiang Shi nodded and smiled: "You should be familiar with Kong Xiang, the person I fought with before. I mean, you should also know the unique skills he has practiced."

The technique that Kong Xiang used later made him extremely interested.

He recognized it at a glance as a high-level martial arts of horizontal training type.

If it could be obtained by him, it might be able to be integrated with his own martial arts.

"You...you want to get Mr. Kong's unique skills?"

Kong Sheng's expression changed.

"Yes, everyone cooperates so well, you won't suffer, and I don't have to waste time. Everyone gets what they need, isn't it perfect?"

Jiang Shi said in a calm tone: "Otherwise, if I torture you, you will suffer enough, and I will be in a bad mood. In the end, everyone will be jealous of each other. Wouldn't it be too harmful to the harmony?"

Kong Sheng's heart turned rapidly and he gritted his teeth.

Damn Jiang Shi! What a vicious schemer!

Keep him alive without killing him, that was his original intention!

A smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I do know a thing or two about the secret skill practiced by Manager Kong. It is a secret skill called [Giant Nerve]."

"Giant nerve?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "What a good name. Please tell me the specific scriptures."

"If I tell you, can you really let me go?"

Kong Sheng opened his mouth tentatively.

"That's natural. I, Jiang Shi, have always been honest and honest. I always tell the truth."

Jiang Shi spoke solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll say it."

Kong Sheng nodded, with a vicious sneer in his heart. He immediately deleted and deleted important parts of this scripture, deliberately tampered with some of its profound meanings, and began to describe it to Jiang Shi.

As long as these mysteries have not been tampered with, one must be extremely cautious when cultivating. If there is any slight mistake, the meridians will be disrupted and the meridians will fall into confusion.

Now that it has been deliberately distorted by him, it can be said that it is more difficult to practice. Once you practice the wrong steps, it will not only be as simple as going crazy.

Jiang Shi listened silently, nodding slightly from time to time.

More than half an hour passed.

The entire scripture was finally finished by Kong Sheng.

"Master Kong, I have a few questions. Can you answer them?"

Jiang Shi opened his mouth and immediately expressed his doubts.

What made Kong Sheng extremely horrified was that the doubts raised by Jiang Shi happened to be areas that he had tampered with.

Can this Jiang Shi find loopholes in the scriptures?

How can this be?

If this is the case, this person's talent has definitely reached the level of evil.

"This... this..."

Kong Sheng was covered in cold sweat, his mind was spinning rapidly, he smiled sarcastically, and hurriedly explained, but his explanations were also full of fallacies, and they were all mistakes.

"No, I don't think your explanation works."

Jiang Shi shook his head directly, looked directly at Kong Sheng, and said, "Are you lying to me? You deliberately tampered with the scriptures, right? Do you want me to go crazy?"

His eyes were like torches, seemingly looking straight into people's hearts.

With his [Dragon Elephant] talent, he can see through any horizontal training technique in front of him at a glance, as if he can directly see through the surface to see the essence.

He could easily see the loopholes in several modification areas of the other party.

Just like a primary school student trying to deceive a college student about arithmetic problems.

"No, no, that's how you practice."

Kong Sheng's tone was horrified and he spoke quickly.

"Really? But I don't believe it. I think these areas should be like this."

He immediately expressed his opinion.

Kong Sheng's heart suddenly became even more frightened, and he looked at Jiang Shi as if he were a monster.

Is that human being?

This guy actually deduced a complete scripture based on wrong scriptures, and he corrected all the parts that he had tampered with.

He should have practiced [Giant Nerve], otherwise it would be impossible to deduce a complete [Giant Nerve]. Is he deliberately playing tricks on himself?

"Spare my life, spare my life, Brother Jiang, I know I was wrong, maybe my memory is biased, I never meant to deceive you, please spare me."

Kong Sheng quickly cried in fear.

"So you really tampered with the scriptures?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

He came up with his opinions entirely based on his own knowledge of Heng Lian Kung Fu. Unexpectedly, it was as if he had poked this guy's weak point, causing him to collapse immediately.

"I didn't tamper with it, I must have remembered it wrong, I remembered it wrong, wuwuwuwu, please spare me..."

Kong Sheng cried in fear.

"What a mistake. How can I continue to trust you?"

Jiang Shi couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Originally, he planned to force out some super-grade skills from the other party, but the other party even tampered with the first one. Who can guarantee that he will not tamper with other skills later.

You must know that you only have a unique talent for horizontal exercises. You have no such talent for other skills. Even if you use your hands and feet, you will never notice it.

A cold light appeared in Jiang Shi's eyes, and a trace of determination flashed.


He stamped his palm on Kong Sheng's forehead, and the powerful and terrifying palm force destroyed the entire forehead of the opponent on the spot. Blood spattered and the headless body flew out, killing a tragic death.

He quickly stood up, picked up firewood from the desolate village, lit it, then took out all the remaining medicinal materials and began to continue practicing.


Another three days passed.

Jiang Shi traveled during the day and practiced at night, and never encountered anything during this period.

Finally, in the early morning of the fourth day, Jiang Shi successfully arrived at the foot of Black Cloud Mountain, a stronghold of the Black Lotus Sect.

As soon as he entered the stronghold, a group of masters from the Black Lotus Holy Cult quickly came out to greet him.

"I've met Ambassador Jiang You."

"Envoy Jiang You, you have finally arrived, please come in quickly."

"What's the situation on the mountain now? Where are Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing?"

Jiang Shi walked towards the stronghold and asked.

"The situation on the mountain is extremely chaotic now. The treasures of the Great Dragon Holy Dynasty are beyond imagination. Not only are their buried treasures, but they have actually sealed an unusually huge blessed land deep in the mountains. Around that large blessed land, four... This is a small blessed land. Our Black Lotus Holy Sect has only captured a small blessed land, but despite this, it has become a thorn in the eyes of major families. For several days in a row, old monsters have been attacking Feng Xing Dharma King and Yu Xing Dharma King. For two days, Before, both Dharma Kings were seriously injured."

A church leader said in a low voice with a solemn tone.

His name is Peng Hu, and he is the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Hall. His strength is profound and he has already reached the peak of martial arts.

"What? The two Dharma Kings are injured?"

Jiang Shi looked shocked.

"Yes, but the other members of the aristocratic families who came were not feeling well either. Almost all of them were injured. Now the mountain is in such chaos that it is difficult to tell whether they are friends or foes."

Peng Hu continued.

After all, blessed lands were involved, and so many appeared at once, almost all the major families and hidden sects went crazy, and even the masters of the alliance found it difficult to trust each other anymore.

"What about that large blessed land? Isn't there anyone fighting for it?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Of course there is, but the formation around that large blessed land has not dispersed yet, and someone observed that the formation was naturally condensed. It was later discovered by the Great Dragon Holy Dynasty, and several layers of reinforcements were added outside. Now The layers reinforced by the Great Dragon Holy Dynasty have all been broken, but the natural formation inside is difficult to break."

Peng Hu said, "By the way, it is said that Meng Fang has entered the mountain now, with the intention of targeting that large blessed land."


Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

This guy is indeed here.

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