My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 134 A head-on confrontation with Meng Fang! !

Jiang Shi's breath surged all over his body, and his muscles emerged. With the blessing of strength, his whole body grew in size. He pulled the bow string hard and shot out again.


He released his fingers, and another extremely terrifying arrow was shot out by him, making an ear-splitting roar and rushing past like a rocket.

The faces of a group of old monsters changed again. Unable to dodge, they had to join hands, roared violently, and all fired at the arrow that was shot at them.


Amidst the bursts of dazzling light, the ground shook, and countless lightning bolts flew in all directions, crackling, and the terrifying arrows were finally shattered by these old monsters.

But at the same time, the group of old monsters were also shocked by a terrifying force and were knocked back quickly. Their blood surged, their meridians tingled, their arms were scorched by electricity, and they all looked shocked.

"Didn't you say that this magical bow can only be used once?"

"how so?"

"Did Shen Gong recognize his master?"


Jiang Shi shot out three arrows in a row, and felt the repulsive force of the divine bow increasing. More intense electric currents continued to surge out from the divine bow, making a crackling sound, and rushed toward his body. Trying to knock his body away directly.

But he knew that he couldn't let go at this time.

Otherwise, those old monsters would definitely rush forward and tear him alive.

He shot and injured two old monsters one after another. He was destined to offend them and could only go to the dark side.

Without thinking, he picked up a few swords from the ground again, turned around and rushed down the mountain.

"He's leaving, chase him quickly!"

"Boy, don't go!"

A group of old monsters roared, exploded with force, and chased after them.

At the same time, Meng Fang went completely crazy over there. He was dragged down by the madman one after another, making him extremely cold. The strength in his body exploded, and his body was like a furnace. He rotated the phoenix wings and the gilded boring machine and smashed the madman repeatedly. Vomiting blood, both arms were completely shattered.

Then he hit the madman on the shoulder with a blow, and with a bang, one of the madman's arms was chopped off, spurting out a large amount of golden blood, and then swept across the madman suddenly, and the terrifying force directly knocked the madman hundreds of meters away. Far.

His face was gloomy, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his arms were still in a scorched state, and he chased Jiang Shi at high speed.

Continuously fighting with the madman, even he would inevitably be seriously injured.

The madman's bloodline returned to his ancestors and was extremely terrifying. He was almost no weaker than him. More importantly, it was difficult to kill, which caused him great trouble.

He also used a forbidden method to suppress the madman.

"Those who steal the divine bow will die!"

Meng Fang's voice was cold and extremely terrifying. His body seemed to shrink to an inch, and he chased after him almost instantly.

As soon as Jiang Shi rushed down the mountain, he sensed an extremely terrifying aura, which made his hair stand on end. He was frightened. He didn't dare to hesitate at all. He turned around suddenly, put a long knife on the bowstring, and pulled hard. Open the bowstring.


The light was dazzling, the air flow roared, and the entire divine bow seemed to burn instantly. More lightning emerged, and the Kui Niu pattern on it seemed to come alive, making a deafening sound.


Jiang Shi shouted loudly.


An extremely terrifying beam of light rushed out instantly, making a thunderous sound, like a Kui cow rushing out. The light was terrifying and extremely dazzling, and it shot towards Meng Fang's body at high speed.

Meng Fang's face was cold and he was extremely fast. He had already learned the power of the divine bow. His whole body quickly moved sideways to avoid the long knife. At the same time, the gilded phoenix-winged drill in his hand hit the long knife hard.



There was an explosion, lightning splashed, and the long knife that had just been shot exploded almost instantly, like a cannonball, and countless lightnings swept around.

Even so, his body was still staggering, and was once again affected by the powerful lightning, and the burnt blackness on his arms became even more serious.

His eyes were cold, his black hair was flying, his body was terrifying and upright, and his whole person had an indescribable magical power.

The other direction.

Many old monsters who were chasing from the hills finally rushed down the mountain. Their expressions changed and they quickly stopped. A pair of gloomy eyes looked directly at Jiang Shi and Meng Fang at the front.

Damn it!

Meng Fang actually blocked the other party's way!

"Little brother, if you can shoot Meng Fang, you will become famous today!"

An old monster who was three and a half meters tall and looked like a rock showed a sinister smile and spoke.

"Yes, if you shoot Meng Fang, this magical bow will be yours!"

"We can help you and help you kill Meng Fang!"

"As long as you kill Meng Fang, you will be famous all over the world!"

The other old monsters also laughed ferociously and said.

There was silence in every direction.

Everyone watching was shocked and in disbelief.

They witnessed too many things today, and every one of them was shocking.

First, Meng Fang was injured by the magic bow and his blood flowed. Then, even though he was seriously injured, he was able to defeat the madman and cut off one of his arms.

Meng Fang deserves to be called Meng Fang.

It cannot be shaken at all!

But now there is another mysterious strong man, and he seems to want to confront Meng Fang head-on!

Who is this!

Jiang Shi frowned, looked at the people on one side, and then looked at Meng Fang in the front, his heart gradually became heavy.

Although he didn't want to collide with Meng Fang now, it was just that the situation was so critical that he didn't dare to hesitate at all.

Meng Fang's murderous intention was too serious. He hesitated just now. Even if he didn't die, he would still be seriously injured. He had to take the lead in firing his bow!

At this moment, being caught between two forces, it really feels like riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.

"It seems that there are too many people who want to die today. I will help you one by one."

Meng Fang's tone was cold, his body was tall and burly, and there was a powerful and terrifying aura on his body. He walked forward step by step, with an aura that forced people's hearts.

Jiang Shi's heart sank, and the second sword was placed directly on the bow string, and he pulled it open again. With a bang, lightning appeared, the sound was deafening, and it was aimed at Meng Fang again.

Meng Fang's eyes turned cold, but he had no intention of stopping. His feet were steady and strong, and he continued to walk forward, as if he didn't care about Jiang Shi's threat at all.


Jiang Shi no longer hesitated and released the bow string directly, and another terrifying beam of light rushed out.

Then he put all his weapons on the bowstring one by one, and fired them all quickly.

After firing the weapon, he directly grabbed a branch on one side and used the branch as an arrow to send out a bright beam of light.

Even though during this process, Shen Gong continued to repel him and his palms were scorched with electricity, Jiang Shi had no intention of letting go.

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying arrows struck Meng Fang one after another, each one with a terrifying aura, like a meteor, making an ear-splitting roar.

Meng Fang's body changed, reaching the extreme speed, leaving countless afterimages, his face was cold, and he quickly dodged.

But soon he discovered that more and more arrows were being fired, and it was difficult for him to avoid them completely. His arms, ribs, thighs, and cheeks were hit by arrows one after another. They were hit by lightning and were all burnt black and bleeding. .

This is extremely incredible to him!

Today he was shot and injured by an old monster who had undergone a blood exchange at the seventh level, but the person in front of him looked like he had just successfully exchanged blood, and he was actually able to shoot him!

What's more important is that the opponent's strength is endless, as if he can't use it all.

Even the old monster in the seventh level of blood exchange could only fire one arrow, but the opponent directly fired dozens of arrows.


Meng Fang shouted to the sky, the sound shook the entire area, and the strength in his body was condensed to the extreme. He used more than one super-grade martial arts, and his body began to become angry and became more terrifying. He waved the gilded phoenix wings in his hand, Start a head-on confrontation with these arrows.

The arrows were so dense that he had no choice but to dodge them.

Boom boom boom!

There were terrifying roars, countless lightning bolts raging everywhere, and the entire area was in chaos.

He was carrying countless arrows, killing them, and approaching at high speed. His eyes were cold and terrifying, and he vowed to kill Jiang Shi.

His power is terrifying.

Under such a dense rain of arrows, Jiang Shi was able to survive, smashing countless arrows, and constantly closing the distance with Jiang Shi.

However, the arrow exploded, and the lightning power contained in it rushed towards his body over and over again, causing the injuries he had sustained from the madman's shock to begin to worsen. Blood began to flow from the corners of his mouth, and his body became staggering.

In the blink of an eye, countless arrows were shot out.

Jiang Shi fired his bow at high speed and retreated towards the dense forest behind him at high speed.

Meng Fang's eyes showed blazing anger, and he smashed dozens of arrows again, knowing that he could no longer advance. The injuries left by the madman were getting worse. If he continued to advance, the consequences would be unimaginable.


He stomped the soles of his feet and moved his entire body sideways again. His face was gloomy and his eyes were terrifying. His body appeared in another direction, staring at Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's arms tingled and his body trembled, finally stopping. Despite Guiyuan's continuous treatment, this heartbreaking pain was still unavoidable.

What's more important is that the power of this magical bow is constantly getting stronger. It has tried to escape its control several times. It really seems to have a life. It's very weird and weird!

The entire area became silent again.

Everyone was shocked.

Meng Fang was really shot and injured by an unknown soldier today, and he was forced to retreat!

When this spreads out, it is simply incredible.

However, this also shows how extraordinary this magical bow is from the side!

For a time, many people's eyes had a bright luster.

Especially those old monsters who blocked Jiang Shi before had terrifying eyes, staring at Jiang Shi.

Today, a junior can shoot and injure Meng Fang like this. If this magical bow is in their hands, they can completely kill Meng Fang!

Amid everyone's shock and confrontation, the area covered by the divine light began to change again. The layers of strange light were like ripples, twisting and spreading outward.

Then another depressing and terrifying aura came out.

Everyone's expressions changed and they quickly looked back.

This time, three rays of golden light flew out from inside. With a bang, waves of flying sand and rocks flew directly into the sky.

After flying out, the golden light on the outside instantly dissipated, revealing the body inside.

Everyone exclaimed.

"God's arrows, my God, there are also God's arrows!"

"Hurry and grab those magic arrows!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as the three ancient golden arrows flew out, they made a piercing sound, flew from high in the sky, and disappeared from here in an instant without knowing how fast they were.

Almost everyone beat their chests and feet with hatred and expressed regret.

Those three divine arrows must be matched with the divine bow.

Once such an arrow is attached, the power of the divine bow will inevitably be brought into full play.

Even Jiang Shi was shocked and watched the golden arrow disappear into the distance. After the golden arrow disappeared, the big bow in his hand struggled even more fiercely. Endless lightning rushed out and covered his body. go.

This time, Jiang Shi really felt like he couldn't hold it anymore, and the stinging pain in his arms became even more intense.

Without thinking, he turned around and left.

But a group of old monsters were as fast as lightning, blocking his way and not wanting to let Jiang Shi leave easily.

Even Meng Fang's eyes were cold and he rushed over again.

Jiang Shi's heart was extremely gloomy, and he quickly picked up a long knife again, put it on the bowstring, and confronted everyone.

The expressions of all the old monsters changed and they stopped again.

Meng Fang also looked gloomy over there, staring at Jiang Shi, and said Binghan: "Put down the divine bow, I will let you leave. With your strength, you cannot keep the divine bow!"

"Thank you, but I don't quite believe you."

Jiang Shi spoke coldly.

Meng Fang said no more, holding a gilded phoenix-winged boring machine, with a tall and terrifying body, and faced Jiang Shi coldly.

However, their confrontation did not last long before it was broken again.

As the three golden arrows rushed out, the layers of divine light that originally covered the periphery of the Great Blessed Land dissipated as quickly as the tide at this moment.

At the same time, a sound similar to a dragon's roar came out from inside, loud and deafening.

"The restriction is lifted! The land of great blessing appears!"

"The Dragon Bone is born!"

"Hurry up!"

Almost everyone screamed in surprise and rushed towards that area with great joy.

The expressions of the many old monsters who were chasing and blocking Jiang Shi changed. They turned around suddenly and rushed over without thinking.

Only Meng Fang, with cold eyes, was still confronting Jiang Shi.

However, at this moment, another change occurred.

Just as the layer of divine light outside the Great Blessed Land dissipated, another layer of powerful ripples suddenly spread out from there, sweeping across like ripples in an instant.

Directly covering a radius of more than ten miles.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed and they exclaimed.

"My strength is gone?"

"How could this happen? My strength is gone!"

"It's normal for Dafu to suppress all its strength. Don't panic, rush in!"

Someone started drinking.

Even Jiang Shi and Meng Fang instantly felt a layer of sacred and boundless aura directly covering their bodies, causing their strength to disappear quickly.

Meng Fang and Jiang Shi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and their eyes turned cold.

Meng Fang's expression was cold, and he looked at Jiang Shi as if he were looking at a dead person. He picked up the gilded phoenix wings and walked forward slowly, "It's time to end."

Without its strength, it would be difficult for this divine bow to exert its power.

With his innate physique, he will be invincible to anyone present!

"Really? I don't think so!"

Jiang Shi also spoke coldly, without the slightest intention of escaping. His entire body suddenly began to enlarge rapidly on the original basis, and thick veins and muscles began to emerge quickly in the surface area of ​​the body.

The energy and blood of the eighteen holy elephants!

This time!

The clothes were hung directly on the body like rags.

The entire body instantly reduced to a terrifying height of about 2.2 meters, and all the muscles on the body shone with bursts of bronze.

His physical body alone in normal state has a strength of 300,000+.

Coupled with the energy and blood of the eighteen holy elephants, the physical body is so strong that it can be called abnormal, and [Guiyuan] can restore blood at any time!

So what if I was born a King Kong?

He wants to give it a try today!


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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