In the dark and steep forest.

The owner of the Iron Wire Gate was panic-stricken and sweating like rain. He was running away in the distance at all speeds, his feet whirring as he stepped on the ground in a panic.

However, as he rushed out, the tension and uneasiness lingering in his heart not only did not diminish, but became more intense.

He couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

damn it!

What are the Kong people doing?

Didn't it mean that Kong Daorong led the masters to attack from Qianshan?

Why haven't you seen it yet?


As he was running away in panic, an unusually shrill scream suddenly came from behind him.

He listened with eagerness and fear in his heart, that was clearly the voice of the Master of the Peacock Sect.

The leader of the Peacock Sect, exchange blood for the third level. The strength is almost the same as him, but the speed of saving lives is slightly weaker than him, and now he died tragically.

If he had known this, he should not have agreed to Kong's coming!

As he was getting shocked, an unusually rapid and harsh sound was approaching quickly from behind, as if something terrible and heavy was approaching quickly.

The master of the Iron Wire Sect was so frightened that he quickly dodged and moved away without even thinking.

A corpse flew past him, almost touching his body, and hit a big tree more than ten meters in front of him with a bang.

The moment he saw the corpse, the Iron Line Sect Master's eyes widened in shock.

Master of the Peacock Sect!

Is this the body of the Peacock Sect leader?

He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to run away at this moment. He threw himself to the ground, raised his hands in the air, and howled loudly.

"Sir, spare your life, I didn't kill anyone..."

Jiang Shi, who was chasing after him at a high speed, frowned, stopped instantly, appeared in front of him, and looked at this burly man with tears on his face.

"You are so greedy for life and afraid of death, how dare you imitate other people's methods of extermination and robbery?"

"Jiang Shaoxia, spare your life. I didn't steal anything. I was forced. I can't do it if I don't come. The Kong family is forcing me..."


The words just fell.

One of Jiang Shi's palms instantly grabbed his face, and with a sharp and terrifying clasp of his five fingers, the entire face of the Tiexian Sect Master was scratched to pieces, with blood dripping from his mouth as he screamed miserably.

"Listen, I don't care if you were forced or not. Now I want to know what your actions are tonight? Why do you dare to attack the Black Lotus Holy Cult? Where is the leader of my sect? Tell me everything about your plan? "

Jiang Shi's tone was cold, he firmly held the Tiexian Sect Master's face and spoke.

"I said, the Kong family took the lead tonight in order to test your Black Lotus Holy Sect. We were all deceived by the Kong family. The Kong family told us that their Supreme Elder led experts to attack the Black Lotus Holy Sect from Qianshan and let We attacked from the back mountain, but we didn’t meet anyone from the front mountain at all. As for the leader of the Black Lotus, he was lured away by Master Wuji. I don’t know what the situation is now..."

The owner of the iron gate spoke in pain.


Jiang Shi's eyes were slightly cold.

Master Wuji leads the Black Lotus leader away?

Another Wuji real person appeared for no reason!

"How strong is this Wuji real person?"

"Unfathomable. He is also an old monster who has not traveled around the world for many years. It is is said that he had a relationship with the leader of the Black Lotus. I don't know which one is weaker and stronger between the two."

The Iron Gate owner responded

"Then who is the master of the Kong family who led you to attack the Black Lotus Sect tonight? What is his cultivation level?"

Jiang Shi's tone was indifferent, "The four Kong masters who came in with you before don't seem to be weak either. Are they the ones taking the lead?"

"It's not them. There is another person named Kong Gaoyun. He is the fourth elder of the Kong family. He is now living in a family home in Sanshi Town. Kong Gaoyun is extremely resourceful and has always been known as the wise star of the Kong family. Tonight we are all being He lied, he asked us to work with the Kong family to deal with the Black Lotus Sect, but in fact it must be us who are playing pawns!"

The owner of the iron wire gate cried and opened his mouth.

These were all questions he had just figured out.

He is alert and quick-thinking. He figured everything out the moment he escaped from the Black Lotus Holy Cult. Now, in order to survive, he naturally shook everything out.

"Kong Gaoyun? What strength?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"The fourth level of blood exchange is at its peak!"

The master of the Iron Line Sect said in pain, "Young Master Jiang, I really didn't kill a disciple of the Black Lotus Sect. I just came to fish in troubled waters!"

"Be good, I won't kill you, but in order to prevent you from escaping, I will leave some means."

Jiang Shi's tone was calm.

Click! Click!

He struck like lightning and quickly broke off the Iron Wire Sect Master's limbs and threw him among the rocks. Then he thought in his mind and looked into the distance.


Jiang Shi's body swayed and he quickly disappeared from this place.


The night is still dark.

It was pitch black.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing a bright and huge moon, shining brightly around the fields, giving the entire mountain forest a faint sheen of brightness.

Three Stone Town.

The three figures were in tattered clothes and were moving very fast, with bulging muscles and veins all over their bodies. They were like three huge giants, rushing forward at high speed in the dark, towards one of the wide buildings.

Whoosh whoosh!

They didn't even knock on the door, they just flashed past the wall.

In the yard.

Kong Gaoyun, who was waiting attentively, changed his expression and quickly looked up.

"Three elders, could it be that the Black Lotus Holy Sect really has other secrets?"

He quickly came over and asked.

Otherwise, this group of people wouldn't be in such a mess!

"No, it's not other details, it's Jiang Shi. Jiang Shi's strength is beyond expectations and unimaginable. All of us were wrong. Elder Kong Ning was also killed. You can't stay here for a long time. Leave quickly!"

An elder of the Kong family panted heavily, made a decisive decision, and shouted.


Kong Gaoyun's face was instantly shocked.

But he was extremely decisive. Without thinking, he immediately started to move quickly.

He didn't even pack his things, and immediately rushed out of the courtyard.

The three elders immediately guarded him tightly, each moving as fast as the wind.

Along the way, Kong Gaoyun could no longer hold back and began to quickly ask about the specific situation.

The four elders all carry secret treasures on their bodies, which are a kind of [divine walking talisman], which is extremely mysterious. When activated, their speed can increase rapidly in a short period of time, and they can get rid of all pursuing soldiers.

As a result, Elder Kong Ning was also killed in this case?

Could it be that Elder Kong Ning didn’t even have time to activate the [Magic Talisman]?

"Wrong, we were all wrong. The sudden explosion of Jiang Shi was beyond our reaction. We didn't even have the chance to use the [Magic Talisman]..."

An elder spoke angrily to explain.

However, just when they had just rushed out of the town, their words stopped suddenly, their faces changed, their bodies all stopped, and they all looked outside the town.

Under the bright moonlight.

A tall figure, about two meters taller, with red skin all over his body and burning air flowing from his pores, had stood here quietly for some time.

Within his body, it was as if there were invisible air waves spreading to the surrounding areas, and each spread would bring ripples in the air.

An unimaginable destructive wave emanates from the opponent's body, as if this is not a person...

It's an engine equipped with a super powerful motor...

"Jiang Shi!"

An elder of the Kong family shrank his pupils, showing shock.

What a speed!

The other party came in pursuit so quickly!

"It's interesting. I was thinking just now that this town is so big that it would take some effort to find it, but I never expected that you guys actually came out on your own initiative."

Jiang Shi's eyes were surprised, his voice echoed under the night sky, his eyes were indescribably bright and captivating, and when they fell on the bodies of several people, there was a faint feeling like needles.

"So, are you ready?"

"Gao Yun, leave quickly!"

An elder of the Kong family yelled, and without thinking, he grabbed Kong Gaoyun, stepped on it with the sole of his foot, and with a bang, terrifying explosive power spurted out, and his whole body was like lightning, shooting backwards in an instant.

The moment they were shot backwards, a jade pendant appeared in their hands, and they activated it with all their strength, lighting up pieces of strange red light, blessing themselves, causing their speed to surge instantly, and they turned around and fled at high speed into the distance.

The other two elders of the Kong family around him all did the same. They took out the same jade pendants at almost the same time, activated them one after another, and fired electricity into the distance.

Jiang Shi's expression changed, and he hurriedly chased after him. He stepped forward with two thighs, as fast as an afterimage, and chased after him at high speed.


Lightning step!

Whoosh whoosh!

Pieces of harsh air kept coming from his ears, making a harsh sound.

Jiang Shi exerted his speed to the extreme, but even so, he still couldn't catch up with them. Even the three people in front were still faintly speeding up, as if they were constantly widening the distance.


Jiang Shi was furious, he didn't believe it in his heart, and his two thighs were chasing him madly.

At the same time, when he was passing by a mountain forest, he grabbed a lot of stones, came up and threw them towards the front.

In this case, the power of the stones thrown by him was even more indescribable.

As soon as the stones were thrown, they began to burn. The flames were completely formed by friction with the air, like missiles.

Boom boom boom!

A stone fell in front, causing an explosion.

Pieces of ear-piercing sounds continued to sound in front of them, the ground shook, and it was entirely caused by the falling of these stones, and countless air waves were surging around.

The four figures who were fleeing at high speed in front were all frightened.

damn it!

This Jiangshi is about to be as good as Shangmengfang!

Is that human being?

call out!

Jiang Shi kept throwing stones while chasing wildly. Under such a dense throwing of stones, even though the speed of the four people in front was extremely fast, some people were still hit by his stones.

A small stone was filled with indescribable power. It hit an elder, and the front and back of his body were shattered on the spot. He let out a scream and flew out with such force that his internal organs exploded.

The remaining two elders were even more frightened and did not dare to stop at all. They were still running forward desperately.

But soon, under such dense stones, another person was hit by the stones.


Blood burst out and screams were heard.

An elder was shot in the shoulder by a stone, and the entire shoulder disappeared, as if it had been eaten away by a monster. It was so miserable that he flew away.

Even Kong Gaoyun screamed and covered one ear tightly, his facial features twisted in pain.

Just now a pebble flew past his ear.

Although there was no real hit, with just a wipe, his entire ear disappeared, including half of his cheek.

"Hurry, faster, ah!"

Kong Gaoyun screamed miserably.

The elder of the Kong family who was holding him roared angrily, and the jade pendant in his hand seemed to be burning. The red light burned brightly, causing his speed to surge sharply again.

Jiang Shi chased and threw the stones wildly all the way. He threw the stones seven or eight miles away. There were constant explosions in the front, and the roar was deafening. The scene was terrifying.

Amid the chaotic roaring sounds, there were bursts of shrill screams.

But it's a pity that Jiang Shi didn't completely keep the two people in front of him after all.

The other party's jade pendant was very strange, and the dense forest blocked his sight. It quickly disappeared completely, forcing him to stop.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Shi looked ugly

But suddenly he thought that two other people had been hit by him before, so he turned around and rushed towards the woods behind him.

Not long after.

Jiang Shi discovered the two Kong elders who had just been shot by him in the chaotic forest.

One person was hit in the shoulder by him, and the entire shoulder disappeared. The blood was dripping and the pain was excruciating.

The other person was hit in the chest by him, his front and back were translucent, his internal organs were turned into flesh, and he had already died miserably in the mountains and forests.

It seemed that even a master of the fifth level of blood transfusion would not be able to survive when all his internal organs were shattered.

Jiang Shi stared at the Kong master who was hit in the shoulder and groaned in pain, strode over directly, glanced around, and quickly picked up a dark red jade pendant not far away, and said: "What is this? "

"The magic talisman, but its power is limited. It can only be used three times. You have no chance. The three chances have been used up long ago."

The elder of the Kong family laughed sadly.


With a cold voice, Jiang Shi walked over, directly mentioned the elder of the Kong family, and rushed towards the church.

When passing through the dense forest at the foot of the Black Lotus Mountain, he even picked up the previous Iron Wire Sect Master and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

As soon as the owner of the Tiexian Sect saw Jiang Shi catching an elder of the Kong family coming over, he immediately cursed and sprayed a mouthful of bloody phlegm into the face of the elder of the Kong family.

"You stupid Kong family, you are so immoral, you have no son, and you dare to take advantage of us. You deserve this end, bah!"

He had an angry expression on his face and was merciless, scolding the other party as hard as he could.

If it weren't for the other party, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

"Shut up!"

Jiang Shi spoke coldly.

The owner of the Iron Line Gate immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to say any more.

Not long after.

Jiang Shi has returned to the top of the mountain again.

I saw that the entire chaotic mountain top quickly returned to calm under the treatment of Dharma King Fengxing and Dharma King Yuxing. All the disciples in the sect were busy dealing with the battlefield.

"Take all those who were left alive into the dark cell. I want to interrogate them!"

Jiang Shi spoke coldly.

"Yes, Ambassador Jiang You."

King Fengxing had a complex expression on his face. He was deeply shocked by Jiang Shi's performance. He immediately waved his hand and quickly escorted the masters from the aristocratic families whose limbs had been torn off by Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi walked towards the dark cell with Elder Kong and the Master of the Iron Line Sect in his hands.


Dark mountain forest.

The roaring continued, and a huge formation was operating at a high speed here, forming patches of terrifying white light, like an upside-down sea bowl.

Around Haiwan, there were Kong Daorong, the owner of Qingyi House, the head of the Zhang family, and the Jiuxuan old monster from Daoshan Mountain. The four of them were huge, with protruding veins and blood boiling on their bodies. They were doing their best to use their skills towards the person in front of them. The evil bright white light surges away,

Within the white light, there was a constant earth-shaking roar, as if some extremely terrifying giant hand was struggling. With a bang, a black hand the size of a water tank rushed out, completely shattering the bright sea bowl.

Kong Daorong's expression changed, and he roared angrily. His body seemed to be hit by a backlash, and he flew out on the spot.

The owner of the Qingyi building, the head of the Zhang family, and the old monster Jiu Xuan also did the same. They spurted out a mouthful of blood and were thrown away on the spot.


The terrifying body of the leader of the Black Lotus, Chen Xuantian, rushed out of the sea bowl again, with blood burning all over his body, his muscles bulging, and he was ferocious and huge.

As soon as he appeared, there was murderous intent in his eyes, which was terrifying and unpredictable.

However, he did not chase down Kong Daorong and the four others, but rushed directly towards the Black Lotus Holy Cult.

He was lured away from the mountain, and the remaining power of the Black Lotus Holy Sect will certainly not be able to stop the major families.

Maybe Jiang Shi has been captured at this moment!

Even the entire Black Lotus Sect can be destroyed by others.

"Kong Daorong, I won't let this happen today, ah..."

The voice of the leader of the Black Lotus was terrifying, echoing in the dark night, like a mad beast, which was shocking.

"Chen Xuantian, you won't live long, I'll wait for the day you die!"

Kong Daorong also looked grim and shouted angrily.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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